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History of the concept

• Information literacy first appeared in print in a 1974

report ("The Information Service Environment
Relationships and Priorities. Related Paper No. 5")
written on behalf of the National Commission on
Libraries and Information Science by "Mr
Information Literacy", Paul G. Zurkowski, who was
at the time president of the Information Industry
Association (1969-1989), in Washington D.C.

• He used this phrase to describe the “techniques

and skills” known by the information literate” for
utilizing the wide range of information tools as well
as primary sources in molding information solutions
to their problems”.
“...the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
effectively the needed information.”

Association of College amd Research Librares (ACRL)

1st Component:


The information literate can identify the

nature and extent of information needed.

Academic Examples: Real World Examples:

• writing a thesis statement • devising a search strategy to find
• check requirements needed before information on buying a new
you conduct your research home
• creating a timeline and plan to • identifying the difference between
complete a research paper a published court decision and an
• reading background information article about the court case
on a topic before researching • deciding to search for the most
• recognizing the difference current information available on a
between a library database and a medical procedure
2nd Component:


The information literate can find

needed information effectively and efficiently.

Academic Examples: Real World Examples:

• finding an article from the library • locating a website written by a
databases credible botanist to help identify
• knowing how to utilize your library wildflowers
catalog • searching public archives for
• choosing keywords and phrases to information on local history
use in a library catalog search • requesting genealogical records
• locating a book on the library through interlibrary loan
shelves by its call number • accessing a government website
• using Boolean terms (AND, OR, for local crime statistics
NOT) when searching online (e-
journals, e-books, etc.)
3rd Component:



The information literate can evaluate

information and its sources critically.

Academic Examples: Real World Examples:

• summarizing the main ideas and • researching the claims made in a
choosing relevant information of political ad on television
an article or book • scrutinizing a Wikipedia article for
• exploring different sources of accuracy
information (web, books, • checking a website for currency of
databases) to understand a topic updates
and determine accuracy, currency, • evaluating fake news from the
reliability internet
• analyzing the structure and logic
of arguments made in lectures
and speeches
4th Component:


The information literate can apply

information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.

Academic Examples: Real World Examples:

• integrating a direct quotation from • referencing experts to support a
a reference book into a research point during a discussion
paper • communicating the findings of a
• selecting information needed for patent search to potential product
your reaserach and organizing investors
your ideas
• using images from a database to
prepare a group Powerpoint
5th Component:


The information literate can acknowledge sources of information and the

ethical, legal, and socio-economic issues surrounding information.

Academic Examples: Real World Examples:

• citing an information source in the • obtaining permission before
text of a research paper copying a news story to a blog
• creating a works cited page or • giving attribution to a reposted
bibliography image on a website
• understanding what constitutes • recognizing limits and protections
plagiarism of free speech and censorship on
• utilizing Fair Use and copyright television
guidelines • downloading legally purchased

Badke, W. (2017, May 19). Foundations of Information Literacy: Learning From Paul Zurkowski.
Retrieved from

Chan Yuen-Chin, M. (n.d.). Rethinking information literacy – a study of Hong Kong University
students. [Slideplayer presentation]. Retrieved from

Martin, N.A. (2014). 5 components of literacy. [Prezi presentation]. Retrieved from

[USCUpstateLibrary]. (2017, August 30). Information literacy skills [Video File]. Retrieved from

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