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• Computer are automatic electronic device that can perform
multiple tasks by breaking them into simple calculations and doing
them extremely quickly.
• A computer is programmable i.e. the computer depends totally on
the programs, which the computer is using.
• A program is a list of instructions, telling the computer ‘what to do’.
• They have the ability to store, manipulate and communicate
Characteristics of Computers
1. Computers are reliable.
2. Computers are fast.
3. Computers are accurate.
4. Computers can store massive amount of information.
5. Computers can move information very quickly from one
place to another.
Computers transform Data into
Data is the raw material and
information is the processed data.

Hardware Software
It refers to the Software is the set of
physical parts of instruction that guides
the computer. the hardware through
Elements of its job.

People Procedures
Most computer These are the steps that
requires people, one must follow to
who are called accomplish a specific
users. computer related task.
• CPU is the brain of the computer, it reads and
executes program instructions, performs
calculations and make decisions.
• CPUs have built-in cache memory that stores
frequently accessed data for faster retrieval. It
helps reduce the time it takes for the CPU to
fetch data from the main memory.
• It also handles information from one part of the
computer to another like a central switching
station that directs the flow of traffic throughout
the computer system.
Main Components of CPU

Control Unit Arithmetic Logical Unit Memory Unit

The Control Unit is responsible The ALU performs arithmetic The Memory Unit is the part of the
for managing the execution of operations (such as addition, computer that holds data and
instructions. It fetches subtraction, multiplication, and instructions for processing.
instructions from memory, division) and logical operations
decodes them, and controls the (such as AND, OR, and NOT) Memory associated with the CPU is
flow of data between different on data. It handles the also called primary storage, primary
parts of the CPU.. mathematical and logical memory, main storage, internal
calculations required by the storage and main memory.
The control Unit Co-ordinates instructions.
the activities of other two units RAM, ROM, Cache Memory,
as well as all peripheral and FLASH Memory are the basic types
auxiliary storage device linked of computer memory.
to the computer.
Input, Output and Auxiliary Storage Device
Input Devices:- Input devices are peripherals or hardware devices that allow users
to enter data, commands, and instructions into a computer system. They enable
communication and interaction between the user and the computer. Ex:- Keyboard,
Mouse, Scanner, Webcam, etc.

Output Devices:- Output devices are hardware components

that display or present data processed by a computer system to
the user in a human-readable or perceivable form. They receive
information from the computer and provide output in various
formats. Ex:- Monitor, Printer, Projector, etc.

Auxiliary Storage Device:-Auxiliary storage devices, also known as

secondary storage devices, are external hardware components used for long-term
data storage and retrieval in a computer system. They provide non-volatile
storage, which means they retain data even when the computer is powered off.
Ex:- Hard Disk Drive(HDD), Solid-State Drive(SDD), Cloud Storage, etc.
Operating System
 An Operating System(OS) is a software, consisting of an integrated set of
programs that control computer resources(CPU, Memory, I/O Device etc.)
and provides common services for efficient execution of various application
software with an interface or virtual machine that is more convenient to use.

 The Operating System layers provide various facilities and services that
make the use of hardware resource convenient, efficient, and safe. A
programmer make use of these facilities in developing an application, and the
application, while it is running, invokes the required services to perform
certain functions.

 The Operating System acts as the manager of the various resources of the
computer system and allocates them to specific progrsms and users to
execute their jobs successfully.

 Various types of Operating Systems are Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS,

iOS, etc.
Operating System
Main Function of an Operating System:-

Process Management:- It manages the execution of programs or processes, including task

scheduling, memory allocation, and input/output operations.

Memory Management:- It allocates and tracks the computer's physical and virtual memory
resources, ensuring efficient utilization and protection of memory.

File Management:- It provides a hierarchical structure for organizing and storing files on
storage devices, such as hard drives or solid-state drives.

Device Management:- It handles the communication and interaction between the computer's
hardware devices (e.g., printers, scanners, keyboards) and the software applications.

User Interface:- It provides a user-friendly interface through which users interact with the
computer system, such as graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or command-line interfaces
Multi Programming Multi Threading
The Running task keeps running until Threads are a popular way to improve
it performs an operation that requires application process. With Thread facility,
waiting of an external event or until the basic unit of CPU utilisation is a
the computer’s scheduler forcibly thread. In these operating systems, a
swap the running task out of the CPU. process consist of an address space and
Multiprogramming systems are one or more threads of control. Hence,
designed to maximise CPU usage. they also share the same global variables.
In addition, all threads of a process also
share the same set of operating system

File Management Multi Processing

The attributes of a file contains other Multi Processing is the use of two or more
information about the files such as CPUs within a single computer system.
date and time of its creation, date and The term also refers to the ability of a
time of last access, date and time of system to support more than one processor
last update. The file management and/or the ability to allocate tasks between
module of an operating system take them. There are many variations on the
care of file related activities such as basic theme, and the definition of
structuring, accessing, naming, multiprocessing can vary with context,
sharing, and protection of files. mostly as a function of how CPUs are
Operating System Structure

Layered Structure:- A layered design of an operating system architecture attempts to

achieve robustness by structuring the architecture into layers with different privileges. The
most privileged layer would contain codes dealing with interrupt handling and context
switching, the layer above that would follow with device drivers, memory management, file
systems, user interface, and finally the least privileged layer would contain the applications.

Kernel:- Kernel is the central component of most computer operating systems; it is bridge
between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel
responsibility include managing the system resources. Operating System tasks are done
differently by different kernels, depending on their design and implementation.

Resident and Non-resident Operating System Module:- Those modules of an operating

system that are always kept in the system’s main memory are called resident modules and
those that are kept on hard disk are called non-resident modules. The non resident modules
are loaded into the memory on demand, that is, as and when they are needed for execution.
MS Excel

 Excel helps to organize data in columns and rows and allows us to

do mathematical functions.
 The main features of MS Excel include inserting a pivot table,
sorting of tabulated data, adding formulas to the sheet, and
calculating large data.
 Excel is a convenient program because it allows user to create large
spreadsheets, reference information and it allows for better storage
of information.
 Excel operates like others Microsoft (MS) office programs and has
many of the same function and shortcut of other Microsoft (MS)

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