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 A teacher is a person who provides education to pupils

(children) and students (adults).

 The role of a teacher is formal and ongoing, carried out at

school or other place of formal education.

 The role of teacher in society is both significant and valuable

 Students are deeply affected by the teachers , they will try to

follow their teacher.

 An effective teacher understands that teaching involves

performing multiple tasks to ensure that the school runs

smoothly and all students receives quality education
Definitions of teacher
According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan ‘the teacher’s
place in society is of vital importance. He acts as
the pivot for the transmission of intellectual
traditions and technical skills from generation to
generation and helps to keep the lamp of
civilization burning’
Definitions of teacher
According to secondary education commission, “
every teacher and educationalist of experience
knows that even the best curriculum and the most
perfect syllabus remains dead unless quickened into
life by the right method of teaching and the right
kind of teacher
According to Manu, “ A teacher is the image of
According to Sir John Adams, “ The teacher is the
maker of man”
Role and responsibilities of a teacher
Role and responsibilities
 Role is the part played by somebody in a given
social context, with any characteristics expected
patterns of behaviour that it entails.
 The variety of roles can ensure that teachers can
find ways to lead that fit their talents and interests
 The roles of the teachers are
Roles of a teacher

Individual role Faculty role
Instructional role
 Planning and organizing courses
 Creating and maintaining a desirable group climate
 Adapting teaching and preparing instructional materials
 Motivating and challenging students
 Teaching involves may activities
 Supplying information needed and its source
 Explaining, clarifying and interpreting
 Demonstrating
 Serve as a resource person
 Supervision
 Evaluation
Faculty role
 Vary according to the philosophy, objectives and setting
of teaching institution,
 Chairperson/chair women, secretary or member of one
or more committees
 Counselor of students
 Researchers
 Resource person to groups outside the institution, other
schools and health agencies
 Representative to professional nursing organizations
 Public relation agent
Individual role
 As an individual teacher plays persona role
 As a member of family, religious group, a community
and a citizen.
 Dignified, distinct personality
 At the individual level, teacher plays various
As a
As an controller As a
provider facilitator

As a Roles at As an
planner level assessor

As a resource As a role
creator model
As a
Teacher’s role
Teacher as a controller
 Most common role
 Complete charge of class and activity
 Control not only what the students do, but also
what they speak and what language they use
 Maintain class discipline
Teacher as facilitator
 Focus is on the students learning
 Adopt student-centered approach
 Facilitate professional learning opportunities
among staff members is very important role of
teacher leaders
 When teachers learn with and from one another ,
they can focus on what most directly improves
students learning
Teacher as learner and planner
 Constantly taking classes and attending
professional development sessions
 Regularly collaborate with one another
 Analyze test results
 Design lesson plans
Teacher as an assessor
 Most important tasks of the teacher
 Organize feedback
 Offer correction and scoring
 Communicated to students
As role model
 Role models are people who set good examples by
words they speak and by the actions they take
 Students tend to copy the behaviour and mannerism
of teachers
 The ideal teacher is one who through his thoughts,
words, deeds, gives and an impression of an
honest, upright life which can serve as a model for
the students
Teacher as lecturer
 Act as coach when students are involved in project
work or self study
 Provides advise and guidance and helps students
clarify ideas and limit tasks
 Provider of information in the lecture context
 The teacher is seen as an expert who is
knowledgeable in his or her field, and who
conveys that knowledge to students usually by
word of mouth.
Teacher as a tutor
 This is the role that teacher plays when students are
doing projects on their own or are involved in self
 The teacher will help them limit the task by
showing the errors in the first versions of their
 The individual and personal contact gives students
a real chance to feel supported and helped and this
improves the atmosphere in the class
Teacher as an observer
 Monitor students during activities to give them
useful and individual or group feedback
 During observation avoid drawing attention to
Teachers as an information provider and evaluator

 It is the responsibility of the teacher to facilitate the

student use of the resources by overcoming any
deficiencies in the materials and by integrating them
with the curriculum
 Teachers are facilitators of learning, providing students
with the information and tools they need to master a
 Teachers also play a major role of evaluators, constantly
assessing students abilities through formal and inform
assessments, providing suggestions for improvement and
assigning grades
Teacher as a resource material creator

