Saitej b 20 1223 SEO E File

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• Saitej Parab
• B-20-1223
1. How
• Search for the service
on google.
• See the available But since our business/service is only
limited to 2km Radius of my center, There
Service providers in
are very less competitors.
and around Calangute.
• • See their ratings My business has only one competitor.
• • And anlayse your It provides a service close enough to me
compitition but the competitor teaches MMA while
my business focuses on Traditional Karate
and Self control.
2.How to use google chrome as a research

Search the Service .

• See where the centers are located
• Check the ratings of particular service providers.
• Accordingly research
3. How to beat the competition?
• See the needs of the people.
• Reverse engineer competitors.
• Try black hat SEO.
• See what is missing in your website and is present in others website.
• See where your business lacks.
• Website should also be interactive to reduce your bounce rate.
4. How to find WHY they have good search
• Reverse engineer their website.
• Study their site structure.
• Study their main customer acquisition keywords.(findin the keywords
which bring traffic in their Website)
• Finding why people like them and trying to bring better services than
Q5: how to analyze their site structure?
• Take a look at your competitor’s top content ...
• Look for keywords you have in common ...
• Identify keyword gaps you can target ...
• Analyze your competition’s backlink profile .
• Use right click , inspect.
6.How to find the keywords they use?
• By using google keyword planner you can understand your
competitors top keyword.
• You can also inspect their pages and see the keyword they are using.
• By dragging the images in new tab you can also know the keywords
they are using for their images
7. How to find who links them?
• This can also de done using the previous inspect method and studying
their site structure.
• Finding each and every link in their inspect code.
• This can be also done using slower method that is manually checking
each and every button and clickable a tags for links.
8.Explain why header tag

My header Tag “Learn Your Defense” is a brief

of what my business is all about. It tells my
visitors what my website is about ie To learn
self defense.

Header tags are very important as far as SEO

is concerned and to please the search engine
crawler Gods.
It also describes what ur page is about.
•Go to
•Enter "cache:" followed by the URL of the website you want to check.
•Look for the message that says "This snapshot was generated xx days ago".
•Use the "site:" operator followed by the domain name to check the number of cached pages for an entire website.


1) Identify competitors in the same niche or industry.
•Use keyword research tools.

Look for keywords in meta tags, titles, headings, and content.

•Analyze backlink profile for anchor text.
Monitor competitors social media activity for relevant keywords.
•Review their blog posts or other content for additional keywords.

•Use a backlink analysis tool such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, or

•Enter the URL of the website you want to analyze.
•The tool will show you a list of all the websites that are
linking to the website you entered.
•Analyze the backlinks to see where they are coming from,
what anchor text is being used, and how authoritative the
linking websites are.
•Use this information to identify potential link building
opportunities for your own website.

Organizes content into

logical sections.

Improves accessibility for

screen readers.

Helps with search engine

optimization (SEO).

Enhances visual design

and styling.
•Learn Karate in goa
•Professional karate instructors in goa
•Karate classes in baga
•Self defence in goa
•Black belt in calangute
How to choose the best domain?
How to choose the best hosting company?

Search Hostinger on google and open the website
Click on Hosting on the navbar and select web hosting.
Choose the package which best suits your website.
My service is based in Panaji, so I will choose Rs. 69/mo as I
want only one website.
Not much storage is needed for my website as there aren’t
many images and content. So, 50 GB SSD is enough for me.
How to validate website pages?
•Search w3c validation test on google and open the website.
•Enter your domain name on the address bar and click check.
•Check the errors displayed.
Optimization of file name and image names.
● Save your source code file name as index.html
● Save the image names as keywords important to your website and then copy paste the
relative path of those images when you insert them in your code.

Competitor website content and design enhancement.

You can analyse and reverse engineer your competitors website. Ther are various
tools to do so.
Wll in the case of defence artists there are no competitors that have a website.
Structure your pages.
Header tag is clearly visible and size is big enough to catch attention.
Short description about my service which is simple to read and understand.
Navbar has all the options of the entire page for easy navigation of the various sections of the page.
Gallery contains images which directly tell the users what my website is about, even if the user does not read the tag line or description.
Services and their clear images are easy to understand.
Clicking the options from the navbar redirects the user to the respective sections of the page.
Form provided to fill in basic details before booking any service so that it becomes easier for communicating with the user after booking the service.
Assess your site’s call to action buttons.

Navbar contains 4 options which represent 4 sections of the page.

Clicking on any option navigates the user to the respected section of the page.
The navbar is always on display, hence avoiding to scroll through the content each time a user wants to browse a
particular section.
In Contact us section has a form to contact the user and also the register button.
On clicking send the details are sent
Integrate social media.
• Integrating social media into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can have a positive impact
on your website's search engine ranking and overall online visibility. Here are a few ways to
do it:
1. Share your website content on social media platforms - Share links to your website content
on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This can drive traffic to
your website and also increase the number of social signals, which can improve your search
engine ranking.
2. Use social media to build backlinks - By sharing your website content on social media
platforms, you can also increase the likelihood of others linking to your content from their
own websites or blogs.
3. Optimize your social media profiles - Optimize your social media profiles by including
relevant keywords, a link to your website, and a clear description of your business. This can
help your social media profiles rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).
4. Encourage social sharing - Add social sharing buttons to your website to make it easy for
visitors to share your content on their social media profiles. This can increase the number of
social signals and backlinks to your website.
• Overall, integrating social media into your SEO strategy can help you reach a wider
Build mobile responsive

importance of mobile responsiveness in

Mobile responsiveness is critical for SEO
success as it impacts both user experience
and search engine ranking.
A mobile-responsive website can lead to
higher engagement, lower bounce rates, and
improved search engine visibility, all of
which can translate into higher traffic and
Review duplicate content

1.Conduct a site audit - Use a tool like Screaming Frog or SEMrush to crawl your website and identify any pages
with duplicate content.
2.Check for intentional duplication - Make sure any intentional duplication, such as product pages that share
some of the same content, use canonical tags to indicate which page is the original version.
3.Remove or consolidate duplicate content - If you have unintentional duplication, such as duplicate pages or
content on multiple URLs, remove or consolidate them to avoid confusing search engines and users.
4.Use redirects - If you have old or outdated content that is no longer relevant, use a 301 redirect to redirect users
and search engines to a more relevant page on your site.
By reviewing and addressing duplicate content on your website, you can improve your search engine rankings
and ensure that users are finding the most relevant and accurate content on your site.

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