Product Owners Platform

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How can I maximize the Product Value

Wajid Hussain
CEO of a Product
To Maximizing the Product Value
Who is Product Owner?
• Asif: Maximize the value

• M Ali Malik: Responsible for product, middleman between client and team

• Saad: Vision, direction, market, stakeholders, domain

• Nauman: understand client need, domain, client, translate those needs for team to deliver,
Who is Product Owner?
• Product owner: came from scrum/agile world
• A product owner is an individual who responsible for maximizing the product’s value created by the development team.
• Product owner is a customer representative in a scrum team

Wajid Hussain
CEO of a Product
To Maximizing the Product Value
• Product owner: came from scrum/agile world
• A product owner is an individual who responsible for maximizing the product’s value created by the development team.
• Product owner is a customer representative in a development team.
Important Points
• What is an authority of a Product Owner?
• To make right decision. What should we do right now to increase the value of a product toward achieving the
product goal.
• What is an increment?
• Any business value that either increase the revenue or decrease the operational cost
• Work cannot be considered part of an Increment unless it meets the Definition of Done.
• SCRUM Guide - Increment
• An Increment is a concrete stepping stone toward the Product Goal. Each Increment is additive to all prior Increments
and thoroughly verified, ensuring that all Increments work together. In order to provide value, the Increment must be
• Multiple Increments may be created within a Sprint. The sum of the Increments is presented at the Sprint Review thus
supporting empiricism. However, an Increment may be delivered to stakeholders prior to the end of the Sprint. The
Sprint Review should never be considered a gate to releasing value.

• How PO fits into a project-based product?

• Are we doing Project-based product OR Services-based product? Wajid Hussain
End of Session 1
25th August 2022

Wajid Hussain
What Product Owner Should Do?
• Backlog management
• Grooming
• User story wiring
• Prioritization
• Stakeholder management – External (PM) / Internal (PO)
• Get vision from stakeholder and convert into delivery
• Clarity vision
• Clarity Goal
• PO is a representative of customer
• Discuss vision with client
• Maximize the value
• Work with scrum master
• Work with team with scrum master
• Who will manage scrum team?
• PO should get help from Scrum Master as facilitator to ensure thigs are going
• No one due to self organize team
• Sprint review presented by PO
• OR
• Sprint review presented by scrum Team
• What to present in review meeting Wajid Hussain
What Product Owner Should NOT Do?
• …?

Wajid Hussain
What am I doing as Product Owner Should Do?
• …?

Wajid Hussain
What am I not doing as Product Owner Should Do?
• …?

Wajid Hussain
What Product Owner Should Do?
• …?

Wajid Hussain
What a Product Owner Should Do?
The Product Owner is accountable for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Scrum Team. How this is done may vary widely
across organizations, Scrum Teams, and individuals.

The Product Owner is also accountable for effective Product Backlog management, which includes:
1. Developing and explicitly communicating the Product Goal;
2. Creating and clearly communicating Product Backlog items;
1. Backlog grooming of next sprint with scrum team in the current sprint
3. Ordering Product Backlog items; and,
4. Ensuring that the Product Backlog is transparent, visible and understood.

The Product Owner may do the above work or may delegate the responsibility to others. Regardless, the Product Owner remains accountable.

For Product Owners to succeed, the entire organization must respect their decisions. These decisions are visible in the content and ordering of the Product
Backlog, and through the inspectable Increment at the Sprint Review.

The Product Owner is one person, not a committee. The Product Owner may represent the needs of many stakeholders in the Product Backlog. Those
wanting to change the Product Backlog can do so by trying to convince the Product Owner.

PO should not be only accountable for the delivery, it’s the whole team is responsible

Wajid Hussain
Session 3
18th October 2022

Wajid Hussain
Stakeholder, Team, Product -> Delivery
A. Stakeholders
B. Product
C. Team

Wajid Hussain
A. Stakeholders
• Define Vision
• Define Roadmap to achieve vision
• Align Epics with business goals
• Define strategy to achieve roadmap
• Define high level release plan as per roadmap

Wajid Hussain
Product Vision
 Get clarity on the product vision & then Define the Vision with business stakeholders
 What is product Vision?
 A product vision aims to describe the future state of a product. It is the core essence of the product. Ideally, the
product vision will serve as a guide for the stakeholders, as it will remind them of the general direction the product
should be taking, and the common objectives within the team.

