Reflective Analysis (1)

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Reflective Analysis

Assessment 1
Objective of Initial reflection
The purpose of this reflective assessment is to help you become aware of your thinking and how it
can be used in describing, analysing and evaluating learning experiences

Write a 1000 words initial reflection, using an established reflective model (e.g. Gibbs Reflective
Cycle 1988 or Driscoll Reflective Model 1994) and relevant aspects of topics covered in Module 1
and 2. The topics may include but not be limited to business environment and reflective business
practices, business structures and government regulations; including economic principles. Please
note that you are required to identify and adopt only ONE (1) reflective model.

1. How do you define business?

2. Why did you choose this course?
3. What kind of past experience (or interest) do you have in this area?
4. How has your experience (academic, work, etc.) prepared you for this course?
5. As you think about the future, how might you apply your studies in later life?
What kind of goals would you like to set for yourself with regards to this


How to apply reflective model in Assessment
1. evaluating your experience of an event, process or activity, (points 2 & 3 on
previous slide)
2. analysing the reasons for the things that have gone well and less well (point 4 on
previous slide)
3. learning from the experience to improve or refine your performance if a similar
situation arises again (point 5 on previous slide)
Key points to consider:

• Brief description of your initial understanding of Business Environment and Economic Principles. Justify your
choice of studies; identify how your studies relate to your own experiences and how you may apply your
knowledge in the future.
• Carefully analyse your previous experiences and current expectations. It should be clear and
succinct and demonstrate that you have short-term and long-term goals as well as an
understanding of what you want to do with your degree.
• Please note that the reflection is about your course of study and career projections. You need
to integrate some (learned) theoretical implications of this subject into the reflection.
For example,
embarking on an MBA program is to
change your profession
start a new business
advance your career
you need to reflect (consider) on the consequences/implications of some business environment issues
- stakeholders, business structures, macro and micro environments (these topics will be covered in the
following weeks)
Structure and Format:
Please structure the reflection as follows:
• Cover sheet with student details (student name, ID number, Subject code & name, Assessment
number and title, LF name) You DO NOT NEED a formal Uni cover sheet
• Introduction – objective of Reflective practice/why am I doing it AND definition of business in
your own words
• Main body:
Brief identification and explanation of your reflective model and its stages.
Use the reflective model stages as headings to address the suggested reflective points
• Conclusion
Reference List

1. Look back at something that happened

2. Analyse what happened
3. Think carefully about why it happened
4. What can you learn from step 3
Become more self-aware. It can be challenging as it might bring back Anxieties, mistakes and failures.
You should
• use ‘I’
• Keep it Formal. No slang/casual language
• Have it Well structured
• Link to literature (referencing)
• Clearly state what you have learned from the process (refer to terms you learnt from our 2, 3 & 4
My expectation in your submission

May be a ‘Pass’
I was surprised that I got the job when all my friends were rejected an offer
This sounds like an average personal diary.
Probably a HD
There is high unemployment rate in my country as supply of graduates is far more than the demand for them
(some news reference). There has been economic downturn and businesses have been closing down due to
the pandemic (reference). These news were discouraging and I was very tense before going for the interview
but was surprised it went well. I was able to answer most of the questions. As XYZ (2001) says, preparing ahead
for a presentation is always the best path to success. On reflection, I realise that I had prepared conscientiously
and practiced my answers effectively, which helped me to respond well.
Note that I have included WHAT happened, WHY it happened, some trigger that happened in the environment
and applied theory with references
• Lines in this colour are typical Business environment example
How do you bring in references
• The political climate in Australia is stable (reference), which will be
conducive for a sole proprietorship (reference).
• The business I own is defined as a small business (reference)
• XXX ( ) state that strong and innovative management skills are essential
for a business to run efficiently. TEXT book reference
• Government regulations have affected international student working
hours (reference)
• The special grant offered by the Australian Government (reference)
saved my business from incurring losses
Please review and provide minimum of 7 reference sources — four (4) academic
(textbooks and peer reviewed journal articles) and three (3) other (newspaper
articles, business/trade publications, and

substantiated website publications) sources. Please note that references to

‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources are not acceptable.

Use APA (7th ed.) referencing style for both in-text citations and reference
listing. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills

Please do translate to English. Please do not reference foreign sources, unless

absolutely essential.
Please go to and type in code

Knowledge and Understanding 30%

Application of knowledge and 30%

reflection to practice

Effective communications 30%

Correct citation of key resources and 10%

FAQs/Important points to remember
1. How can I bring in references in my personal situation?
Please refer to slide 9
2. 1000 words limit. +/- 10% is allowed, meaning, 900 to 1100 words
3. Submission will be online. NO RESUBMISSIONS WILL BE POSSIBLE
Assessment 1

Initial Statement of Intent (Individual)

1000 Words (20%)
Due Date:
11:59 pm AEST/AEDT Time, Sunday
At the end of Module 2


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