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Prepared by :- Ms. Pragati Patil

Guide Name :- Mrs.Varsharani patil
Prn no. :- 2063813823029
Class :- Final Year B. Pharm

1. Introduction
2. About the acne
3. Plant profile
4. Drug profile
5. Experimental work
6. Phytochemicals screening
7. Formulation of herbal cream
8. Results

• Now a day's the majority of Indians are affected by the persistent skin illness known as acne
• Sebaceous glands are involved in the chronic inflammatory skin condition known acne.
Propionibacterium acnes (P. acne), altered follicular keratinization, inflammation, and
androgen- induced enhanced sebum hyper- production are four primary pathophysiology.Due
to their minimal adverse effects, many now prefer using herbal products over synthetic ones.
• We create the anti-acne face cream using ingredients like watermelon seed extract also known
as Rubia cordifolia, is found close to streams and rivers.It contains additional qualities
including anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, etc. and is typically used to treat acne,
Watermelon seeds extract is filled with vitamin E, minerals contents, amino acids and
• It advantageous and mostly used to cure skin conditions. Certain evaluation test are
performed to check whether cream suitable for human skin, its checks whether cream cause
the irritancy after applying to skin or not.
About the acne
Acne vulgaris is a common cutaneous inflammatory disorder of the pilosebaceous unit,
which runs a chronic course. The condition commonly manifests with papules,
pustules, or nodules primarily on the face, although it can also affect the upper arms,
trunk, and back. AThe pathogenesis of acne vulgaris involves the interaction of
multiple factors that ultimately lead to the formation of its primary lesion, which is
known as "comedoAlthough acne vulgaris is commonly observed among adolescents,
it is not restricted to this age group and can affect individuals of various ages.The
severity of this condition can vary, ranging from a mild presentation with only a few
comedones to more severe forms characterized by disfiguring inflammatory
manifestations, which can lead to hyperpigmentation, scarring, and adverse
psychological effect. Acne refers to a variety of blemishes caused by the blockage of
pores by dead skin cells and oils emerges through a pore.4
Plants Profiles:
Morphological Characteristics: The watermelon seed (Citrullus
lanatus) is a dicotyledonous plant, and its seeds exhibit certain
morphological features.

Here are some key morphological characteristics of

watermelon seeds:

Shape and Size: Watermelon seeds are generally small, flat,

and ovate in shape. The size of the seeds can vary, but they
are typically about 1 to 2 centimeters in length.

Color: The color of watermelon seeds can range from black

to brown, depending on the variety of watermelon. Surface
Texture: The seed coat (outer layer) of watermelon seeds is
smooth and hard. The surface may have a glossy appearance.
Drug Profile

Fig.1. Watermelon seed

Here are some potential pharmacological activities associated with watermelon seeds:

Antioxidant Properties: Watermelon seeds contain antioxidants, including polyphenols, which

may help combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants play a role in protecting cells from
damage caused by free radicals.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Some studies suggest that watermelon seeds may possess anti-
inflammatory properties. This could be beneficial in managing inflammation- related conditions.

Cardioprotective Potential: The presence of certain compounds in watermelon seeds, suc as

arginine and cucurbitacin E, has been studied for their potential cardiovascular benefits including
blood pressure regulation and improving vascular function.

Anti-Diabetic Activity: Some research has explored the hypoglycemic (blood sugar-
Experimental Work:
Soxhlet-extraction of the watermelon seed Oil

Weighed quantity of the sun-dried watermelon seeds were de-

husked, dry-milled into fine crumbs with locally fabricated
electrical grinding machine. The seed mill was sun- dried
again till a constant weight was achieved using an electric
drying oven at 45 OC for six hours, to reduce the water
content, before the extraction process.The soxhlet extraction
apparatus were set up on a regulated heating mantle at 60 OC.
20grams of the seed mill were wrapped in a porous cellulose
thimble, placed in the extraction chamber containing n-hexane
and allowed to soak for 30 minutes. The mixture of the
extracted oil and solvent were separated after by heating, at a
higher temperature of 60 oc.The solvent was later recovered,
while the oil was left open in the flask for 4 hours, for further
evaporation traces of solvent.

Fig. 2
Phytochemical Screening :-
Sr. No. Test Results

1. Alkaloids +

2. Glycosides +

3. Tannins +

4. Flavonoids +

5. Steroids -

6. Carbohydrate -

Fig. 3
Formulation of Antiacne cream
Sr.No Ingredients Formulation Cream Formulation Procedure:
Heat liquid paraffin and beeswax in a borosilicate glass
1 Seed 3.5ml beaker at 75 °C and maintain that heating temperature. [oil
Extract phase]In another beaker, dissolve borax, methyl paraben in
2 Bees wax 3gm distilled water and heat this beaker to 75 °C to dissolve
borax and methyl paraben to get a clear solution. [Aqueous
3 Liquid 10ml phase].Then slowly add this aqueous phase to heated oily
Paraffin phase.Then add a measured amount of watermelon seed
4 Borax 0.2mg extract and stir vigorously until it forms a smooth
cream.Put this cream on the slab and add few drops of
5 Methyl 0.2mg distilled water if necessary andmix the cream in a geometric
paraben manner on the slab to give a smooth texture to thecream
and to mix all the ingredients properly.This method is
6 Distilled 5 ml called as slab technique or extemporaneous method of
7 Rose oil 0.1ml
Results and Discussion:-
Parameters Formulation

1.Physical a) Visual a) Homogeneity

Appearance Inspection
b) Odour b) Odourless
c) Consistanc c) Smooth
y d) Semisolid
d) State
2. Irritancy a) Irritant effect a) Nil
b) Erythema b) Nil

3. Wash ability a) Wash ability washable

4. Ph a) Ph meter 5.5

5.Viscosity a) Viscosity 1747

● .

The present work is concerned with formulation of herbal cream using citrullus
lanatus seed oil.

The formulated cream showed the anti-acne activity as per the commerical standard
and all other parameters were good and hence, it can be concluded that the
formulated herbal cream must be standardized and can be used as a promising
alternative to commercial containing anti-acne cream.
● ] Muhammad Athar Abbasi, Ayesha Kausarl, Aziz-ur-Rehman, Hina Saleem, Sadia
Zahra Siddiqui, and Viqar Uddin Ahmad, Preparation of new formulations of anti-
acne creams and their efficacy, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Vol. 4(6), pp. 298-303. June 2010.
● [2]P. Ravisankar, O. Sai Kaushik, V. Himajal, J. Ramesh, P. Pragna. Acne-
causes and amazing remedial measures for acne. Indo American journal of
pharmaceutical research 2015; 5(7):2512-2522.
● [3]Leyden JJ. Current issues in antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of
acne. Journal of European academy of dermatology and venereology 2001; 15(3):
● [4]Amita H. Sutaria; Sadia Masood; Joel Schlessinger, Acne vulgaris, Updated
2023 Feb 16] Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available

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