 Outcome of the product vision

In agile, a product vision answers the following questions:
o What is the product?
o Who is the primary market for the product?
o Why does the primary market need the product?
o How will the product benefit its primary market?
o What differentiates the product from its competitors?

 successful product vision should further break down and define the
i. Product Strategy,
ii. Roadmap, and
iii. Features

Wajid Hussain
Product Vision
 successful product vision should further break down and
define the
i. Product Strategy,
ii. Roadmap, and
iii. Features
oWe need to consider projects and clients for their product
vision and define them or start them with their existing vision
oNeed to define the vision of each product

Wajid Hussain
Backlog visibility
 What is visibility?
 Number of PBI? OR Refined PBI?
 [AA]Top items should be in details
 As goes down, less detail for each PBI
 It all depends upon the situation but as standard there should be defined %
 [NF] Be agile and refine, reprioritize after each sprint
 [SA] Up to two sprints
 [NF] Roadmap defines only feature level not on user stories
 [RA] Every item should be in backlog
 [HK]
 [WH] for next sprint items should be refined. For second next sprint backlog item is
 [AS] A big picture for second next sprint should be there
 What a PO should do to create visibility of backlog
Wajid Hussain
1. Timeline bound
1. Client demands for the delivery based on the sales/markets targets
2. Can we meet the client timeline? Can do it as PO
1. Get feedback from the team
2. Get historic trends (risks)
3. [NF] commitment and delivery be different teams/personals. Ownership of PO?
4. [NF] Focus on demands and make realistic timelines.
5. [NF] Get commitment from team on timelines
6. [SA] Same as point 3
7. [SA] Team engagement on product roadmap level
8. [SA] PO feedback before commitment with client
3. Is my capacity enough for committed timelines? If not, the raise a flag.

Wajid Hussain
A. Currently Assigned Goals
1. Project closing/completion process
2. QA across DPL

B. Current Initiatives
1. Quality Improvement Motion - Matched with two of Nauman's Goal
i. Manual Testing Checklist
ii. Test Automation in every Project, At least 20% of Critical Use Cases Should be
2. Product Owner Motion
3. Ensure the adherence to Agile culture in DPL

C. Want to pick some of the engineering goals from Nauman

1. Standardization of Backlog Story Writing
2. At Least 1 Month of Visibility of Detail Backlog and 3 Months of High-Level Visibility.
3. Document and standardize the SDLC process across DPL
4. Ensure the adherence to Agile culture in DPL
The Way Forward
1.Daily Standup
1. What did yesterday
2. What doing today
3. Impediment

2.Challenges in DS
1. Timely execution
2. On Camera during the distributed teams
3. Participation of PO is not mandatory. PO/SM will only facilitate the team for improvement
4. Discussing solutions/understanding/technical challenges

3.Outcome of the discussion on DS

1. Timely execution
2. Time boxed – 90 seconds for each member
3. Focus on sprint goals – ARE WE MEETING OUR GOALS OR NOT
1. Goal – Defining a goal is important and based on the goal pick PBI to add in the sprint to achieve the GOAL
Discuss how to improve our goals
4.Evening check-in meeting

5.Focus on sprint deliverable item vs progress of each team member - Saad

6.Backlog Refinement
7.Sprint Review Wajid Hussain
Life Cycle of a Product Management
1.Define Vision
2.Define Strategy
3.Define Roadmap
4.Release Planning
5.Backlog Refinement
6.Sprint Planning
7.Daily Standup
8.Sprint Review
9.Sprint Retrospective

Wajid Hussain
Product Delivery Strategy a.A successful product vision should further break down and
define the
i.product strategy,
1.Get clarity on the production vision & then Define Vision with business
a. What is product Vision? iii.Features
A product vision aims to describe the future state of a product. It is the
core essence of the product. Ideally, the product vision will serve as a
guide for the stakeholders, as it will remind them of the general
direction the product should be taking, and the common objectives
within the team.

b.Outcome of the product vision

In agile, a product vision answers the following questions:
§What is the product?
§Who is the primary market for the product?
§Why does the primary market need the product?
§How will the product benefit its primary market?
§What differentiates the product from its competitors?
b.Vision should answer
c.A successful product vision should further break down and define the i.Target customer i.e. B2B or B2C
i. product strategy,
ii. roadmap, and
iii. Features

Wajid Hussain

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


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