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Movie Review

Presented By
Suryaprakash P(20SUCG21)
ArunKumar J(20SUCG04)
With the Guidance of
Dr B.Subashini

 Movie Review Analyzer is an app for mobile to analyze large number of user review data that
people write after watched a film for other audiences to know before whether they can watch it or not
based on reviews they saw.

 The user can’t come to conclusion based on one review the user tried to read more review but it takes
lot of time to read review to find out common good and bad about a film before watching it.So here the
app has been developed where the user can analyze the user reviews within a seconds to find out good
and bad comments about the movie before decide to watch it.

 Movie Review Analyzer can analyze the reviews by getting input from user to process the data. It can
generate reports in a single page for easy understanding about the movie. It also give a
graphical representation to see how much negative and positive comments are given for the movie for
easy understanding.

 It Store the generated report as pdf.


 IMDb review page only shows the reviews that are provided by the user.. Here are some common
challenges associated with this problem that user cannot satisfy with one review which they read
so they try to read more reviews to get clarification of the movie.

 But the user cannot read all the review to came to conclusion.

 Reviews can be highly subjective, making it difficult to find consistent patterns in the
text. What one person considers positive, another person might consider negative.

• In current system there is no way user can understand about a movie in a single review.

• To understand it we must read many reviews to get a clarity of it.

• But this take more time to read more reviews and understand it before watching a film.

 The proposed system is very useful for Movie Lovers. It can give an instant overview of all the
reviews that are posted.

 The only job here for the user is to upload their review data to analyze it.

 The advantage of the proposed system is the reduction in the time that wasted by the user before
watching a film. It even gives hint that whether the user can watch a film or not.

● User friendly interface
● Fast Analyzing
● Detailed Reports
● Visual Presentation
● Store Generated Reports

 File Search

 File Analyzer

 Report Generator

 Report Storage

File Search module helps us to search through the system files to select the data to
analyze. It gives sleek design for search through it using KivyMD library. It provide both front
and backward navigation through file system.

After finding the Review dataset the user can just click it to go next step for
analyzing . Then the Natural Language Processing(NLP) process will start to analyze every
word and reduce the data to give reports. It uses following steps:

1) Tokenizer
2) Sentiment Parser
3) Similarity Matcher
4) Visual Representation
After analyzed there will be a report section in which the user can see the final output or
the report about the film with chart representation.

There will be both positive and negative sentence that are common in overall review data
that will be shown in that page. There is a Bar chart shows the difference between positive
and negative amount of reviews

After the Results are generated it will be stored in the same file location as the path selected
by the
user as PDF file.

The pdf report contains Bar graph with positive and negative sentences which are analyzed.

CPU : 32 bit(x86) or 64 it(x64)

Clock Speed : 2.0 GHz
Ram : 2 GB RAM
Key Board : Multimedia Keyboard
Hard Disk :8 GB RAM

Development Programming Language : Python

Front End : Kivy
NLP : Spacy
Operating System : Windows
Select Files:
Select The Folder With Text Files:
Text Files with Review Data:
Analyzed the Selected Files:
Report File:

 The system gave the results as it was proposed in the earlier states. This project is used
for Movie Review Analyzer. We hope that this project will be very useful in analyzing
review with maximum accuracy to give instant summary of the Reviews.

 This application reduces the time by displaying simple and yet most informative details
in a single page. It shows Bar graph representation to view the difference between the
positive and negative comments about a movie.

 Through the development of the application we learn how Natural Language Processing
(NLP) works and how to use it effectively

Any software that is developed cannot be said to be perfect since computer science is a very dynamic
field. Therefore changes are unavoidable. Nothing can be said to be perfect at this age and time where
every day scientific miracles take place. As the requirements grow, solutions have to be found to meet
all those new requirements. Our project has been developed in such a way that it can be easily extended
to meet new requirements.

Future enhancements that can be done with the system are

1) In future we will try analyze the movie reviews in xlsx, csv format.
2) We can do more visualize options to give different perspectives of understanding.
3) We can try to improve the performance of the app in a efficient way and give more tools.
4) We will try to get data from directly from web environment rather than getting input form user

Web Resources:

 Beginner to Python for Data Science – Geeks for Geeks Website, YouTube, NPTEL

 Kivy Front End – YouTube channel

 KivyMD for App Development – KivyMD official read the documents page

 Review Data – Kaggle website, .

 Spacy NLP learned – official site, Real Python website

Thank You

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