 Offer help to students when ever need

 Make himself available so that the students can
consult when they wish
 Should not make students over- reliant on teacher
Teacher as a prompter
 Encourage students to participate and provides
suggestions on activities
 Should not make students dependent
 Encourage students to think creatively
Teacher as curriculum planner
 Plan and implement educational programmes
 Assess course and curriculum delivered
 Assessed through
 Students feedback
 Peer evaluation
 Assessment of the product of the educational
Teachers role in the society
 A teacher is a member of society. He/she lives and
works in the society. A teacher plays his role
towards society in two ways :
 Inside the school by preparing students for effective
 Outside the school by assuming the role of a social
worker and an agent of social change
Broad classification of a teachers role

 Teacher as an agent of social change

 Teachers role in community welfare
 Teachers role in elimination of social tensions and
 Teachers role in international understanding
 Teachers role in pupil development
Teachers multifactorious role in pupil development

 Confident  Role model

 Democrat  Evaluator
 Detective  Moral educator
 Ego supporter  Parent surrogate
 Equalizer  Rationalist
 Facilitator of learning  Problem solver
 Friend and philosopher  Reformer
 Group leader  Resource person
 Guidance counselor and  Secularist
helper  Upholder of the norms and
 Initiator values
The class room teacher : roles and responsibilities

 Class room teacher as manager

 Class room teacher as social skills/ behavioural
 Class room teacher as academic coach, mentor.
Guide and instructor
 Teacher as collaborator
Teacher as manager
 Taking attendance
 Respond to illness
 Collect numerous forms
 Orders materials
 Create an atmosphere for learning
 Responds to parents mails
As social skill behavioral
 Coaching and mentoring related to social skills and
 Teachers works day in and day out with students to
develop their abilities
As academic coach, mentor, guide and teacher as

 Need to relook at professional responsibility in

academic relation
 Restructure the roles, schedules and responsibility
related to academic instruction
 Respond to students and families
As collaborator
the teacher must,
 Attend the morning assembly
 Address the students on moral principles, social and
environmental issues
 Follow the conduct rules notified
 Maintain the teachers diary with lesson pan
 Punctuality
 Evaluate the students
 Conduct regular meetings
 Prepare well in and each aspects of lesson
 Link the topic with previous knowledge
As collaborator
the teacher must,
 Develop and use relevant teaching aids
 Use different methods and techniques of teaching
 Interact with students
 Give activity and application
 Maintain cleanliness and discipline
 Appoint monitors for different duties
 Make attendance of students in the class register
 Durating of board with noble work of great personalities
 Display clearly the time table of the class
The teacher should not
 Leave the assembly or the class unattended at any
 Stand in groups and gossip during the assembly
 Use only ‘telling method’
 Use guides , help books, as they hamper the
thinking process
 Humiliate a child or resort to corporate punishment
Functions of a teacher
 The main functions are
 Character development
 Effective teaching and learning
 Curriculum development and implementation
 Adjusting individual differences
 Class room management
 Evaluation of pupil performance
 Developing good family and community relationship
 Total school effectiveness
 Professional growth and ethics
Character development
 Teacher creates an atmosphere which helps the
student to build his character and develops a
respects for the rights, privileges and opinions of
 Teacher set a standard
 Help to develop socially appropriate behaviour
 Encourages each pupils thinking and action
Effective teaching and learning
 Formulate the objectives of teaching and plans well
ahead for teaching
 Prepare adequately before the class
 Select suitable learning material and AV aids
 Constantly evaluate the activities
 Develop desirable work and study skills and habits
 Report pupils achievement to parents
 Help poor students to facilitate learning
Curriculum development and implementation

 Helps in the developments, implementation and

evaluation of curricula
 Participate in curriculum revision and innovation
 Serve as a member of curriculum committee and
brings the problems related to curriculum
Adjusting individual differences
 Understand the importance of individual difference
and follow various techniques
 Apply the basic knowledge of educational
 Develop a sense of personal growth and value
among pupils
 Maintain discipline
Classroom management
 Assign responsibilities to pupils
 Maintain discipline
 Takes care of all records and registers
Evaluating and reporting pupils performance

 Conduct periodic tests

 Periodically evaluate the assignments
 Inform parents about the progress by PTA meeting
and by progress records
Developing good family and community relationship

