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CSE 411

Computer Graphics

Lecture #4 Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms

Objectives (cont.)

 Line drawing algorithms

 Circle generating algorithms
 Ellipse generating algorithms
 Scan-line polygon fill algorithms
 For convex polygons
 For regions with curved boundaries
 Implementation methods for antialiasing

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 2

 Attribute parameter: A parameter that effects
the way the primitive is to be displayed.
 Color (common for all attributes)
 Style
 Dotted, dashed, thick, thin
 One approach is to extend the function calls
for primitives
 Another alternative is to have the system to
have a list of current attribute values
 State variables or state parameters
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 3
Color and Gray Scale
 RGB color buffer
 Store RGB color codes in frame buffer or in a
separate table
 Color code placed at pixel location
 Minimum number of colors for 3-bits
Left bit  Red, Middle bit  Green, Left bit 
0  black, 1  blue, …, 7  white
 More color bits increase the size of the frame
buffer: 24-bits * 1024 * 1024 = 3MB

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 4

Example: Color table

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 5

Color and Gray Scale
 Color tables
 Color map (color look-up table)
 Each pixel in the frame buffer contains a value (Ex.
196) corresponding to an entry in the color table
(Ex. 2081), which has 256 entries.
 Color table contains a 3-byte color code that
represents an RGB color – 1-byte for the Red, 1-
byte for the Green, 1-byte for the Blue.
 Pick 256 colors from a total of 17 million, and save
storage: 8 bits * 1024 * 1024 = 1MB

Attributes of Output Primitives and

Algorithms 6
Color and Gray Scale (cont.)

A color lookup table with 24 bits per entry that is accessed from a frame buffer with 8
bits per pixel. A value of 196 stored at pixel position (x, y) references the location in this
table containing the hexadecimal value 0x0821 (a decimal value of 2081). Each 8-bit
segment of this entry controls the intensity level of one of the three electron guns in an
RGB monitor. Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 7
Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 8

Closer Look

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 9

Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

 Line equation
 Slope-intercept form
slope m
y-intercept b
𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑑 − 𝑦 0 𝛿 𝑦
 Slope 𝑚= =
𝑥 𝑒𝑛𝑑 − 𝑥 0 𝛿 𝑥
𝑏= 𝑦 0 − 𝑚 𝑥 0

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 10

Calculating the values

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 11

Setting Deflection Values

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 12

Line Sampling

Straight-line segment with five sampling positions along the x axis

between x0 and xend. Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 13
Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

 DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer)

 Scan conversion line algorithm based on calculating
either δx or δy
 Line sampled at regular intervals of x, then

corresponding y is calculated and rounded

 From left to right

if m  1.0, y k +1 = y k + m ( δ x = 1)
if m > 1.0, x k +1 = x k + ( δ y = 1)
if m  1.0, y k +1 = y k - m ( δ x = -1)
if m > 1.0, x k +1 = x k - ( δ y = -1)
m 14
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
DDA Algorithm
void lineDDA (int x0, int y0, int xEnd, int yEnd)
int dx = xEnd - x0, dy = yEnd - y0, steps, k;
float xIncrement, yIncrement, x = x0, y = y0;
if (fabs (dx) > fabs (dy))
steps = fabs (dx);
steps = fabs (dy);
xIncrement = float (dx) / float (steps);
yIncrement = float (dy) / float (steps);
setPixel (round (x), round (y));
for (k = 0; k < steps; k++) {
x += xIncrement;
y += yIncrement;
setPixel (round (x), round (y));

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 15

DDA Algorithm (cont.)
 Advantage
 Does not calculate coordinates based on the
complete equation (uses offset method)
 Disadvantage
 Round-off errors are accumulated, thus line
diverges more and more from straight line
 Round-off operations take time
 Perform integer arithmetic by storing float as integers
in numerator and denominator and performing
integer arithmetic.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 16

Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

A section of a display screen where a straight-line segment is to be plotted, starting

from the pixel at column 10Attributes
on scan line 11.
of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

A section of a display screen where a negative slope line segment is to be plotted,

starting from the pixel at column 50of on
Attributes scan
Output lineand
Primitives 50. 18
Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

