01 Day-01-Cloud_Native_Fundamentals on OCI

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Cloud Native Fundamentals

Francesco Paolo Burruano

OCI GTM Senior Product Manager
Andrea Di Placido
Principal ACE

August 2021

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The development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s
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After completing this lesson, you should be able to;

• Have a general idea of Cloud Native Application Fundamentals

• Describe the patterns for building cloud-native apps
• Describe the Fallacies of Distributed Systems
• Describe Cloud-Native Building Blocks

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Introduction to Cloud Native

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Understanding Cloud-Native
"... natively utilizes service and infrastructure from cloud computing providers"

"... approach to build & run apps that exploit the advantages of the cloud computing model"

"... describes container-based environments, deployed as microservices and managed on elastic infrastructure
through agile DevOps, continuous delivery workflows"

"... build, run, and improve apps based on well-known techniques and technologies for cloud computing"

"... collection of small, independent, and loosely coupled services"

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Pets vs. cattle
Pets 🐶

• Treat your infrastructure like pets

• Give them names, IP addresses, Care of them, keep

them updated

Cattle 🐮

• Everything is just a number

• No attachment

• If something goes wrong, you replace it

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Understanding Cloud-Native

Apart from focusing on business logic, you will realize the following when building cloud- native applications
for the first time:

• I am dealing with services running across multiple machines

• I am dealing with network and communication between these services

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Patterns for building cloud-native apps

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Cloud-Native vs. Traditional Architectures
Stateful vs. Stateless

• State stored with the compute instance

• Load balancers using sticky sessions

• What happens on reboot or crash

Service orchestration vs. Service choreography

• Multiple services orchestrated to work as one, using sync communication

• Choreography uses eventing system

Dealing with failures

• Minimize failures vs. expect and deal with them

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CAP Theorem

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CAP Theorem
• Make compromises
• Partitions will always exist
• Optimize for Consistency or

• https://

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Fallacies of Distributed Systems

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8 Fallacies of Distributed Systems
1. Network is reliable
2. Latency is zero
3. Infinite bandwidth
4. Network is secure
5. Topology does not change
6. There is one administrator
7. Transport cost is zero
8. Network is homogeneous

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Cloud-Native Building Blocks

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Microservices vs. Containers vs. Functions
Microservices = architectural style

Functions & Containers = technologies serving a particular purpose

Understand how to best use functions & containers, together with eventing/messaging technologies to design,
develop and operate cloud-native microservices-based applications

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• Service-oriented architecture
• Loosely coupled services
• Organized around business

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• Smaller code bases
• Managed by independent teams
• Independently deployable
• Single, well-defined task
• Communication through APIs
• Own tests, builds, data, deployments

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• Fast(er) verification, deployment, and releases
• Easier to deliver new value
• Use the best tools/frameworks/languages for the job
• Move quicker, faster ramp up time, focus on smaller piece
• One rotten apple won't "poison" other apples
• Able to scale services at di"erent rates
• Easier to measure and observe individual services, specific

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• Complexity - fallacies of distributed systems
• Decentralized data makes transactions difficult
• Performance - network adds overhead
• Lack of tools for development and testing
• Versioning, backward and forward compatibility
• Inconsistent naming, types, values, etc. when logging and monitoring
• Service dependency management
• Service availability

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Service Communication Patterns

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to;

• Understand the Service Communication Patterns

• Protocols and their benefits in the communication pattern

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Service Communication
External communication (North-South)

Communication from/to external services Internal

communication (East-West)

Service-to-service communication (e.g. within a


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Synchronous and Asynchronous

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Integrating services

• Minimize the communication between internal services

• Try not to depend on sync communication
• Use async between services (propagate data asynchronously)
• Orchestration vs. choreography

Recommended read about Orchestration vs Choreography



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Design for resiliency
• Bulkhead pattern
The Bulkhead pattern is a type of application design that is tolerant of failure. In a bulkhead architecture, elements of an application are isolated into
pools so that if one fails, the others will continue to function
• Circuit Breaker pattern
Handle faults that might take a variable amount of time to recover from, when connecting to a remote service or resource. This can improve the
stability and resiliency of an application.
• Retry pattern
Enable an application to handle transient failures when it tries to connect to a service or network resource, by transparently retrying a failed
operation. This can improve the stability of the application.

