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Topic 6

Reading and Writing:

For and Against Essay

PREVIEWING is to SKIM a text before reading,

looking for various features and information that will
help as readers return to read it in detail later.

PREVIEWING a text helps readers prepare for what

they are about to read and set a purpose for reading.

PREVIEWING helps readers figure out what they

don’t know and what they want to find out.
Previewing According to Genres
To find out what readers know about the subject and what
they want to find out. It also helps them understand how
an author has organized information.

To determine something about the person in the
biography, the time period, and some possible places and
events in the life of the person.

To determine characters, setting, and plot. Readers also
preview to make predictions about story’s problems and
How to Do Previewing

If the text is fiction or biography, look at the title,

chapter headings, introductory notes, and illustrations
for a better understanding of the content and possible
settings or events.

If the text is nonfiction, look at text features and

illustrations (and their captions) to determine subject
matter and to recall prior knowledge, to decide what
they know about the subject.
Exercise: Preparing to read a text
Open Unlock Book Unit 4, page 75.
Discuss the questions with your lecturers to predict
the content of the text.
A For and Against Essay

Language Skills
Words and Phrases which can be used:
To Introduce Points in Favour/Against
One point of view in favour of … / againts … is that …
Some experts/scientists advocate/support/oppose the
view that …

To point out opposing argument

Opponents of this idea claim that …
Others oppose this viewpoint and argue that …
Some people may disagree with this idea and suggest that …
Writing the Essay
Language Skills
Words and Phrases which ca be used:
 To Make Contrasting Points
On the other hand..
It can be argued that ..
Although ..
 To State Conclusion
In conclusion, I firmly believe that …
On balance, I think it is unfair that …
(For and Against Essay)
(For and Against Essay)
(For and Against Essay – Sample 1)
(For and Against Essay)
(For and Against Essay)
(For and Against Essay – Practice 1)
(For and Against Essay – Practice 2)
(For and Against Essay – Sample 2)
For and Against Essay
For and Against Essay
So, how is the progress of your
After outlining your essay, now it is time for you to develop it to
become a draft.

1. Discipline is an ever increasing problem in modern school. Some people

think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, while others
think that this is the role of parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

2. The free markets (free movements of goods) across national borders has
long been a controversial issue. Some people argue that it is necessary
for economic growth, while others claim that it damages local industries.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

3. Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal

information, such as marital status, hobbies, religion, etc. Some people say
that this information may be relevant and useful. Others, however, disagree.
Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

4. Your own topic (note: consult to your lecturer in advance).

End of Slide
Thank You.

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