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Extremism, Terrorism and Counter-

Approaches to CT

Anti-terrorism Guards, Guns & Gates Tactical Short-Term

Operational CT Kill & Capture Tactical Mid-Term

Strategic CT Creating Environment Long-Term

• Use of Force-
• Non coercive tools
• Political incorporation
• Economic Development
• Counter narrative
• Countering the ideology of terrorists
• De-radicalization
• Rehabilitation
• Organizational mainstreaming
Counter Strategies (Part II)

• Pakistan’s 3 Ds to counter Neo-Taliban

• Why the soft approaches to combat terrorism are failing in Pakistan vis-à-vis ? Of CT
• Why Pakistan is considered responsible for the failure of counter narrative of Afghanistan?

• Dialogue
• Deterrence
• Development
• Tools of 3D strategy
• Dialogue through Jirgas and Peace Agreements
• Deterrence through limited strikes, military operations, enhancing the capabilities of LEAs
• Development through Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs), Educational Scholarships etc
Pakistan’s Counter Strategy (Cont’d)

Objectives of Ds
1. Dialogue
• To win hearts and minds
• To develop a national consensus
• To demonize the enemy
2. Deterrence
• To challenge the military capabilities of the adversary
• To stop the further expansion of Neo-Taliban
3. Development
• To deny the insurgents another chance of reorganizing and reestablishing foothold in the effected
Pakistan’s Counter Strategy

Neo-Taliban (2008) Neo-Taliban (2014)

Militants’ De-radicalization:
A Case Study of Swat
Understanding Terrorism

Vengeance & Fundamentalism


Effectiveness & Vengeance



Combating Terrorism

Hard Counter- • Kill

Terrorism • Capture

Soft Counter- • Identify

Terrorism • Prevent
• Radicalization: “a process characterized by increased
commitment to and use of violent means and strategies
in political conflicts.”
Explaining • De-radicalization: “the process of changing an
Key Concepts individual’s belief system, rejecting the extremist
ideology, and embracing moderate values”
• Disengagement: “refraining from violence and
withdrawing from a radical organization”
• Types of De-radicalization
1. Prison De-radicalization
2. Collective De-Radicalization
3. Individuals Rehabilitation
What De-radicalization Does?

• Three Levels of Commitment

• Affective
• Pragmatic
• Ideological
• A good de-radicalization program must break the militants’ commitment at all three
Crafting an Effective De-radicalization Program

Focus on Incentivising
Intervention at an Sympathisers, Disengagement and Finding credible
early stage Supporters and Disincentivising interlocutors
Fighters Recidivism

Measureable Open for external
Family Engagement Post-Care
Indicators of De- evaluation
Understanding Swat Model

• Overview of different Derad Programs in Swat

• Sabawoon
• Mishal
• Rastoon
• Sparlay
• Levels of Involvement
• Jet Black
• Black
• Grey
• White
Understanding Swat Moddel

• Components of De-radicalization Program

• Mainstream education,
• Vocational training,
• Psychosocial intervention and
• Social support
• Religious Counseling
• 1860 Individuals rehabilitated
Crafting an Effective De-radicalization Program

Focus on Incentivising
Intervention at an Sympathisers, Disengagement and Finding credible
early stage Supporters and Disincentivising interlocutors
Fighters Recidivism

Measureable Open for external
Family Engagement Post-Care
Indicators of De- evaluation
From Radicalization to Violent Extremism

Pre Radicalization ( Culture Narratives )

Radicalization (literature, Audio Visual aids etc)

Extremism (Terrorism support narratives, Political engagements etc)

■Violent Extremism ( Leading role in promoting their Narratives )

Active Participation in TTP, ISIS, Al Qaeda etc.

Terrorism in all forms

Types and Forms of Terrorism

Ethno-political Terrorism

Terrorism based on nationalism

Terrorism in the name of Religion

(IPR Report 2015 by Mr. Tariq Pervez)

(Also ICRD Report in 2014)

Terrorism in the name of Religion

80 % Killed in Terrorist attacks in the name of Religion

(IPR Report 2015 by Mr. Tariq Pervez)
Areas of Violent Extremism in the name of

Against the
Against the
state / System

Against the
hostile Inter-Faith
communities extremism

Religious extremism Sect based Analysis

• The radicalization of Pakistani Society after Afghan War.