• Throttling pattern
Control the consumption of resources used by an instance of an application, an individual tenant, or an entire service. This can allow the system to continue to
function and meet service level agreements, even when an increase in demand places an extreme load on resources.
• Rate Limiting pattern
Many services use a throttling pattern to control the resources they consume, imposing limits on the rate at which other applications or services can access
them. You can use a rate limiting pattern to help you avoid or minimize throttling errors related to these throttling limits and to help you more accurately
predict throughput.
A rate limiting pattern is appropriate in many scenarios, but it is particularly helpful for large-scale repetitive automated tasks such as batch processing.
Design patterns
Design patterns
Test and Deploy Cloud Native

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to;

• Describe different Testing Methodologies

• Describe various ways to test Cloud Native Applications

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Testing Cloud-Native Applications

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• Can't survive with manual tests

• Reliable, repeatable and automated tests are essential
• Use test doubles (mocks, fakes and stubs) for dependencies

Object use to test the calls it receives
Object with working implementation (di"erent from a real
Object that returns prepopulated data

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Test Automation Pyramid

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Different type of Testing
• Acceptance tests
• Smoke tests
• Integration tests
• Security
• Penetration tests
• Fuzz tests
• Performance tests
• Load tests
• Usability tests
• Chaos tests
• Canary tests
• A/B tests

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Right time of Testing

When and how often to execute tests?

Unit: during development, before every merge/check-in

Service/Component: before/after every merge/check-in Integration:
before deployments
Canary: run continuously*
Security: automated, part of integration/canary tests if possible

UI: on UI changes, consider automating if UI heavy

Performance: get baselines manually, consider automating for repeatable numbers A/B: as needed, make
sure you have clear goals and metrics defined
Chaos: as needed, for operational readiness, to catch potential prod issues

* can be costly to maintain

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Testing Environments

Dev → Test → Staging → Production

• Mimic production environment (as closely as possible)

• How to keep environments in sync?

• What's the cost for all this?

• Are you running staging in all regions, just like production

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Testing and Deployment Strategies

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Testing and Deployment Strategies
Graphic examples

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Deployment Strategy
Deployment Strategy
Additional Information
• For additional information on Testing Cloud Native Applications, please refer to:
Login with your Oracle SSO

For additional information on Deployment Strategies, refer to:


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Prasenjit Sarkar
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
February 2020

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to;

• Access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure through different ways

• Use Developer Tools with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
• Describe SDKs provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

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Different Ways to Access OCI


Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Ansible

Oracle Cloud
Command Line
Interface (CLI)

Terraform SDKs
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The OCI APIs are typical REST APIs that use HTTPS requests and
responses. It describes basic information about using APIs.

• API Reference and Endpoints

• API Errors

• Asynchronous Work Requests

• Request Signatures

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Command Line Interface (CLI)

• OCI provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) to facilitate

development of custom solutions.

• The CLI is a small footprint tool that can be used on its own or
with the Console to complete Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

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Tools Configuration

List of elements required to Configure the SDKs and other developer

tools to integrate with OCI services
• Required Keys and OCIDs: Details on identity and access management

• SDK and CLI Configuration File: Methods for providing configuration information when using the

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Software Development Tool Kits (SDKs)

OCI provides several Software Development Kits (SDKs) to facilitate development

of custom solutions.

SDK for Python Ruby Go


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Installing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI

The command is to run the Installer Script of OCI CLI along with the required

bash -c "$(curl -L

If you want to accept all the default configuration then run this command

curl -L -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oracle/oci-cli/master/scripts/install/install.sh
chmod +x install.sh
./install.sh --accept-all-defaults

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Configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI

The following command is to set up Configuration of OCI CLI:

oci setup config

The command prompts to enter the following inputs during execution:

Enter a Location for config:

Enter a user OCID:
Enter a Tenancy OCID:
Enter a Region:

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Working with OCI Services with CLI - Check Connectivity

oci <service> <type> <action> <options>

This command is used to check the connectivity to OCI:

Oci os ns get

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Configuring the OCI CLI

The default configuration file name and location for OCI config file is in the .oci/config
directory as shown below:


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Downloading and Configuring SDKs for OCI

• SDK stands for Software Development Kit or Devkit.

• SDK enables to write code to manage OCI resources.
• It is a set of software tools and programs used by developers to
create applications for specific platforms.
• The SDKs available are:

Java SDK Python SDK Ruby SDK Go SDK

GitHub or GitHub or Python

GitHub or Download:
Package Index
Maven RubyGems GitHub

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Prerequisites for Working with OCI SDK

OCI SDKs Requirement

• OCI account
• Created User being added to a group with policy that grants the desired
• Key pair used for signing API requests with the public key uploaded to
• Within the root compartment of tenancy a policy statement ALLOW
GROUP DEMO.GROUP to manage all-resources IN
COMPARTMENT must be defined to give access to resources in the

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Downloading and Configuring SDKs for OCI

OCI provides:

• Additional developer tools for automating processes and

facilitating development.

• Toolkit for Eclipse

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Prerequisites for Working with Python SDK

Python SDK Requirements

• Python version 2.7.5 or 3.5 or latest
• OpenSSL version 1.0.1 or latest
• Uses Cryptography.io library which requires OpenSSL

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Additional Information
For additional information on API, SDK, CLI, please refer to:

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Resourse Manager

Terraform advanced
Oracle Cloud always free tier:
OCI training and certification:

OCI hands-on labs:


Oracle learning library videos on YouTube:


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