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Operationalization of the Local

People’s Council

Enabling the People’s Council: Strategies for

Implementation and Action
To provide participants with knowledge and skills on how to:

1. Operationalize LPC: Develop a clear vision, mission,

objectives, and strategies and implement an actionable plan
for LPC operationalization.

2. Advocate for Community Interests: Identify and prioritize

effective lobbying initiatives to advocate for community
interests and engagement with local special bodies and

3. Enhance LPC Capacity: Strengthen LPC’s capacity and

outreach through empowerment and networking, and
addressing barriers to citizen participation.

I. Strategic Planning and Actionable Steps

II. Prioritizing Lobbying Initiatives
III. Engaging with Local Special Bodies and Committees
IV. Empowerment and Networking to Enhance and
V. Tracking Progress: Monitoring Projects for Impact
VI. Addressing Barriers to Citizen Participation
VII. Key Considerations for an Effective LPC

Strategic planning is a systematic process

that organizations use to define their vision,
mission, goals and objectives, strategies, and
action plan.

It provides a road map for the future success

and direction of an organization.
Vision: is like a dream for the future, showing what an organization hopes to achieve
or become in the long term. (THE DREAM)

Mission: is a clear and concise statement that explains what an organization does, why
it exists, and who it serves. (THE WHAT AND WHY)

Goal/ is a specific target, steps or milestones that you aim to reach, something you
Objectives want to achieve. (THE SPECIFIC TARGET TO ACHIEVE)

Strategies: are plans that outline how you'll achieve your goals, using smart choices and
actions. (THE HOW)

Action is a detailed list of tasks, steps, and deadlines that outlines exactly how you'll
Plan: implement your strategies and achieve your objectives. (THE DETAILED LIST
Local People's Council

A community where the local government aims to improve the well-being of all societal sectors
through active participation of citizen organizations.

To foster meaningful collaboration between citizen organizations and the local government,
advocating for effective policies and programs that respond to community needs and enhance overall quality
of life.
1. Promote active citizen participation in local governance.
2. Enhance the capacity of citizen organizations through training, resources, and collaborative
opportunities for effective engagement in local governance.
3. Collaborate with the local government in creating and implementing policies and programs addressing
vital social and developmental issues, based on evidence, sector engagement, and marginalized
community needs.

1. Engage with Local Government: Participate in planning, policy identification, and monitoring
discussions with the local government through local special bodies and committees, providing
evidence-based recommendations for various societal sectors.
2. Sector Consultation: Consult different sectors to identify issues, problems, and solutions that address
their needs.
3. Capacity Strengthening: Conduct training to enhance knowledge and skills of citizen organizations in
engaging local governance, strengthening council organization, and advancing advocacy.
4. Awareness Building: Undertake steps to expand awareness among the public, government officials,
and citizen organizations about the importance of participation in local governance.
5. Collaboration and Cooperation: Promote platforms and forums connecting CSOs, LGUs, and other
stakeholders to foster collaboration, information sharing, and collective problem-solving.
6. Observation and Analysis: Establish mechanisms to monitor progress and impact of CSO
engagement in local governance, fulfilling responsibilities, and learning from experiences.

Activity 1: Group Discussion and Brainstorming

1. Small Groups: Form groups with a facilitator and reporter.



3. Time Limit: 10 mins to list ideas on Manila paper.

4. Presentation: Each group's reporter shares findings in 2 mins.

(Or may be answered individually, with each participant posting their

response to the wall)

Mapping Out Actionable Steps

Action plan may include the following:

1. Conduct General Assembly to elect officers and representatives to the

various local special bodies and committees among others (if not yet

2. Determine skill development requirements and create customized training.

3. Hold meetings and forums to raise civic engagement awareness, and

encourage CSOs to join the council.

4. Conduct consultations with the various sectors for recommended

programs, projects, and policies.
5. Participate in CDP, LDIP, and AIP development through LPC
representatives in local special bodies and committees and lobby
suggested PPAs.