• The promotion of Salafi groups by the support of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
• The promotion of violence in Shia groups by Iran.
• Violent extremism in Dewbundi sect after the operation of Lal Masjid.
• The promotion of violent extremism in Bareelvi sect after the incident of Mumtaz Qadri.
• Root Causes:
• Terrorism supporting narratives/ books, magazines etc.
• Aggressive policies of state and International communities
• Unclear concept of Jihad
• Incomplete curriculum of Jihad in Madaris, Schools & colleges
• Unawareness about contemporary/ Islamic state system, laws, democracy system
• Unawareness of state/society about the ideological foundations of violent religious
• Autocratic and undemocratic policies
• Lack of trust on state
Pakistan Religious Culture Narrative

• Culture Narrative is very powerful

• Its developed in a long time
• Pakistani Culture Narrative is different in different areas,
• Every Sect have their own Culture Narrative
• Muslim Community have their own culture narrative regarding other Religions.
• Key dynamics in our culture narrative
Separation Parliament
of two Kashmir Gen. Zia ul
East Pakistan decision
countries issue against
Haq’s era

Tahreek Al-Qaida & its

Shia Zakat Nifaz e SSP Afghan institution
issue Jihad work for their
Fiqah Jafria narratives

Pakistani Religious
Afghan Political & American
Taliban Sectaian 9/11 Incident attack on
groups Afghanistan
narratives groups

Afghan APS&C
FATA TTP Zarb e Azab
Taliban Incident
Extremism Support Narratives

Criticism on Pakistani Constitution:

• The real purpose of the Pakistani Constitution is to establish a western kind of political state. (Ibid, 24)
• Regarding the Pakistani constitution as Islamic is nothing more than a fraud. (Ibid, 24)
Criticism on Democracy:
• Islam gives the right of legislation and sovereignty to Allah, while the democracy gives these rights to people. (Ibid, 26)
• Islam and democracy are opponents of one another. (Ibid, 32)
• Coordination with any party in democratic system is atrocity.(Bermuda Triangle and Dajjal, 109)
• Western political system is based on the Nation State Theory which is against Islam. (Kia Hamara Aaieen Islami Hai, 13)
• To unite for the superiority of the Shariah in all the judgments and to refuse all those authorities, beliefs and laws regarding to the
following conditions:
• Democracy, Based on the governance of people
• The international sovereignty, which started by victorious nations in the name of United Nations after the 2nd World War. (Waseeqa-e-
Nusrat-e-Islam (Al-Qaeda Constitution, p3))
•Caliphate and the Current State System:
• Establishment of the Caliphate System is as obligatory as prayers and fasting. (Asr-e-hazir
mai Ghalaba-e-deen Ka Nabawi Tareeqa-e-kar, 460)
• The Islamic system cannot be established without caliphate. (Ibid)
• The current election based politics is the obstacle in the way of Islam.(Ibid)
•Concept of “Dar” (Land):
• So, if we see in the light of the major jurists’ rulings it is impossible to consider Pakistan
Dar-ul-Islam. (Jihad-e-Islami Mai Ghanaim Kay Ahkam, 42)
• America is ‘Darul Harb’ (Land of War). To harm the people, wealth, properties etc. of its
inhabitants is valid. (Nai Saleebi Jang ki Haqeeqat, 11)
•International Relations and Treaties:
• Collaboration with Non-Muslims is Kufr. (Nai Saleebi Jang ki Haqeeqat,7)
• Convention on the Rights of Children (CRC) is against Islam. (Bermoda Tikon and Dajjanl, 185)
•Concept of (Ghanimat) Loot:
• Those people who, through their opinions and skills, are cooperating the crusades directly
against Muslims, or those who, through their opinions and skills, are participating in the
making & implementation of “Kufri Laws” directly, for example: prime minister, defense
ministry, interior ministry, ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of information, ministry of
finance and minister of law, along with their advisors, the high-ups and bureaucracy of all
these departments and the high military leaders who are the part of the policy..... all these
people have become Kuffar and therefore, their property and wealth is Halal for the Muslims.
(Jihad-e-Islami Mai Ghanaim Kay Ahkam, 86)
•Female Education:
• Sending female children to the schools is Haram (Forbidden) and against Sharia. (The
Remarks of Fazl Ullah, Insurgency in Swat, 74)

•Media & Westernization

• The free western culture is being promoted, the society is being sexualized through using
the sources of audios, cable network, newspaper, magazines, digests, books full of sexual
content, sign boards, mobile phones, dramas, songs, films, secular education and
Development of Organization to
Counter Religious Extremism Narratives

Research & Second Phase:

Training Wider sharing of the research Third Phase: Mass
findings among influential awareness campaign
Why to lay a foundation of an Organization

• Pakistan has not established/produced any permanent institution to counter religious

• While Al-Qaida & ISS have thousands of trained people.
• In Pakistan, at the individual level, the task is in progress but not in an organized
manner .
• This organization will strive to produce the researchers to counter the religious
extremisms at the grass root levels
Objectives of the Organization

• To promote a culture of tolerance and religious harmony among various sects and
followers of different religions, with a special focus on counter-violence and extremism
perpetrated in the name of religion.
• To encourage the acceptance of constitutional democracy and rule of law in Pakistan.
• To define & determine the true meaning of Jihad, Qital, Khuruj, Fitna and Khilafat.
• To create & exhibit an Environment, where all sects are studying together
Principles of Jihad.