 Participating in parent-teacher and similar activities

 Participate in community affaires
 Making himself available to parents at scheduled
 Shows a helpful, sympathetic and understanding
attitudes towards parents and their children's
schooling problems
Total school effectiveness
 Accepting responsibility
 Cooperating with all coworkers and exchange ideas
 Executing all required school regulations and
assignments on time
 Taking positive steps for developing and
maintaining faculty and students morale
 Contributing constructively to committees, faculty
meetings, and other school system groups
 Primary function is to organize education
 Set routines and create order
 Delegate responsibilities
 Determine goals and activities for the class
Build relationships
 Spend time for talking to students
 Understand students
 Sharing of information
Teach discernment
 Simply disseminate information from a single
source and equip students with ability to assess
and sort through information themselves
Make learning fun
 One of the fundamental rule of teaching
 Inspire students to go out and learn on their own
 Involving them in the choice of subject matter and
 Emphasize on projects
Functions of teacher
 Teachers are required to understand the need of every child
 Material education
 Education for becoming good human being
 For divine education
So that they can face the realities of life in the new millennium
 Teacher act as a medium to achieve the objectives of
excellence coupled with equity and social justice by way of
imparting quality of education without discrimination so that
they become physically fit, mentally alert, emotionally
balanced and spiritually sound
Characteristics of a teacher
 Good communicator
 Act calmly
 Good sense of humor
 Good time management
 Fair attitude
 Dedication
 Command over the subject matter
 Meticulous and have an eye for detail
Characteristics and functions


Kenneth Eble, The Recognition and Evaluation of Teaching, 1971

Analytic and synthetic approach
 Discuss points of view other than his/her own
 Contrasts implications of various theories
 Discuss recent developments in the field
 Present origins of ideas and concepts
 Give references for more interesting and involved
 Presents facts and concepts from a related field
 Emphasizes conceptual understandings
 Explains clarity
 Is well prepared
 Gives lectures that are easy to outline
 Is careful and precise in answering questions
 Summarizes major points
 States objectives for each class session
 Identifies what he/she considers important
Instructor-group interaction
 Encourage class discussion
 Invites students to share their knowledge and
 Clarifies thinking by identifying reasons for questions
 Invites criticism of his /her own ideas
 Knows if the class is understanding him/her or not
 Has interest and concern in the quality of his/her
 Has students apply concepts to demonstrate
Instructor –individual student interaction

 She has genuine interest in students

 Is friendly toward students
 Relates to student as individuals
 Recognizes and greets student out of class
 Is valued for advise not directly related to the
 Is accessible to students out of class
 Respects students as persons
 Is a dynamic and energetic person
 Has an interesting style of presentation
 Seems to enjoy teaching
 Is enthusiastic about the subject
 Seems to have self confidence
 Varies the speed and tone of his /her voice
 Has sense of humor
Characteristics of effective
 Master of his/her subject, competent
 Lectures well prepared, orderly

