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The life of the

The seerah!
By Al-Firdaws

• A summary of the previous lecture &

some other important matters
to remind the people of
• New words
• Todays topic –
the lineage of the prophet peace be u
pon him.
• End of todays topic
Arabic words will
be used
The summary
of the
The importance of the seerah

Allah is all knowing

How following the prophet
Muhammed would bring you much

The  Death does not befall Allah!

summary of
Allah says;
 Every soul will taste death. And We test you
˹O humanity˺ with good and evil as a trial,
the previous then to Us you will ˹all˺ be returned.

lecture  How will we return to Allah

Moving on.
The lineage of the prophet; 3 stages.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Authentically agreed diffrence of opinon. Without a doubt some

upon. errors.
His name is Muhammed
The son of Abdullah

The son of Abdu'mutalib
The son of Hashim
The son of Abd Manaf
The son of Qusai

The son of Kilab
The son of Murrah
The son of Ka'b
The son of Lo'i
The son of Ghalib

The son of Fihr
The son of Malik
The son of An-Nadar
The son of Kinanah
The son of Khuzaimah

The son of Mudrikah
The son of Elias
The son of Mudar
The son of Nizar
The son of Ma'ad
The son of Adnan
Phase 2;
The Son of Adnan The Son of Ad-Da‘a
The Son of Add The Son of Hamdan
The Son of Humaisi The Son of Sanbir

Iktilaf The Son of Salaman

The Son of Aws
The Son of Buz
The Son of Yathrabi
The Son of Yahzin
The Son of Yalhan
The Son of Ar‘awi
The Son of Qamwal The Son of Aid
The Son of Obai The Son of Deshan
The Son of ‘Awwam The Son of Aisar
The Son of Nashid The Son of Afnad
The Son of Haza The Son of Aiham
The Son of Bildas The Son of Muksar
The Son of Yadlaf The Son of Nahith
The Son of Tabikh The Son of Zarih
The Son of Jahim The Son of Sami
The Son of Nahish The Son of Mazzi
The Son of Makhi The Son of ‘Awda
The Son of Aram
The Son of Aid
The Son of Qaidar
The Son of ‘Abqar The Son of Ishmael (AS)
The Son of ‘Ubaid The Son of Abraham (AS)
Abraham (‫ )عليه السالم‬The son of Tarih
The son of Nahur
The son of Saru‘
The son of Ra‘u
The son of Falikh
The son of Abir
The son of Shalikh

Phase 3; Error
The son of Arfakhshad
The son of Sam
The son of Noah (‫)عليه السالم‬

without doubt
The son of Lamik
The son of Mutwashlack
The son of Akhnukh [who was said to be Prophet Idris
(Enoch) (‫])عليه السالم‬
The son of Yarid
The son of Mahla’il
The son of Qainan
The son of Anusha
The son of Shith
The son of Adam (‫)عليه السالم‬
The protection of Allah

Sheikh Assim comments; The instults people would

The prophet's lineage was throw at one another
pure, no illegal relations. The way of arabs

The most

important Ibrahim

• The creation of Adam
• When Adam was cast away from

Adam ‫َع َلْيِه‬ heaven

• The children of Adam (Qabil &

‫ٱلَّس اَل ُم‬ Habil)

• The first sin and the accountability
of Qabil & Bid'ah
- Authentic narration.
• Sent as a messenger
Nuh ‫َع َلْيِه ٱلَّس اَل‬ • Lived (iktilaf) for 950 years

‫ُم‬ The time of the flood
• Wife and son

Ham Sam Japheth

Lesson 2; The lineage of
the prophet
Arab are of 3 types

Desert arabs; The lineage

Perished Arabs; Arabs Arabised Arabs; Lineage
of Ya'qub alayhi-salam
that no longer exsist such of Ismael also called
also called Qahtanian
as Qamul-A'd wa thamud Adnian arabs

• The friend of Allah

• Did not sell his religion
• ‫ِإَّن ِإْبَٰر ِهيَم َك اَن ُأَّم ًۭة‬
The four kings of the world; 2 Muslims and 2
Sulayman Ibn
Dawood Dhul Qarayn

Bukht-anshar Namrood
The situation of Ibrahim
• Ibrahim was kicked out by his own father
• 72 idols in the form of stars or famous people such as Isa ibn Maryam
• Ibrahim debates the king
Ibrahim is sentenced to death by fire
• Massive fire that even birds could not cross
• The state of ibrahim while watching it being built
• Allah says; O fire, be cool and peaceful upon Ibrahim
• The best days of Ibrahim within the fire, Allah the all mighty
• Allah guides whomever he wishes however he wishes
- Lot and Sara
Ibrahim and Lot departs
• Ibrahim meets yet another king
• The king would violate wives the travling
• The curroption due to power
• Hijab of that time
• Ibrahim was called by the king
- Ibrahim did not lie!
- 5 types of sisters of islam
- Imam Ahmed and Shaf'i
• Suicide is never an option
• Sara requests for wudu and
The diffrence • The king was unable to reach
between the law of her
• The king gives a gift, hajar
Allah and the human • The iman of Sara
Hajar and Ibrahim

• Hajar was young & Sara could not beget

• Sara was not jealous of Hajar!
• The state of Ibrahim
“My Lord, make this a secure city and
provide its people with fruits – whoever of
them believes in Allah and the Last Day.”
Surah Baqarah Ayat 126
The • Hajar runs from safa to marra 7

• ZamZam comes fourth
• The Arab tribe see the birds
• There are no police, fbi,

runs dry
instagram or anything!
The return of Ibrahim
• Abraham said, “O my dear son! I
have seen in a dream that I ˹must˺
sacrifice you. So tell me what you
The reply of Ismael
• He replied, “O my dear father! Do
as you are commanded.
Allah willing, you will find me ste
Ibrahim returns once

• He visits the house of his son

• ''How is life?''
• She replied''Horrible!''
• He said ''Change the entrance to your
Ibrahim returns for
the third time
• He visits the house of his son
• ''How is life?''
• She replied ''Alhamdulillah!''
• He said
''keep the entrance to your d
The status of the father!

