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Georgetown Public Hospital


Ashley Romero Vancooten, USI 1045754

Data Collection
Data collection is a methodical process of acquiring and measuring
information on variables of interest in order to answer inquiries, evaluate
hypotheses, or examine results.
Type of data collection used at the Georgetown
Public Hospital
Interviews Observations

Interviews are personal conversations with Observations require witnessing and

individuals to obtain extensive information documenting behaviours, interactions, or
about their experiences, attitudes, or behaviours. occurrences in natural or controlled
Case study
Case Study: 33-Year-Old Pregnant Mother Seeking Support.

Background: The client, a 33-year-old mother of two, arrived at the hospital after being shoved by her
spouse after a furious fight. She stated that, while disagreements are regular in their relationship, this was the
first time her partner resorted to physical assault. She had mention her intentions of not wanting to spend her
life with her child father. The client is now pregnant and concerned about her unborn child's health. She also
voiced concern for her kid, who is not attending school, and stated that she is not currently working.
• The intervention in this situation would aim to
safeguard the safety and well-being of the
pregnant client and her child at home, address the
current crisis of domestic violence, and give
support and resources to assist the client in
making informed decisions about her relationship Purpose of
and future.
• The intervention would also try to empower the
client by guiding her through her options, rights,
and accessible support resources, as well as
aiding her in drafting a safety plan to protect
herself and her children from additional and
further violence.
Feminist theory understands power dynamics, gender
roles, and interpersonal inequities. In this case, the Application
client's experience of being abused by her spouse and her
wish to work and get the financial resources she and her
children need, and quit the relationship indicates a desire
for autonomy and liberation from an oppressive
Intervention Strategy
Emotional Pregnancy Referral to Relationship
Support Care Legal Counselling
Acknowledge the Ensure that the client Provide information Provide couples
client's sentiments of receives adequate and referrals to counselling services to the
worry, and uncertainty. medical care during her domestic violence- client and her husband in
Provide counselling or pregnancy, while being specific legal services. order to address the
therapy to assist her in at hospital, including Help the client underlying issues in their
processing the trauma frequent check-ups and understand her legal relationship that may be
caused by the recent monitoring for any rights and choices for causing conflict and
occurrence and issues from the previous getting a protection violence.
developing coping attack. order or bringing
mechanisms. criminal charges
. against her spouse.

Finally, this case emphasizes the need of taking a complete, feminist theory approach to resolving

intimate partner abuse. The social worker should collaborate with the client to create a safety plan,

offer emotional support, and refer her to options such as counselling, legal aid, and shelter

services. By empowering the client to make educated decisions about her safety and future, the

social worker can assist her in navigating this difficult circumstance and moving towards a life

free of violence.
● Bhat, A. (2024, April 16). Data collection methods: Types & examples. QuestionPro.

● Data collection. (n.d.).

● Roe, J. E. a. M. (n.d.). Feminist Theory – Theoretical models for teaching and research.
Presentation Template: SlidesMania

Images: Unsplash

Fonts used in this presentation: DM Sans

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