Fundamental 1 Holy Scriptures

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Fundamental Belief 1


• Divided into Old and

New Testaments
• Old Testament – Law,
History, Wisdom,
Major& Minor Prophets
• New Testament-
Gospels, History, Letters,

In this Word, God has

The inspired authors
The written Word of committed to
spoke and wrote as
God, given by divine humanity the
they were moved by
inspiration knowledge necessary
the Holy Spirit.
for salvation
• It was written by more than 40 authors living on three different
continents over a span of 1,500 years—yet its words were
inspired by God
• He inspired human authors and through them He
communicated His will to the rest of humanity (2 Peter 1:20-21).
• Key elements in this process are God's inspiration of all
Scripture, the incarnation of the Word, the role of the Holy Spirit
and the transformation of human words into the Word of God
• 2 Timothy 3:16 even describes Scripture as “breathed out by
God,” and “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for
training in righteousness
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105,
• Scripture holds instructions, wisdom, and guidance for every
decision we might face, serving as a roadmap for life.
• The Bible’s pages are full of wisdom, telling us what God asks of
us and how He wants us to live.
• the Bible tells us how God created humanity to be perfect, how
humanity lost that perfection, and how God has been fighting to
restore us ever since.
• The Bible is the story of humanity’s flaws and failures overcome
by God’s love and forgiveness.
• Humans fall short at making things right, but God will always
come through.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105,
• This is another way the Bible serves as a roadmap.
• It reveals our own tendencies, the flaws that came along with
our fallen nature.
• It tells us the stories of people who struggled to live in a world
full of both good and evil, the choices they made, and how God
worked in their lives. I
• t gives us examples of both what to do and what not to do,
instructing us on the reasoning behind the doctrines we practice
and the choices God wants us to make.
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105,
• the Seventh-day Adventist Church was born, led by Christians
who wanted a deeper understanding of God’s word.
• the more they read and devoted themselves to Bible study, the
more they learned about who God is and His love that goes into
each of His instructions for us.
•A book written over such a
long span of time by so many
different people of diverse
backgrounds contain one
cohesive message
• God gave us the Holy Scriptures so that He
could reveal His character, and this is
wonderful news!
• We know how God is like and what He wants
from as we answers in His Word.
• God further revealed His will and His desire
for our hearts through Jesus, His son, when
He sent Him down to earth to be our Messiah.
• The four gospels of the New Testament give
us a detailed account of Jesus’ time on earth,
demonstrating God’s character and His love
for us.

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