6. Provide CSO representatives to Local Special Bodies and committees

with plan, program, and policy proposals.

7. Establish a network and develop alliances with local, national, and

international organisations and agencies, as well as contacts with local
government offices, to get additional resources and experience.

8. Others


1. Gather member and sector concerns through focus group

discussions (FGDs), community consultations, and interviews.

2. Create a priority list of issues and concerns sourced from the

CDP and consultations. Criteria incl: a) significance, b) wide impact
or benefit, c) feasibility, d) cost-effectiveness, and e) urgency.

3. Discuss how these issues affect the community and residents,

examining both short-term and long-term implications.

4. Support identified issues and concerns with evidence such as

statistics, reports, or personal experiences from community
Identifying Issues and Recommendations
Social Development – Education

∙ Issue: High number of out-of-school youth and children.

∙ Impact: Difficulty for them to acquire the skills and knowledge
needed for personal and professional growth.
∙ Example/ Evidence: Approximately 15,000 out-of-school youth are
∙ Recommendations:
1) Provide incentives like cash transfers or scholarships to
encourage parents to enroll their children in school.
2) Establish new schools.
3) Recruit qualified teachers, provide training, and furnish
teaching materials.

∙ Issue: Limited participation of CSOs in governance.

∙ Impact: Policies and programs might not effectively address community
needs or reach many residents.
∙ Example/ Evidence: Many sectors express frustration due to unmet needs
and lack of representation.
∙ Recommendations:
1) Enact an empowerment ordinance recognizing the People’s Council,
defining its roles and responsibilities, and outlining LGU support to
strengthen their operations and participation.
2) Disseminate information to motivate CSOs to engage in governance.
3) Activate Local Special Bodies and Functional Committees.
4) Implement capdev programs to enhance CSO participation
effectiveness and provide incentives for their involvement.
Name and Type of Project (w/ brief description): REHABILITATION AND CONCRETING OF FARM TO MARKET ROADS
Project Description The project involves 20 kilometre farm-to-market road to be concretized and
rehabilitated for better access of farm products to the market
Proponents DPWH, DA, LGU
Program Term/ Duration Phase 1-3 (2021-2022
Activity Components Site Identification/ Validation/ Documentation/ Implementation/ M&E
Estimated Cost/ Amount Phase 1 PhP 50,000,000
Phase 2 PhP 30,000,000
Phase 3 PhP 20,000,000
TOTAL PhP 100,000,000

2021-2022: PhP 100,000,000

PLGU: PhP 100,000,000
Justification Transportation of farm and marine products to the market experience difficulties
among our farmers during bad weather and rainy season
Target Beneficiaries All farmers producing crops, middle man, and viajeros
Target Output/ Success Indicators Easy access to transport locally-produced products and by-products to the market
Possible Risks Funding Source
Political Will
Right of Way
Expected Private Sector Response: Expected positive response among private sectors


Key engagement areas include:

1. Local Development Council (LDC): The LDC shapes the LGU's

development plan and endorses the annual investment program for
Sanggunian approval.

2. Other Local Special Bodies and Committees: These bodies,

mandated by RA 7160 and other Republic Acts, encompass roles like the
Local School Board, Local Health Board, Project Monitoring Committee,
and Local Council for the Protection of Women and Children.

3. Legislative Involvement: If permitted by the Sanggunian, propose

legislation and partake in voting at the committee level

4. Various local government offices: Coordination with local government

agencies to address issues or promote programs or projects.
LGU Plans and Programs

Plans Definition Main Contents Time-frame

CLUP Policy guide for regulating land use Includes policies for settlements, protected 10-15 years
across the entire jurisdiction of the areas, production areas, and infrastructure
LGU . development.

CDP A multi-sectoral plan aimed at advancing It outlines sectoral objectives, strategies, 6 years
the overall welfare of the LGU. programs, projects, and proposed laws or

LDIP The primary tool for implementing the CDP It prioritizes programs, projects, and 3 years
and other aspects of the CLUP. activities and includes funding plans for a
3-year period.

