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Mini-Project Presentation on
Under the Guidance of,
Jayasheel I Harti
1EP19ME005 Assistant Professor, 1EP19ME011
Dept. of ME, EPCET
1EP19ME008 1EP19ME012
Overview of contents

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Components Used
4. Mechanical Components arranged
5. Advantages and disadvantages
6. Future Scope
7. Result and Conclusion
8. Reference
All vehicles have suspension framework. Just 26% of the accessible fuel energy is utilized to drive the vehicle, for example to

conquer the obstruction from street erosion. One significant misfortune is the dissemination of vibration energy by safeguards in

the vehicle suspension under the excitation of street anomaly and vehicle speed increase or deceleration. The suspension

framework primarily comprise of a mechanical spring. The goal of this undertaking is to plan a vehicle suspension framework

which can tackle the energy. In the current work, spring is a one sort of suspension framework that changes over parasitic

irregular direct movement and vibration into valuable energy, like power. In our task, we utilized spring, rack and pinion plan and

doubly took care of enlistment generator. As safeguard impact shaped, spring is packed and direct development of rack is changed

in turning movement due over to pinion moves as the rack is fit with pinion. What's more, the pinion is mounted on the shaft

which is associated with shaft of doubly took care of enlistment generator. Because of this game plan, rotational movement of

pinion is utilized to pivot generator. As generator pivot prompts age of energy. Also, this energy is utilized to charge the battery

and this put away energy is utilized for various vehicle extras like power window, lights and forced air system and so forth And

furthermore the power age is checked by utilizing PCB circuit with the assistance of VISUAL BASIC programming.
Petroleum derivatives are being overwhelmed by extremely quick rate. Likewise the expense of fuel is expanding with an exceptionally quick

rate. So someone needs to chip away at saving of the fuel utilization. Our point is to show how the dynamic energy from the suspension of a

vehicle can be used to accomplish our objective of getting most extreme energy that would somehow or another have gone waste. We

propose a plan that changes the mechanical energy in vehicles over to electrical energy considerably more productively than it has been

done previously. The power produced will then, at that point, be utilized to re-energize the vehicle battery for additional utilization for

working of the vehicle. There is a wide degree for recovery of energy like recovery of breaking deliberate. We have chosen to chip away at

usage of suspending mass of a vehicle through recovery framework with the assistance of safeguard. Safeguards are having responding

movement in it. Albeit the responding distance is extremely low the suspending mass is exceptionally high for example the mass of absolute

vehicle. At the point when vehicle is on an ordinary street then, at that point, likewise safeguards are working because of lopsided streets,

unexpected breaking or abrupt speed increase and furthermore a running conditions. So this responding movement of safeguards can be

changed over into rotating movement and through little gearbox course of action, for example rack and pinion connected to doubly took care

of enlistment generator, power will be generated when shock absorbers will respond.

GENERATOR (300 rpm)
•Shock safeguards have an incredible • Not relevant for a wide range of
for execution, taking care of and bikes.
solidness. • On smooth street power age is under
• They are most ideal decision for 4 volt.
work and extreme use vehicles. • Design of the suspension framework
• High pressure gas mono cylinder not appropriate for bike.
plan 360psi to forestall air circulation • As entire framework comprise of
and shock blur. electric wiring, so that odds of short-
• Low pressure gas twin cylinder plan circuits.
These units are useful for normal,
regular driving.

The extension for this undertaking is that it is straightforward in development and plan and has low in cost.
It is effectively mounted on the frame of the vehicle and it created 2 to 3 volts in even street and 6 to 9 volts
on lopsided bar which is adequate for charging the vehicle battery when the vehicle is in a running position.
This builds the effectiveness of electric vehicles up to 10%. Further improvement in the suspension
configuration makes it reasonable for any bikes (electric). By expanding the no. of DC engine age of force
get in creases which are utilized to charge high voltage battery. This framework can be utilized on to the
mono suspension framework by making appropriate plan. By changing this framework we can execute this
on to the electric vehicle.
Vehicle Suspension Energy Generation is exceptionally proficient and helpful in changing over the Kinetic Energy
from the development of the vehicle, particularly the suspension, which ordinarily goes squander, to electric energy
that can be utilized to satisfy requirements of the assistants in the vehicle. As of now the batteries of vehicles are
charged by explicit alternator which is appended to IC motor shaft. So the fuel utilized in cars is likewise burned
through for turning the alternator to charge the battery, this utilization is viewed as 4% of complete utilization. By
recently planned suspension, recovery framework by and by utilizing alternator is disengaged from the motor and
connected to the suspension framework. The benefit of this idea is energy stockpiling framework is conceivable
utilizing "BESS framework" and surprisingly completely depleted battery is charged by ultra capacitor utilizing high
recurrence charge regulator framework. On the off chance that we introduce this recovery framework for every one
of the 4 wheels, we can create high measure of electric power. This high measure of electric power can be utilized for
the working of vehicle forced air system or refrigeration arrangement of vehicles. This suspension framework will be
for the most part helpful for weighty packed vehicles, milk trucks, fire detachment trucks and furthermore those
having high necessity of power inside it.

[1] C.M.Pramodh, S.R.Shankapal 2013, “Regenerative shock absorber for hybrid

[2] M.Sailaja, M.Raja Roy, S.Phani, “Design of rack and pinion mechanism for
power generation at speed breakers”
[3] Zhongjie Li, Lei Zuo*, JianKuang, and George Luhrs “Energy harvesting
shock absorber”
[4] Rahul UttamraoPatil, Dr. S.S.Gawade, “Design and static magnetic analysis
of electromagnetic regenerative shock absorber”
[5] Zhang Jin-qiu, Peng Zhi-zhao*, Zhang Lei, Zhang Yu, “A review on energy-
regenerative suspension systems for vehicles”

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