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Synonymy and

Choosing the right synonym refines your writing. Learning common
antonyms sharpens your sense of language and expands your
vocabulary (University of Minnesota, 2015).
The usual test for synonymy is substitution: if one
expression can be replaced by another in a sentence
without change to the meaning of the sentence, then
the two expressions are said to be synonyms.
Synonymy is a relation between individual senses of
words, so that a single word typically has different sets
of synonyms for each of its senses. For example, coat
has different synonyms for its senses ‘outer garment’
(e.g., jacket) and ‘covering layer’(e.g., layer).
Other synonym terms distinguish types of semantic
overlap between words:
perfect/exact/absoulte: myopia/near-sightedness;
identical/indistinguishable; drink/beverage
partial synonym: cars/vehicle; run/sprint
near-synonymy: advice/suggestion; wage/salary/;
smart/witty; river/creek
Other synonym terms distinguish types of semantic overlap
between words:
hyponymy: shoe/footwear; accessories/ring; face cream/sunblock
register: ask/inquire/wonder; help/assist/facilitate;
start/commence/kick off; happy/content/thrilled
dialect: highway/motorway; fall/autumn; lorry/truck; lift/elevator
language variation: dog (English)/chien (French); happy (English)/
feliz (Spanish)/joyeux (French) (Ellis, 2022; University of
Minnesota, 2015; Oxford Bibliographis, 2018).
Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of
a given word (University of Minnesota, 2015).
Complementary antonyms, also known as binary
antonyms or contradictory antonyms, complementary
antonyms are word pairs where the positive use of one
means the negative use of the other.
They are pairs of words that are exclusive and have no
middle ground. In other words, they have an either-or
relationship: Something can be either one or the other
but never both at the same time (Ellis, 2022).
Complementary antonyms:
on — off
real — fake
alive — dead
Gradable antonyms, also known as polar antonyms, gradable
antonyms are opposite amounts of the same quality. For
example, far and near are gradable antonyms because they are
opposite amounts of distance. It represent a continuum
between two extremes.
Gradable antonym examples:
new — old
hot — cold
long — short
Also known as converse antonyms, relational antonyms
play opposite roles in a mutual relationship. For example,
teacher and student are relational antonyms: Neither can
exist without the other, and yet their roles are completely
different. Moreover, it involves a reciprocal relationship.
Relational antonym examples:
buy — sell
left — right
parent — child
Converse antonymy describes a relationship where one
action or state inherently implies the existence of the
other. It involves a relationship between two parties or
Relational antonym examples:
employer — employee
teacher — student
Reverse antonyms are two words that have a reverse
relationship and they are dependent pairs. Reversive
antonyms are pairs of words where one undoes the action of
the other. They are pairs of words where one concept signifies
a reversal or negation of the other.
Reverse antonyms describe the undoing or reversal of
that action, state, or process, which can be undone or
reversed. It involves changing a state from one condition
to another.

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