A section of the screen showing

Output in column
Primitives and xk on scan line yk that is to be
plotted along the path of a Algorithms
line segment with slope 0 < m < 1. 19
Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)
 Considering all examples in previous
 Which pixel should be choosen to be
 Answer: The closest one
 Which one is closer?
 Answer: Calculate the distance to the line and
perform an efficiency test
 Fine, but how?
 Answer: Given by Jack Bresenham 1962
(programmer at IBM at that time)

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 20

Vertical Distances

Vertical distances between pixel positions and the line y

coordinate at sampling position xk + 1.and Algorithms
Attributes of Output Primitives
Bresenham’s Line Drawing
 Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm
(positive slope less than 1)
y = m (xk + 1)+b
dlower = y – yk = m (xk + 1)+b – yk
dupper = (yk + 1) – y = yk + 1 - m (xk + 1)-b
dlower – dupper = 2m(xk+1) – 2yk + 2b –1

decision parameter:
pk= Δx (dlower – dupper )
pk = 2Δy xk- 2Δx yk + c
sign of pk is the same as sign of dlower – dupper
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 22
Bresenham’s Line Drawing
Algorithm (cont.)
1. Input the two line endpoints and store the left
endpoint in (x0, y0).
2. Set the color for the frame-buffer position (x0, y0)
– i.e. plot the first point.
3. Calculate the constant 2Δy –Δx, and set the
starting value for the decision parameter as p0 =
2Δy –Δx.
4. At each xk along the line, from k=0, perform the
following test:
if pk<0, next point to plot is (xk + 1, yk) and pk+1 = pk + 2Δy
otherwise, next point to plot is (xk + 1, yk + 1 )
and pk+1 = pk + 2Δy- 2Δx
5. Repeat step 4 Δx - 1 times.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 23

Example: Bresenham Line

Example 6-1 Bresenham Line


From HB p. 166-168

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 24

Example: Bresenham Line
Drawing (cont.)

From HB p. 166-168 25
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Example: Bresenham Line Drawing

Pixel positions along the line path between endpoints (20, 10) and (30, 18), plotted
with Bresenham’s line algorithm. 26
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)
 All algorithms above are given for a given
 What about arbitrary slopes?
 Answer: Think about it (Hint: see next slide)

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 27

Line Drawing Algorithms (cont.)
 To draw a line:
– For 1: step through x, increment y
3 2
– For 2: step through y, increment x
4 1 – For 3: step through y, decrement
5 8 x
6 7
– For 8: step through x, decrement
– For 4,5,6,7: swap end coordinates
& use the algorithm for the
symmetric quadrants

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 28

Circle Drawing Algorithms
 Properties of circle:

2 2 2
(x - x c ) + (y - y c ) = r
unit steps from x c - r to xc + r
2 2
y = yc ± r - (x c - x)

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 29

Circle Drawing Algorithms (cont.)
 Problems:
1. Complexity
2. Non-uniform spacing

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 30

Circle Drawing Algorithms (cont.)
 Solutions?:
1. Complexity: Adjust spacing by interchanging x
and y whenever absolute value of slope of circle
is greater than 1  increasing complexity
2. Non-uniform spacing: Using polar coordinates

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Circle Drawing Algorithms (cont.)

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 32

Symmetry of a circle

.Calculation of a circle point (x, y) in one octant yields the circle points
shown for the other seven octants.
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 33
Using Symmetry
 Calculate points in section x = 0 to x = y

 In this section |slope| ≤ 1

 at x = 0  slope = 0
 at x = y  slope = -1

 Reduces computational complexity

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 34

Midpoint Circle Algorithm

 General procedure:
1. Calculate pixel positions for a circle with center at
(0, 0) (origin)
2. Move to proper position, i.e. add xc and yc
3. Use decision parameter to determine closest pixel
4. For other 7 octants use symmetry

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 35

Midpoint Circle Algorithm (cont.)

