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Global Warming
What Is Global Warming?
• Global Warming is the gradual rise in temperature due to increased levels of
greenhouse gases such as CO₂ in our atmosphere. These gases absorb heat
and trap it, causing the average temperatures on Earth to gradually increase.
• If there were no other factors involved, this would be great news. But
unfortunately, we are also seeing increasing numbers of natural disasters. It
has been suggested that rising sea levels may cause many coastal regions to
become inhabitable. This is just one aspect of how people will be affected by
global warming, so you need to keep this in mind when developing your
strategy for fighting it.
• The main effect of Global Warming is a gradual increase in the amount of heat
trapped within the planet's oceans. If there were no other effects, this would
not affect us directly - but sadly, there are a number of things to consider. For
example, more extreme weather patterns have already started to emerge.

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Effects of Global Warming ?
• When you look at the news, you might notice that most stories tend to focus on
the effects of climate change. However, the truth is that climate change isn't just
a problem in the United States. There are many other countries around the world
who are also feeling the negative impacts.
• In this presentation, we'll discuss the different ways that the environment is
changing. We will talk about how humans have contributed to these changes,
and we will explore some of the consequences that the current situation has on
our planet.
• Finally, we will address the solutions available to help prevent further damage.

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• The first thing that you need to know is that the Earth is getting warmer due
to global warming. The average temperature on the surface of the earth has
increased by approximately 1 degree Fahrenheit since 1880. This means that
there are fewer cold days and more warm days than in previous years.
• As a result of this, plants and animals are moving towards the poles. If you live
somewhere near the equator, then you may be able to observe the effects of
this movement. For example, in places like South America, where it used to
snow in winter, now they don't get any snow.

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What Are the Main Causes of Global Warming?
• In recent years, many experts have warned that climate change is affecting Earth's
atmosphere. Nowadays, scientists predict that human activity could cause a significant
rise in temperatures. If this happens, it will be very difficult to reverse.
• There are several factors contributing to the problem. One of the biggest problems is the
increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the air. The more CO2 there is, the hotter it gets.
• Another factor is deforestation. Trees absorb large amounts of the greenhouse gas. When
trees are cut down, they release the absorbed gases into the atmosphere.
• Finally, fossil fuels such as oil and coal also contribute to the problem. Burning these
substances releases huge amounts of heat-trapping gasses like carbon dioxide into the
• Scientists say that it is essential to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the world's
atmosphere. This can be done by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
• A good way to do this would be to promote renewable energy sources. These include
solar power, wind turbines, and other alternative methods.

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Causes of Global Warming are:

•Burning of fossil fuels

•Carbon dioxide emissions
•Climate change
•Ozone depletion
•Oxygen depletion
•Land use change
•Industrial processes
•Crop burning
•Waste management
•Ocean acidification
•Oil spills
•Fossil fuel subsidies

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How to Control Global Warming ?
• If the average temperature rises by just 1 degree Celsius, it would result in
many problems. For example, the sea levels might rise, and it could cause
floods. Also, there would be more intense storms, droughts, and heat waves.
• So, what can you do in order to reduce global warming? You should try to find
out why the temperatures have risen. If you're able to figure out what is
causing the changes, then you'll be better equipped to fix them.
• You should also focus on reducing your own carbon footprint. This means that
you should limit the amount of energy that you use.
• Finally, you should work towards finding a way to make sure that future
generations are protected from global warming. After all, if we don't take
action now, then it will be too late.

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Reason For Climate Change
• One way that we contribute to climate change is through the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels
include coal, oil, and natural gas. As these materials are burned in power plants and cars,
they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide traps heat inside the
earth's atmosphere, causing temperatures to rise. The result is a warmer planet.
• Another major contributor to climate change is deforestation. Trees and other vegetation
absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air. When trees are cut down, they no
longer take up this extra CO2. In addition, they also emit methane, a potent greenhouse
• A third factor that contributes to climate change is the burning of waste. Landfills produce
harmful gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide, both of which can trap heat in the
atmosphere. Burning trash produces even more dangerous pollutants like dioxins, furans,
mercury, and lead.
• The fourth reason why we're contributing to climate change is by increasing the amount of
nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air.
Here are some links to help you:

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Can Global Warming Cause Volcanoes to Erupt?
• Volcanic eruptions have been linked to natural disasters such as floods,
hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other extreme weather conditions.
There is no doubt that the world's climate is changing. The earth's
temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880.
• Scientists believe that this increase in temperature could be causing volcanic
activity to rise.
• There are several factors that scientists are studying right now. One factor is
the increasing number of large and small earthquakes. Scientists are also
looking at how many times the ground surface of the planet rises and falls.
• They are also examining the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the

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• While these changes in the earth’s environment
are occurring, they may not necessarily affect
human life. However, there is evidence that
suggests the possibility of future volcanic
eruptions, especially with respect to the eruption
of Mount St Helens.
• In 1980, a volcano erupted and caused a massive
landslide. This slide buried part of the mountain
and destroyed nearly 30 square miles of forest.
However, this was not enough to stop the flow of
magma from the volcano.
• The volcano continued to produce lava flows
until it finally exploded.

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• These were the causes of global warming and if you know what these causes
are then you can start working to reduce the effect of global warming.

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Thank You!

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