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OBJECTIVES:- To explain the structure and the function of human respiratory


Starter:- .What are the changes you can see in the following activities ?
Give reasons.

1 To determine how homeostasis maintains a constant internal environment.

2 To state that insulin decreases blood glucose concentration
3 To analyse the role of negative feedback in homeostasis
I can determine how homeostasis maintains a constant internal
I can state that insulin decreases blood glucose concentration
I can analyse the role of negative feedback in homeostasis and
control of blood sugar level
• UAE Connection:
• Desert Adaptation: The harsh desert environment of the UAE
presents a constant challenge for maintaining homeostasis.
• Example: Traditional clothing like the kandura (for men) and
abaya (for women) are designed to be loose-fitting and breathable,
helping with thermoregulation in hot weather.
• Date Consumption: Dates are a staple food in the UAE and a good
source of natural sugars. However, proper portion control is important
for maintaining blood sugar homeostasis.
OBJECTIVE-1:- Reading and vocabulary

Mini Plenary

Regulation of Blood Glucose

regulation of glucose in the body is done autonomically and constantly throughout each minute
of the day. Normal BG levels should be between 60 and 140 mg/dL in order to supply cells of the
body with its required energy. Brain cells don’t require insulin to drive glucose into neurons;
however, there must still be normal amounts available. Too little glucose, called hypoglycemia,
starves cells, and too much glucose (hyperglycemia) creates a sticky, paralyzing effect on
Functioning body tissues continuously absorb glucose from the bloodstream. For people who do
not have diabetes, a meal of carbohydrates replenishes the circulating blood glucose about 10
minutes after eating and continues until about 2 hours after eating. A first-phase release of
insulin occurs about 5 minutes after a meal and a second phase begins at about 20 minutes.
Because the duration of insulin’s effect is only about 2 hours, taking a 2-hour after meal BG
shows how well insulin was released and used by the body.

•Answer the question….:

Subject vocabulary

• Homeostasis : A state of balance among all the body systems needed

for the body to survive and function correctly.
• Negative feedback : occurs when a system's output acts to reduce or
dampen the processes that lead to the output of that system, resulting
in less output.
OBJECTIVES:- To Identify in diagrams and images the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra

• Lets watch…
• Negative Feedback
[3.55] …

• For home : Homeostasis [3.29]
Fishbone Diagram
Liver Hyperglycemia
,Kidney Stores glucose as Diet
glycogen when
blood sugar is high Hormonal
Excrete excess imbalance
glucose in urine Converts glycogen back Stress
to glucose when blood
sugar is low
Blood sugar

Insulin : lower Medication

Decreased sugar: Glucagon blood sugar
Excess exercise
Increased sugar: Insulin
glucagon : raise
blood sugar Diet deficiency
Negative feedback
Pancreas Hypoglycemia

•Mini Plenary:

• Group 1
Group 1 ans:

• Group 2
Group 2 Ans:
• Group 3
Group 3 Ans:
Scenario:Scientists are developing a new type of clothing
designed for athletes. This clothing claims to improve athletic
performance by helping the body maintain homeostasis during
Design an experiment to test the effectiveness of this new
clothing in helping athletes maintain homeostasis during
Clearly state the independent and dependent variables.
Explain how you would ensure a fair test.
Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of using this
type of clothing for athletes.
Independent Variable: Type of Clothing (New clothing vs. Regular athletic
Extended hint:
clothing) Dependent Variable: Core Body Temperature and Heart Rate
During Exercise
Control Group: A group of athletes will exercise while wearing regular
athletic clothing. Experimental Group: A group of athletes will exercise
while wearing the new clothing designed to improve homeostasis.
Ensuring a Fair Test:
Both groups will be matched for factors like age, fitness level, and type of
exercise performed.
 The exercise intensity and duration will be standardized for both
 The experiment will be conducted in a controlled environment with a
constant temperature.
 Core body temperature and heart rate will be measured before,
during, and after exercise for both groups.
 The experiment can be repeated with different athletes to ensure
reliable results.
OBJECTIVES:- To illustrate the structure of breathing system - the ribs, the internal and external intercostal
muscles and the diaphragm
To explain and demonstrate the mechanism of breathing.

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