 In other terms:
 Principle of the midpoint algorithm
 Reason from octants of a circle centered in
(0,0), then find the remaining octants by
symmetry, then translate to (xc, yc).
 The circle function is the decision parameter.
 Calculate the circle function for the midpoint
between two pixels.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 36

Midpoint Circle Algorithm (cont.)
 Circle function:
2 2 2
𝑓 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐 ( 𝑥 , 𝑦)= 𝑥 + 𝑦 −𝑟

If any point (x,y) is inside the circle, fcirc(x,y)<0

If any point (x,y) is on the circle, fcirc(x,y)=0

If any point (x,y) is outside the circle, fcirc(x,y)>0

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 37


Candidate pixels at sampling position xk + 1 along a circular path

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 38
Midpoint Circle Algorithm (cont.):
Decision parameter 1
pk  f circ ( xk  1, y k  )
1 2
 ( xk  1)  ( y k  )  r 2

 If pk<0, midpoint is inside the circle and yk is
closer -> we select yk
 If pk>=0, midpoint is outside or on the circle and
yk-1 is closer -> we select yk-1

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 39

Midpoint Circle Algorithm (cont.):
Decision parameter
 We can find a recursive expression for the
next decision parameter as:
2 2
𝑝𝑘+1=𝑝𝑘 +2(𝑥𝑘+1)+(𝑦 −𝑦 )−(𝑦𝑘+1−𝑦𝑘)+1 𝑘+1 𝑘
 We can obtain the initial decision parameter
𝑝 0= − 𝑟

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 40

Midpoint Circle Algorithm (cont.)
1. Input radius r and circle center (xc, yc), then set the
coordinates for the first point on the circumference
of a circle centered on the origin as (x0, y0) = (0, r).

2. Calculate the initial value of the decision parameter

as p0 = 5/4 – r (1 – r if an integer)

3. At each xk, from k=0, perform the following test:

 if pk<0, next point to plot along the circle centered on (0,0) is
(xk+1, yk) and pk+1 = pk + 2 xk+1 + 1
 otherwise, next point to plot is (xk+ 1, yk - 1)
and pk+1 = pk + 2 xk+1 + 1 - 2 yk+1

where 2 xk+1 =Attributes
2 xk of+Output
2, and 2 yandk+1Algorithms
Primitives = 2 yk - 2
Midpoint Circle Algorithm (cont.)

4. Determine symmetry points in the other

seven octants.
5. Move each calculated pixel position (x, y)
onto the circular path centered at (xc, yc)
and plot the coordinate values:
x = x + x c, y = y + y c
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until x >= y.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 42

Example: Midpoint Circle

From HB p. 175-177
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 43
Example: Midpoint Circle
Drawing (cont.)

From HB p. 175-177
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 44
Example: Midpoint Circle
Drawing (cont.)

Pixel positions (solid circles) along a circle path centered on the origin and with radius
r = 10, as calculated by the midpoint circle algorithm. Open (“hollow”) circles show the
symmetry positions in the firstAttributes
of Output Primitives and Algorithms
General Curve Functions

 Ellipses can be drawn similarly using a

modified midpoint algorithm.
 Similar algorithms can be used to display
polynomials, exponential functions,
trigonometric functions, conics,
probability distributions, etc.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 46

Ellipse Generating Algorithms

 What is an ellipse?
 An elongated circle
 Describe as a modified circle whose
radius varies from a maximum value in
one direction to a minimum value in the
perpendicular direction
 Major and minor axis
 Two foci

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 47

An Ellipse

Generated about foci F1 and F2

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 48
An Ellipse (cont.)

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 49

An Ellipse (cont.)

Centered at (xc, yc) with semimajor axis rx and semiminor axis ry.
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 50
The Bounding Circle

and eccentric
Attributes of angle θ forandan ellipse with rx > ry .
Output Primitives
Algorithms 51
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
 General procedure (same like circle):
1. Determine curve positions for an ellipse with
center at (0, 0) (origin)
2. Move to proper position, i.e. add xc and yc
3. If required perform rotation
4. Use decision parameter to determine closest pixel
5. For other 3 quadrants use symmetry
 3 Quadrants? In circle 7 octants!
 So what is wrong?
 Warning: Symmetry for ellipse only in

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 52

Symmetry of an Ellipse

Calculation of a point (x, y) in one quadrant yields the ellipse points shown
for the other three quadrants. 53
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Ellipse Processing Regions

Over region 1, the magnitude of the ellipse slope is less than 1.0; over region 2, the
magnitude of the slope is greater than 1.0. 54
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
 Ellipse function:
f ellip se ( x , y )  r x  r y  r r
2 2
2 2 2 2
x y

If any point (x,y) is inside the ellipse, fellipse(x,y)<0

If any point (x,y) is on the ellipse, fellipse(x,y)=0

If any point (x,y) is outside the ellipse, fellipse(x,y)>0

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 55


Between candidate pixels at sampling position xk + 1 along an

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 56
elliptical path.
Midpoint (cont.)