AIP One -year component of the LDIP Detailing priority programs, projects, and 1 year
activities included in the annual local

Ensuring the council's effectiveness requires:
1. Organizational Strengthening: Enhance council and member
capabilities through targeted training on organizational development and
management and local governance among others.
2. Membership Expansion: Broaden participation by actively recruiting
CSOs and clarifying benefits and advantages.
3. Networking and Linkages:
a) Collaborate with relevant government offices for advocacy and
b) Partner with other CSOs for technical assistance.
c) Connect with other people's councils for cooperation and

• Led by the LDC's Project Monitoring

Committee, the aim should be to enhance project
implementation and service delivery, fostering
unity, and problem-solving through collaboration,
not confrontation.

• The local government's support is crucial for

effective monitoring.
What to monitor?
The following can be monitored in the project:
1. Infrastructure Construction, e.g., Were the standards followed? Evacuation Facility
roads, water systems, schools,
Was the budget adhered to? Did the
2. Budget Expenditure, Procurement, material acquisition undergo the correct
or Material Acquisition Processes, procedures? Were the prices and
and other expenses. quantities of materials purchased
Access Road
How beneficiaries view the project. Did
3. Beneficiary Perception and the project provide benefits? Did they like
Satisfaction*** it, and do they have suggestions for

Water System
***Number 3 is an approach that doesn't require extensive technical knowledge.
Sample Project Perception and Feedback Monitoring Template

Project Title: ____________________________________

Project Site: ____________________________________
Date: ____________________________________

1. How familiar are you with the project?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not familiar at all
2. What positive changes has the project brought to your community?
3. Have you personally benefited from the project? If yes, how?
4. Are there any issues or concerns you have noticed since the project started?
5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the project's impact?
1 - Very dissatisfied
2 - Dissatisfied
3 - Neutral
4 - Satisfied
5 - Very satisfied
6. What aspects of the project do you find most satisfying?
7. Is there anything you think could be improved about the project? Please share your thoughts.
8. Any other comments or suggestions for the project?

1. Lack of Recognition for the importance of Citizen Participation by the

local officials/ LGU
∙ Not recognizing the importance of citizen participation

2. Fear of Competition and Control

∙ Concerns that the Council may compete for citizen influence and
government control.

3. Doubts in Individuals' Capabilities

∙ Lack of trust in the council's members' governance skills.

4. Perception of Political Agendas

∙ Belief that some leaders or members harbor political motives or personal
∙ Concerns that the Council is being used to further political ambitions of
some or secure funds/projects just for them and their groups.

1. Avoid Partisan Politics

∙ Operate independently from partisan political agendas.
∙ Build trust by assuring local political leaders that the council is not a threat.
∙ Uphold the council's integrity as a genuine community voice.

2. Prevent Misuse for Political Ambition

∙ Be careful of individuals seeking to use the council for their personal or
political benefit..
∙ Establish policies to prevent the council from becoming a platform for
ambitious individuals.

3. Handle Differences Constructively

∙ Recognize that council and local government positions may differ.
∙ Remember that elected officials hold ultimate accountability for
government actions.
∙ Differences in viewpoints are part of democratic participation.
*Adapted from the Organization and Operationalization of a People’s Council: A Guidebook – Naga City People’s Council
Key Considerations for an Effective People's Council

4. Maintain Integrity
∙ Every council action reflects its truthfulness and sensibility.
∙ Avoid mistakes that could undermine progress and accomplishments.
∙ View the council as a bridge connecting the community to government

5. Choose Words Wisely

∙ Use words that promote harmony in communication.
∙ Politically correct language enhances effective dialogue.
∙ Maintain a list of sensitive words to avoid for clear communication.

6. Strengthen, broaden and build networks and links

• It is critical for the council to strengthen its capabilities, broaden its
membership, and build relationships with local officials and other
"Empowerment and participation
are not just words; they are the
path to a brighter, more inclusive

When individuals and

communities have the tools and
the voice to shape their destinies,
profound positive change
becomes not just possible but

- Anonymous

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