 Subject related to life, practical

 Students, questions and opinions encouraged

 Enthusiastic about his/her subject

 Approachable, friendly, available

 Concerned for students progress

 Has sense of humor, amusing

 Warm, kind, sympathetic

 Teaching aids used effectively

Edward Sheffield, Teaching in Universities-No One Way,1974

Characteristics of great teachers
 They get right down to business
 They teach at a fast pace
 They use variety of instructional strategies
 They stay with their subjects
 They use humor
 They have command of their classes
 They interact with the students
 Give immediate responds to student questions or
Lea Ebro, Instructional Behaviour Patterns of
Distinguished University Teachers,1977
Characteristics of great teachers
 Provides corrective feedback
 Use probing questions
 Praise correct answers with an observation based on answer
 Provide a warm “classroom climate”
 students are free to interrupt at anytime
 Spontaneous introduction of humor
 Nonverbal behaviour
 Use gestures frequently
 Walk around as they talk
 Extensive use of eye contact
Lea Ebro, Instructional Behaviour Patterns of Distinguished University Teachers,1977
Teaching skills and teacher competency
A-Z of teaching competencies
A. Alert M. Motivation
B. Bravity, brisk, brilliant, bright N. Need based
C. Clarity, cooperative O. Objectivity
D. Devotion and discovery P. Practice
E. Enthusiasm and evaluation
Q. Quick and quality
R. Relationship
F. Feedback
S. Stimulation
G. Goal setting
T. Tolerance
H. Honesty, hard work and humor
U. unbiased
I. Involvement V. Variety
J. Judicious W. Warmth and wisdom
K. Knowledge X. x- raylike
L. Linking learning Y. Youthful and
Z. Zeal
 Caring
 Establishes rapport and enthusiastic, friendly and open
 Knows individual students
 Helps student achieve learning success
 Speaks with persuasion
 Shows flexibility, serve as a coach, referee, leader and
 Listen with care
 Confident in own personality
 Knowing
 Brings order and harmony to difficult material
 Provides lucid, clear presentation of ideas
 Matches instructional behaviour and design to learning
 Works well with individuals, small and large groups
 Teaches and leads by doing
 Holds expert power
 Confident in own skills and knowledge
Competencies for good instructor
 Analyses course material and learner information
 Assure preparation of the instructional site
 Establish and maintain instructor credibility
 Manage the learning environment
 Demonstrate effective communication skills
 Demonstrate effective presentation skills
 Demonstrate effective questioning skills and techniques
 Responds appropriately to learners needs for
clarification or feedback
 Provide positive reinforcement and motivational
 Use instructional methods appropriately
 Use media effectively
 Evaluate learners performance
 Evaluate delivery of instructions
 Report evaluation information
Technical skills of teaching
 Stimulation
 Set induction
 Silence and non verbal cues
 Reinforcing students participation
 Fluency
 Questioning
 Illustration and use of visuals
 Lecturing
 Reinforcement
 Communication
Qualities of a teacher
Qualities of a teacher
“A great teacher is one a student remember and
cherishes for ever”
 Teachers have long lasting impacts on the lives of
their students and the greatest teacher inspires
students toward greatness
 Great teacher must have
 An engaging personality and teaching style
 Clear objective for lessons
 Effective discipline skills
 Good class room management skills
 Good communications with parents
 High expectations
 Knowledge of curriculum and standards
 Knowledge on subject matter
 Passion for children and teaching
 Strong rapport with students
Acronym of a teacher
• Tact • Efficiency • Adaptability
• Tolerance • Enthusiasm • Affection
• Truth • Ethics and etiquette • Alertness


• Hard work
• Character • Humility
• Clarity • Honesty
• Constructiveness • Humor
• Creativity • Human relations

• Eagerness • Rationality
• Efficiency • Relationship
• Emotional stability • Resource fullness

Acronym of a humanistic teacher

T •Temperance

E •Empathy

A •Academic aristocracy

C •Commitment

H •Humor

E •ethics

R •Reflection
Essential qualities
 Qualities relating to professional requirements
 Qualities relating to character and personality
 Qualities relating to human relationships
 Qualities relating to professional educating and
Qualities relating to professional requirements

 Love of the profession

 Love for students
 Knowledge of child psychology and educational psychology
 Mastery of the subject matter
 Preparation
 Skill in questioning
 Thirst for knowledge and experimental spirit
 Interest in co curricular activities
 Punctuality
 Professional ethics
 Use of teaching technology
 Knowledge of aims of education
 Judicious use of praise and blame
 Awareness of departmental rules and regulations
Qualities relating to character and personality

 Character and personality of the teacher

 Patience
 Emotional stability
 Good vitality
 Good memory
 Good voice
 Just and impartial
 Humor and laughter
 True to his commands
Qualities relating to human relationships

 Cooperative attitude
 Democratic attitude
 Political neutrality
 Religious tolerance
 Self analysis on the part of teacher
Qualities relating to professional education and

INC and university have prescribed the syllabus

and qualifications required to be a teacher in
nursing. The government and departments of the
states have prescribed minimum academic and
training qualifications for different categories of
Qualities of a professional teacher
 Good motivator
 Role model  Good leader
 Good guide and counselor  Mastery over the subject
 Effective organizer  Professionally well groomed
 Good administrator  Responsible and creative teacher
 Keen observer, supporter and  Kind and patient
listener  Well balanced personality
 Maintain good human relation  Friendly in nature
 Good communicator  Effective utilization of resources
 Researcher  Employs varied teaching
 Good evaluator approaches
“The influence of a good teacher can never be erased”


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