Between candidate pixels at sampling position yk − 1 along an

elliptical path. Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
(cont.): Decision Parameter
 We can find a recursive expression for the
next decision parameter as:
2 2 2
𝑝 1 𝑘+1=𝑝 1𝑘 +2 𝑟 ( 𝑥 𝑘 +1)+ 𝑟 +𝑟 ¿
𝑦 𝑦 𝑥
 We can obtain the initial decision parameter
2 1 2
𝑝 1 0=𝑟 −𝑟 𝑟 𝑦 + 𝑟 𝑥
𝑦 𝑥

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 58

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
(cont.): Decision Parameter
 We can find a recursive expression for the
next decision parameter as:
2 2 2
𝑝 2𝑘+1=𝑝 2𝑘 +2 𝑟 ( 𝑦 𝑘 −1)+𝑟 + 𝑟 ¿
𝑥 𝑥 𝑦
 We can obtain the initial decision parameter
𝑝 20 =𝑟 𝑦 ¿
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 59
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
(cont.): Decision Parameter
 Incrementing the decision parameter:

2 2
2𝑟 𝑦 𝑥 𝑘+1 +𝑟 𝑦 , if 𝑝 1𝑘 <0
2 𝑟 2𝑦 𝑥𝑘 +1+ 𝑟 2𝑦 −2 𝑟 2𝑥 𝑦 𝑘+1 , if 𝑝 1𝑘 ≥ 0

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 60

Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
(cont.): Region 1-Region 2?
 When to move from region 1 to region 2?
 Answer: Decide on slope
 But how to calculate slope?
 Answer: dy 2ry2 x
 2
dx 2r yX

 At the boundary dy / dx = -1.0

 If 2r 2 x  2r 2 y move from region1 to
y x
region 2
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 61
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm (cont.)
1. Input radii rx, ry and ellipse center (xc, yc), and obtain
the first point on the origin as (x0, y0) = (0, ry).
2. Calculate the initial value of the decision parameter in
region 1 as 𝑝1 0=𝑟 2𝑦 −𝑟 2𝑥 𝑟 𝑦 + 𝑟 2𝑥
3. At each xk in region 1, from k=0, perform the following
 if p1k<0, next p
1k 1 to pplot
1k along
2ry2 xk the ellipse
r 2 centered on (0,0) is
1 y
(xk+1, yk) and
 otherwise, next point to plot is (xk+ 1, y - 1)
p1k 1  p1k  2ry2 xk k1  2rx2 yk 1  ry2
2ry2 xk 1  2ry2 xk  2ry2 , 2rx2 yk 1  2rx2 yk  2rX2
and continue until y
2 r 2
x  2 r 2
x y
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 62
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
4. Calculate the initial value of the decision parameter in

( )2 +𝑟 ( 𝑦 −1) +𝑟 𝑟
region 1 as 2 1 2 2 2 2
𝑝 20=𝑟 𝑦 𝑥 0 + 𝑥 0 𝑥 𝑦

(x0, y0) is last calculated point from region 1

5. At each yk position in region 2, starting at k=0,

perform the following test:
 if p2k>0, next point to plot along the ellipse centered on (0,0) is (xk,
p 2 k 1  p 2 k  rx2 (1  2( yk  1))
yk-1) and
 otherwise, next point to plot is (xk+ 1, yk - 1)
andp 2  p 2  2r 2 x  rx2 (1  2( yk  1))
k 1 k y k 1

and continue until y = 0

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 63
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm
6. Determine symmetry points in the other three

7. Move each calculated pixel position (x, y) onto the

elliptical path centered at (xc, yc) and plot the
coordinate values: x = x + x c, y = y + y c

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 64

Example: Midpoint Ellipse

From HB p. 182-184
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 65
Example: Midpoint Ellipse
Drawing (cont.)

From HB p. 182-184

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 66

Example: Midpoint Ellipse
Drawing (cont.)

From HB p. 182-184
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 67
Example: Midpoint Ellipse
Drawing (cont.)