• Gates of jannah
Jurhum was attacked
Lesson 3; Light has
vanished from Makkah!
Ismael dies
• Jurhum lost to Khuz'ah (Another
• Did Khuz'ah destory Tawhid?
• A'mr Ibn A'miir Ibn Luhai Ibn
Kuhaz'i (The leader)
• Very religious
The charrecter of - 10,000 Camles
A'mr - Takes care of obligations
- Just, smart etc..
• Is he in hell or heaven?
Shirk has entered Makkah
• A'mr went to Sham
• Shirk is no diffrent from following your desiers
• Hubul the brownish stone enters makkah (‫)العقيق‬
- They would throw arrows at it
Tawhid stands in
the way
‫ ِإَّن ٱْلَحْم َد‬، ‫ َلَّبْيَك اَل َش ِر يَك َلَك َلَّبْيَك‬، ‫َلَّبْيَك ٱل ُهَّم َلَّبْيَك‬
‫َو ٱلِّنْع َم َة َلَك َو ٱْلُم ْلَك اَل َش ِر يَك َلَك‬

The translation of this is, “I respond to

Your call O Allah! I respond to Your
call. You have no partner. I respond to
Your call. All praise, thanks and
blessings are for You. All sovereignty
is for You. And You have no partners
with You).'”
The religion of pagans
The man and woman turned to stone
The seerah E5; The birth of the holy
prophet ‫ﷺ‬
4 sons

The lineage of the prophet Asad Abu Saifi Nadlah

Hashim Salma

Abd Manaf 5 daughters

Ash-Shifa Khalidah Da'ifah

Jannah Ruqaiyah
Abdullah Aminah

The prophet of
Allah Sources; Ibn Hashim, At-Tabari & some
• His name was 'Amr but called Hashim
• The first to sopped soup to the pilgrims
• Started Quraish's journey of summer and
• Was a merchant, and went to medinah
where he met Salma and got married
• Left for Syria and died in
Ghazzah Palestine while Salma was
pregnant with Abdul-Muttalib
• The responsibility of taking care of
pilgrims went to Al-Muttalib Abd manaf
Abdul Mutalib

Al-Muttalib heard of him and took him back to makkah (with

Salma's consent)

The people mistook him to be the slave of Al-Muttalib

Nawful unlawfully took the duties of Al-Muttalib

- Abu sa'd Ibn 'Adi, his mothers brother came to assist

The dream of zamzam

Abyssinian viceory in yemen

Built a large church in San'a'

Abrahah As-
The man from kinanah tribe sneaks in at night
sabah Al-
An Army of 60,000 warriors & 9-13 Elpahents
Stopping at the valies

The birds
Aminah and • Aminah is a high-ranking woman in
Abdullah get society
• Abdullah Is a businessman
married - He goes for a trade to Sham
- Abdullah goes to visit his family in
• Abdullah dies at 25 while Aminah is
pregnant (Iktilaf) (Ibn Al-Qayyim)
Abdullah and Aminah are not Muslim

The prophet ‫ﷺ‬

Where is my The fabricated
father? hadith
The inheritance of Abdullah
• 5 camles
• Some sheep
• A slave (Umm alaymen, Barakah)
- The reports of the birth will be by her
- The beauty of Islam (Birth of the prophet)
Aminah had an easy birth

Aminah had a dream, a light came out of

my womb until I saw the palaces of
syriah (Ibn kathir, Shaykh Al-Albani, Al-
Hakim, At-thabi)

A light came from the womb of Aminah
that lit up the room (witness of 2 others)

birth Clear indications of a prophet coming by

the standard of Ahlul-kitab (The jews
moved to Makkah, the jews promised to
be with the prophet, a star etc..)
Aminah's dream

The Angels say that she is pregnant with the leader of the

The Angels taught her Athkar

They said ''You will name him Muhammed'' ‫صلى هللا عليه‬
The sayings of the Persians

The church that

The fire that burnt fell to ruin (i.e the
14 pillars of kisra
for 1,000 years report of the
The sayings of Mujahid (Tabi'I)

Iblis cried loudly 4 times

When he was cursed

When he was thrown out

When the prophet was sent

When Surah fatiha was sent

The sayings of the hindu
His father name His mother name
He will be born in He will be the last
will be the servant will be peaceful
a desert land avatar / messenger
of God and calm one

He will travel on a
His food will be He will be from an He will be inspired horse like creature
dates and olives honored clan by God in a cave which will take
him to the sky

He will be born on
He will get devine
the 12th of the Etc...
help in battles
• Born circumcised

• Jibril circumcised
(The authentic narration say he was
circumcised on the 7th day)

narrations • The prophet having no shadow

The prophet is a light?
When is the prophet

• The difference of opinion

• The year of the elephant
A summary of today's
Let the members summarize!
The end of • What will the next lecture be
• Praise be to Allah the all mighty

the lecture!
and may peace and blessings be
upon Muhammed and his family
and companions.

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