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Introduction to Politics

Politics is the process by which decisions are

made within groups or societies.

It involves the use of power, influence, and

governance to achieve a common goal.

Political systems can vary widely, from

democracies to authoritarian regimes.
Importance of Politics

Politics plays a crucial role in shaping public

policy and determining how resources are

It allows for the representation of diverse

interests and perspectives within a society.

Political processes help maintain order and

stability in a community.
Key Actors in Politics

Politicians are individuals who hold public

office and make decisions on behalf of the

Interest groups advocate for specific issues or

causes to influence political outcomes.

Citizens participate in politics through voting,

activism, and engaging with their elected
Political Systems

Democratic systems prioritize citizen

participation through free and fair elections.

Authoritarian systems concentrate power in the

hands of a single leader or ruling elite.

Hybrid systems combine elements of both

democracy and authoritarianism.
Challenges in Politics

Corruption undermines the integrity of political

institutions and erodes public trust.

Polarization can lead to gridlock and hinder the

ability to address pressing issues.

Inequality and discrimination can create social

divisions that impact political decision-making.

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