Pixel positions along an elliptical path centered on the origin with rx = 8 and ry = 6,
using the midpoint algorithm Attributes
to calculate
of Outputlocations within
Primitives and the first quadrant
Fill-Area Algorithms

 Standard output primitives – solid, pattern,

 Fill primitive – solid circle, rectangle, triangle, …
 Two ways of filling:
 Find where each scanline overlaps area (scan-line fill)
 Start from interior position and paint outward until
boundary is reached
 Used in general purpose packages and paint

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 69

Area Filling

 General idea:

1. Determine boundary intersection

2. Fill interior

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 70

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm

 For convex polygons.

 Determine the intersection positions of the
boundaries of the fill region with the screen
scan lines.



Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 71

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 For convex polygons.
 Pixel positions between pairs of intersections
between scan line and edges are filled with
color, including the intersection pixels.



Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 72

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 For concave polygons.
 Scan line may intersect more than once:
 Intersects an even number of edges
 Even number of intersection vertices yields to pairs
of intersections, which can be filled as previously

y D


Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 73

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 For concave polygons.
 Scan line may intersect more than once:
 Intersects an even number of edges
 Even number of intersection vertices yields to pairs
of intersections, which can be filled as previously

y B D


Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 74

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 For concave polygons.
 Scan line may intersect more than once:
 Intersects an odd number of edges
 Not all pairs are interior: (3,4) is not interior

y 1 2 3 4 5


Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 75

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm

Interior pixels along aAttributes

scan ofline passing
Output through a polygon fill area.
Primitives and
Algorithms 76
Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm

Intersection points along scan lines that intersect polygon vertices. Scan line y
generates an odd number of intersections, but scan line y’ generates an even number
of intersections that can be paired to identify correctly the interior pixel spans. 77
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 For concave polygons.
 Generate 2 intersections when at a local
minimum, else generate only one intersection.
 Algorithm to determine whether to generate one
intersection or 2 intersections.
 If the y-coordinate is monotonically increasing or
decreasing, decrease the number of vertices by
shortening the edge.
 If it is not monotonically increasing or decreasing, leave
the number of vertices as it is.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 78

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
scan line


y decreasing:
y increasing:
y-1 decrease by 1
decrease by 1

The y-coordinate of the upper The y-coordinate of the upper

endpoint of the current edge endpoint of the next edge
is decreased by 1. is decreased by 1.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 79

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 In previous slide edges are shortened and
vertices are counted only once because
edges are adjusted

 But how to do it?

 Answer: Using coherence properties

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 80

Scan-line Polygon-fill Algorithm
 Coherence properties: Certain properties of one
part of the scene related to properties of other
parts, e.g. slope
 Sequential fill algorithm with incremental
coordinate calculations
y k +1 - y k Δy
m = =
x k +1 - x k Δx
y k +1 - y k = 1
1 Δx
x k +1 = x k + = xk +
m Δy 81
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Using Coherence Properties

Two successive scan lines intersecting a polygon boundary. At both

positions same slopes

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 82

Fill-Area Algorithms
 Polygon fill-in algorithm:
1. store the edges in a sorted edge table where each entry
corresponds to a scan line (sorted on the smallest y
value on each edge)
For sorting, e.g. Bucket sort
2. shorten the edges that have vertex-intersection issues
by processing scan lines from bottom of polygon to top
(active edge list)
3. for each scan line, fill-in the pixel spans for each pair of
x intercepts.

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 83

Example: Fill-Area Algorithms

A polygon and its sorted edge table, with edge DC shortened by one unit in
the y direction.
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 84
Other Fill-Area Algorithms
 For areas with irregular boundaries
 Boundary-fill algorithm
start at an inside position and paint color point by
point until reaching the boundary (of different
void boundaryFill4 (int x, int y, int fillColor, int borderColor)
int interiorColor;
/* Set current color to fillColor, then perform following oprations. */
getPixel (x, y, interiorColor);
if ((interiorColor != borderColor) && (interiorColor != fillColor)) {
setPixel (x, y); // Set color of pixel to fillColor.
boundaryFill4 (x + 1, y , fillColor, borderColor);
boundaryFill4 (x - 1, y , fillColor, borderColor);
boundaryFill4 (x , y + 1, fillColor, borderColor);
boundaryFill4 (x , y - 1, fillColor, borderColor)
} Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Boundary-Fill Algorithm
 General idea:
1. Start at position (x, y)

2. Test color of neighboring pixels

3. If neighbor pixel’s color is not boundary color, change


4. Proceed until all pixels processed

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 86


(a) 4-connected area

(b) 8-connected area
Hollow circles represent pixels to be tested from the current test position, shown as a solid
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 87
Boundary Fill: 4-connected vs. 8-

