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Our Team Members





01 Introduction
02 Product and cost
Agenda 03 In-depth Analysis

Style 04 Learnings
05 Suggestion
06 Annexure
 . We founded the traditional food of our culture named as
porridge (koozh) which is made of millet.

 . The interview is taken to promote the street vendors who

are spreading the traditional foods of our culture and
making it still exist in the modern period.

 They provide us the healthy food which was found

centuries ago for the survival they serve this product out
of profit in order to hold the traditional foods and make
other to feel healthy.

Introduction  We found this shop in a place which was fully surrounded

by the Malls and other big restaurants, the survival at that
place is not easy but purpose of promoting healthy and
homemade foods these vendors struggle a lot.

Healthy Fresh Farm
ORGANIC food food Fresh
Product and Cost
 The street vendor, T.Malliga sold porridge(koozh) which was
completely made of millets and curd which is an very good heat
resistant for the human body but in these days people forget about
these foods.
 The products available at the shop was completely a healthy meal it
was used as an compulsory meal in the ancient days. The product is
completely made of Ragi and curd, the porridge can be taken with the
sides of onion, pickle and meat.
 The vendor sold 250Ml of porridge for just 20 rupees with the sides to
have the dish. And the vendor also sold 250ML of curd at 15 rupees.
The profit margin is very less compared to other business.
 The vendor was making this business to just provide the customers the
healthy food at very affordable price The per day sale does not have a
constant margin it differs from day to day.
 The vendor had a point that there will be a 700 rupees Sale on one day
and 500 rupees sale on the other and 200 rupees. sale on another day.
So many days the business runs on loss, only one or two days in a
week runs in profit the other days sale will adjusted in paying the debts
for the loss made.
In-Depth Analysis
 . She started this business 15  The product sold in this shop is
years ago for her survival and very cheap that a person completes
to provide the public healthy his/her meal at just 30 rupees(max)
food. She prepares every food and the products have a great
in her home which is more medicinal value and reduces heat
authentic and her home town from the body. The product gives
had this food as a traditional strength for the person as it is made
meal in their day-to-day life, fully of Ragi and no other
so that she was confident that preservatives and unhealthy
her product will get good substance has been added.
response in the market.  The vendor shared about the main
 The shop has a very simple set struggle, they face on this business
up in a tricycle with a sheet is that the profit in this business is
covering the top. The product very less in which they cannot run
was arranged very neatly and a family as the profit is not fixed,
the surroundings was kept it differs.
 Abhishek:  S. DEEPAK:
I learnt about that the The one thing which I learnt
business can also be made in an social from the street vendors is the never-ending
motive with very less profit margin and smile on their face. Situations might change,
the vendor has to face many problems business might suffer yet, the smile on their
of debt lack of support and lack of face is the one thing which would never fade.
capital due to loss and due to modern This taught me that, “materialistic things
food culture these products gets less don’t define us, it’s our inner self which
response from the public, and I was define us” and the same if reflected in
surprised by the motive of providing behaviour will take us long way.
the food at low price even though there
is no big profit in it.

This project was a challenging experience
100% The thing which I love the most in
which I didn't try before. This experience
I have learned to interact directly with customers interviewing them is their smile. These
made me to understand the concerns and
sellers are known for a few dishes they
struggles of the street vendors. These sellers daily hones their communication and negotiation
make really well. They don't try to do
running their businesses with few things and skills. Understanding customer preferences and everything, just what they're best at.
a lot of hard work, even with tough
adapting their offerings accordingly is crucial for It's not just about the food. These
competition. The big lesson I get to know is
sellers create a great experience for
adaptability which the sellers can adapt to the their business survival.
their customers.
things what their customer wants.
 The vendor faces the problem of recordings of the investment and profits made by the them . Our team
suggest the vendor to get into some easy technics of recording the investment and transaction made by

 We suggest another way that preparing the product as per the demand so that the
product will not be wasted and it can be used to the next day also and it will reduce the loss.

 As the vendor face the problem of place issues, she can reach the government for
the change of place and improve their sales.

 The vendor can also sell some other products so that it may adjust the loss on this item
some may come to the shop to buy the new product and also try the porridge

 As the vessel washing and maintenance of the vessel is a long process, she can change to the paper cups so
that it may reduce the work of vessel washing and maintenance.

 These are the small suggestions that our team gave the vendor and the vendor was very happy on visit and
the interview.
On the Field
Eat Healthy

Thank You

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