Difference between Darul Islam & Darul Harb.

Proposed Democracy in the Light of Islam.
Topics for Constitution of Pakistan in Islamic Perspective.
Caliphate & Democracy.

Judiciary system & Sharia Federal Bench.

Pakistan Penal Code In Islamic Perspective.

⮚ Islam & Human Rights.
⮚ Islam & Minorities Rights.
⮚ Islam & Suicide Attacks.
⮚ International Treaties in the light of Islamic law.
⮚ The rulings of Ghaniam (Loot) in Islam.
⮚ Islam & Intersect harmony
⮚ Research based criticism on the contemporary extremism
⮚ Friendship & enmity (alwala wal bara
⮚ Promoting Peace Poetry
⮚ Case Study of LAL Masjid & Impact of Aiman al-Zawahiri Literature
Second Phase
Wider sharing of the research findings among influential
Special Workshops, Seminars,
Conferences & Debates on these
research for Ulma’s Religious leadership
& writers

Publishing of Articles in Religious Magazines

Reviews on counter Narrative books in religious Media.
Third Phase

Mass awareness campaign

Review on different Religious counter terrorism

• Model of Saudi Arab

• Model of Libya
• Al Azhar model
Pakistani model in prison
• Javed Ahmad Ghamidi model
• Dr Tahirul Qadri model
Comparison of terrorist work with Peace
Makers & Civil Society
ISIS ,Al Qaeda ,TTP Govt,Civil Society,Individuals
• Monthly Magazines • No special magazines to counter
• Social Media Campaign • No proper group to challenge the
• Our Culture narrative is totally supports • Our org does not measure it
to terrorist narrative
• Al Qaeda publishing books in every
quarter to counter the National • Our Youth concept not clear
Narrative. regarding National Narrative.
• The Terrorist Group are more devoted & • While in our society peace building
Expert like (Ustaz Faroq & Asim Umar) is became a business.
• Open Debates on Electronic Media like TV Channels, Radio etc.
• Producing Documentary or Docudramas on counter narrative
• Propagate the counter narrative literature in social media.
Titles of Terrorism Supportive Narratives books & Magazines
Basic Communication Model and Counter-
Understanding Terrorism

Vengeance & Fundamentalism


Effectiveness & Vengeance



Combating Terrorism

Hard Counter- • Kill

Terrorism • Capture

Soft Counter- • Identify

Terrorism • Prevent
Soft Measures – Environmental Level

Target Messenge
Audience r

Counter Narrative –The Revision

During Afghan Jihad –“Other Muslims who are actually infidels include anyone employed by the
government, the police, and the courts, and anyone who works for peaceful change instead of violent
jihad. In addition, those who disagree with these ideas are also heretics and deserve to be killed.”

After The Revision "Ramming America has become the shortest road to fame and leadership among
the Arabs and Muslims. But what good is it if you destroy one of your enemy's buildings, and he
destroys one of your countries? What good is it if you kill one of his people, and he kills a thousand
of yours?" asks Dr Fadl. "That, in short, is my evaluation of 9/11." Dr. Fadl
Counter Narrative –The Revision

• “Every drop of blood that was shed or is being shed in Afghanistan and Iraq
is the responsibility of bin Laden and Zawahiri and their followers”


• Imam al-Sharif – Al-Qaeda’s former intellectual figurehead


• Al-Misri Al-Yawm, Asharq Al-Awsat

• Mass dissemination through new media

Target Audience

• Egyptian Society
• Serving members of Al-Qaeda and Al-Jihad
Counter Narrative – Fiqh Jihad
• “Without jihad, the Ummah’s boundaries will be violated, the blood of
its people will be as cheap as dust, its sanctuaries will be less worthy
than a handful of desert sand, and it will be insignificant in the eyes of
its enemies.”

• Three Categories of Jihad

1. Spiritual Values, behavioral Virtues and struggle against Satan

2. Fight against the whole world, not distinguishing between those who fight
against the Muslims and those who offer reconciliation.

3. That has not slipped into the negligence of the first category and likewise,
it has not fallen into the excess and extremism of the second group.
Narrative –The Revision
the “Messenger”
Pakistani Efforts on Counter-Narrative

Sectarian Militancy ”
in Pakistan Nationalist




• Credibility of messengers
• Security of messengers
• Need to invest on young cohorts of religious scholars
• Creating dedicating chairs at universities
• Trained local mosque’s Imam
• Learning from global best practices

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