Start point

 4-connected  8-connected

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 88

Implementing Boundary-Fill

Boundary fill across pixel spans for a 4-connected area:

(a) Initial scan line with a filled pixel span, showing the position of the initial point (hollow) and the
stacked positions for pixel spans on adjacent scan lines.
(b) Filled pixel span on the first scan line above the initial scan line and the current contents of the
(c) Filled pixel spans on the first two scan lines above the initial scan line and the current contents
of the stack.
(d) Completed pixel spans for the upper-right portion of the defined region and the remaining 89
stacked positions to be processed.Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Other Fill-Area Algorithms (cont.)
 For areas with irregular boundaries
 Flood-fill algorithm
start at an inside position and reassign all pixel
values currently set to a given interior color with
the desired fill color.
void floodFill4 (int x, int y, int fillColor, int interiorColor)
int color;
/* Set current color to fillColor, then perform following operations. */
getPixel (x, y, color);
if (color = interiorColor) {
setPixel (x, y); // Set color of pixel to fillColor.
floodFill4 (x + 1, y, fillColor, interiorColor);
floodFill4 (x - 1, y, fillColor, interiorColor);
floodFill4 (x, y + 1, fillColor, interiorColor);
floodFill4 (x, y - 1, fillColor, interiorColor)
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 90
Flood-Fill Algorithm

 Set pixel to fill color value until bounds.

 An interior point (x, y)
 A boundary color

 A fill color

 
Fill color
Boundary color

Interior point (x, y)

Attributes of Output Primitives and

Algorithms 91
Implementation of Antialiasing
 (Remember) Aliasing: Information loss due to
low-frequency sampling (undersampling)
 How to avoid it?
 Answer: Using Nyquist sampling
 or
 Answer: Using Nyquist sampling interval

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 92

 Harry Nyquist: 7. February 1889 in Nilsby,
Sweden; † 4. April 1976 in Harlingen, Texas
 Claude Elwood Shannon: 30. April 1916 in
Petoskey, Michigan; † 24. Februar 2001 in
Medford, Massachusetts
 Nyquist-Shannon-Sample Theorem: Set the
sampling frequency to at least twice that of
the highest frequency occurring in the object
 Nyquist sampling frequency: fs = 2fmax
 Nyquist sampling interval: ∆x = ∆xcycle / 2

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 93


Sampling the periodic shape in (a) at the indicated positions produces the
aliased lower-frequency representation in (b). 94
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Antialiasing Methods
1. Supersampling (postfiltering): Sample at
hşgh resolution (at subpixel level) but show
on lower resolution

2. Area sampling (prefiltering): Antialiasing by

computing overlap areas

3. Pixel phasing (for raster objects): Shift

display location of pixel areas

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 95

 General idea (for straight line segments):

1. Divide each pixel into a number subpixels

2. Count number of subpixels overlapping the line


3. Set intensity of each pixel to a value proportional

to subpixel count

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 96

Example: Supersampling

Supersampling subpixel positions along a straight-line segment whose left

endpoint is at screen coordinates (10, 20).
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Weighting Subpixels

 Multiply each pixel with a weighted mask

  
1 2 1

  
2 4 2

  
1 2 1



Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 98

 General idea (for straight line segments):

 Set pixel intensities proportional to the area of

overlap of the pixel with the finite-width line

Attributes of Output Primitives and

Algorithms 99
Example: Areas Sampling

Supersampling subpixel positions in relation to the interior of a line of

finite width. Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 100
Filtering Techniques
 Similar to weighting but here continuous
weighting surface (filter function)

 Multiply each pixel with the function

 What kind of function?

 Answer: Next slide

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 101

Common Filter Functions

Filters used to antialias line paths. The volume of each filter is normalized to
1.0, and the height gives the relative weight at any subpixel position.
Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms
Next Lecture

Interactive Input Methods

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 103

 Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker, Warren R.
Carithers, “Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 4th
Edition”; Pearson, 2011
 Sumanta Guha, “Computer Graphics Through
OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments”, CRC Press,
 Edward Angel, “Interactive Computer Graphics. A
Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL”, Addison-
Wesley, 2005

Attributes of Output Primitives and Algorithms 104

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