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Kelompok promosi

Ika fitriani panjaiatan (21510047)

Angel Lasmauli Marpaung (21510075)
Christina Aprilia Sibuea (21510058)
Michael A.Butarbutar (21510067)
According to the Indonesian dictionary, a wholesaler means a trader who sells goods in
large quantities. Generally speaking,'s broker is a business model that involves
selling a product in great quantities to another trader called a retailer.One of the
characteristics of wholesalers is that they cannot serve final consumers. They can only buy
goods from manufacturers to sell back to other traders.
in addition, wholesalers usually buy goods from manufacturers at a low price. Then, the
goods will be sold back to the retailer with a certain price difference. From that price
difference, the wholeners take advantage. That price is also called the price of wholever or
the price charged to the retailers for a certain amount of purchase.
Wholesale advantages: Get lower purchasing prices from manufacturers in large quantities.
Distribution of goods is simple because it only reaches the retailer, not the end
consumer.Wholesale disadvantages: The profit margin per unit of goods is lower.Facing
challenges in inventory management or storage of assets of goods.

On the basis of the goods sold, the wholesaler is divided into two other
The Specialist Wholesaler, which includes merchants who sell specific goods only and do not
store stock of goods. Usually they know exactly what they're going to sell later. The general line
wholeseller, which can be said to include a merchant who sells various kinds of items and
generally chooses a particular line and sells a number of brands, such as medicines, food,
textiles, and so on.
Retail is one way product marketing covers all
activities involving the sale of goods directly to the
end consumer for personal and non-business use. The
organization or person who runs this business is called
a retailer.

Some things to be prepared to start a retail business of

course to prepare a few things before opening a retail
enterprise is so
Below are the initial steps in starting a retail
businessmething to do.
Capital: The first thing you need to pay attention
before starting a retail business is to have adequate
capital for the establishment of the business. Capital
can cover several things, for example, the operating
costs of the store, the purchase of stocks of goods, the
rental of the sales site, marketing, up to the salary of
What kind of product are you going to sell? Per this
question is often the initial problem for entrepreneurs
who are still confused about the main business product.
Don't worry, business name must have trial and error to
reach the point of success.Supplier In the retail business,
the supplier is the party that has stock of goods for you to
buy. Look out and choose suppliers who already have a
good history in running their business. It could potentially
interfere with collaboration for some time to come.
Retail Trader Function
As you know, a shoe factory must be located differently than a fan factory. Retail business is able to provide bot
in one location. In other words, the retail business makes it easy for consumers to get a variety of
products/services in one place.

When consumers need a product, they can easily buy the product through retailers. Consumers do not have to
bother buying the product by going to the factory directly. In other words, retail provide a variety of products that
are always available when the consumer needs them.

Helping to Promote Products The other function is to help promote products to consumers to the maximum.
Retailers not only sell, but also help educate consumers on the products they sell.

Last market observation tool, the retail business becomes a means of observing the market. Because, retailers are
in direct contact with consumers and know the product is in trend. This makes it easier for traders to analyze the
product to be bought back or temporarily discontinued. So the cycle of a product can be awakened .
Retail trade or now often referred to as retail trade, even abbreviated
as retail business, is the business of selling goods or services to individuals for their own,
family, or household needs (Ma’ruf, 2006:7). Retail business today is developing very
rapidly, seen from the number of retail companies that are starting to emerge.

Indonesia is a country with great opportunities and potential in the growth of retail
business as it has the fourth largest population in the world. According to Pudjianto,
Chairman of Aprindo (Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association), in 2014, the existence
of retail business in Indonesia has had a positive impact on hundreds of local
suppliers/distributors who can market their products as well as open a wide range of jobs.
Advantages Of Retail Business
Some businessmen say that retail is a long-lasting business. Why? Here are some of the advantages of retail
business that can be considered.Apart from some other factors that are determinants of a business's success, some
small have the potential for you to reap more profits.This is because of the system of the retail business itself.
Although the purchase of the product is done in the retail, but you can tap different kinds of products according to
the business plan and strategy you have. So, this will potentially bring in a lot of consumers because your business
has lots of products to offer.The price of the goods you stock in retail is generally more expensive if purchased in
wholesale. But, you can still count that value to get a profit margin.
kasus: 20 BUMN managed to enter the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 by 2024

20 BUMN Indonesia managed to enter the

Fortune Southeast Asia 500 by 2024. BUMN
Minister Erick Thohir appreciated this access
as evidence of a well-running transformation.
In the list, there are companies such as
Pertamina, PLN, BRI, Bank Mandiri, Telkom
Indonesia, and others. This achievement is
regarded as a booster of spirit and motivation
for the entire human race to continue to
contribute to the progress of Indonesia.
Indonesia's entry into the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 by 2024 has a significant positive impact on
the Indonesian economy. Here are some of the implications:
1. Locomotive of the National Economy: This achievement proves that BUMN has become a
locomotive for the national economy, making a major contribution to the economic growth of

2. Motivation and Enthusiasm: This recognition is a motivation and a booster of enthusiasm for
the entire human race to continue to contribute to the progress of Indonesia

3. BUMN transformation: This success is also proof of the well-running transformation of

BUMN, indicating that efforts to improve and improve the quality of BOMN have been

4. Economic growth: BUMN's entry in the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 also shows that
Indonesia's economy is growing much faster than Europe or America

5. National progress: This achievement is proof of national progress, showing that Indonesia has
become one of the countries with great potential in economic growth

Retail and wholesale refers to different sales systems, with retail means direct sales to the end
consumer and bulk means mass sales to major traders. In the case of BUMNs that enter the Fortune
Southeast Asia 500, they focus on company revenue and income, not related to retail or wholeness
sales systems.
Although the retail and wholesale industries are not directly related to the success of the 20th BUMN
entering the Fortune Southeast Asia 500 by 2024, there are some connections that can be drawn:
BUMN's role in distribution and logistics
•. Many BUMNs operating in infrastructure sectors, such as Pelindo, Marga Services, and Pertamina,
play an important role in smooth distribution and logistics of goods. It supports retail and wholesale
activities by providing adequate infrastructure for product movement from producer to consumer.

• Empowering UMKM and improving competitiveness

• Some BUMNs, such as Food and Fertilizer, have UMKM empowerment programmes that help
improve product quality and market access for small business operators, including retailers and
wholesalers. * This contributes to improved competitiveness of local products and boosts national
economic growth, which indirectly also benefits BUMS that operate in other sectors.

BUMN's contribution to improving public purchasing power:

• BUMNs operating in the energy and telecommunications sectors, such as PLN and Telecom, provide
affordable basic services to the public. This increases public purchasing power and boosts
consumption, which is beneficial to the retail and wholesale sectors.
Although the retail and wholesale industries are not the main focus of BUMN
that is in the Fortune Southeast Asia 500, the role of BOMN in infrastructure,
logistics, finance, empowerment of UMKM, and improving the purchasing
power of the community indirectly contribute to the achievement of the

Keep in mind that the success of this 20 BUMN is also influenced by various
other factors, such as an effective business strategy, good corporate
governance, and conducive global economic conditions.
As the sun sets in the weats
We conclude with our every best.
May the knowledge we‘ve shared today,
Guide you well along your way.


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