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Advanced Technical Writing

Writing Letters
Resource Person: Zain Fatima
Types of Letters
 Cover Letter
 Acceptance Letter
 Acknowledgment letters
 Adjustment letters
 Application letters
 Complaint letters
 Correspondence … good news and bad news letters
 Inquiry letters and responses
 Reference letters ( Recommendation letter)
 Refusal letters
 Resignation letters
 Technical information letters
Letter Format

Two common Format:

1 - Full Block Style
2 - Modified Block Style

Full Block
Your address

The recipient address


Dear Mr./Ms recipient last name:


Complimentary close
Space for Signature
Typed name

Modified Block Style
Your address

The recipient address


Dear Mr./Ms recipient last name:


Complimentary close
Space for Signature
Typed name


1. Establish your objectives

2. Determine your reader’s attitude
and needs
3. Prepare an outline
4. Write the first draft
5. Allow a cooling period
6. Revise the draft

Imagine the reader sitting across the

Keep the language neutral

Careful choice of words

Cover Letter
Letter of application (cover letter) is a
sales letter Main Objective is to get the
job interview
 Identifies the item being sent

 The person to whom it is being sent

 The reason for sending it

Cover Letter
 Each letter should also make specific references
to the company and indicate your knowledge of
and interest in the work the company is
currently doing.
 The cover letter also allows you to highlight the
most important and relevant accomplishments,
skills, and experience listed in your resume.

Cover Letter

Should provide the following

1. Identify an employment area
2. Point out your source of information
3. Summarize your qualification
4. Refer the reader to your résumé
5. Ask for interview
Content of the Cover Letter
 In the first paragraph, you should state what job you
are applying for and how you learned about it.
 You should also state your general qualifications for
the job.
 Pick out the most relevant qualifications listed in
your resume and discuss them in detail
 Be as specific as possible, and refer the reader to
your resume for additional details.
 State where and when you can be reached, and
express your willingness to come to an interview or
supply further information.
Cover Latter Example
 John Jackson
34 Second Street
Troy, New York 12180
October 4, 1999

 Mr. James Roberts

Recruiting Coordinator
Department DRR 1201
Database Corporation
Princeton, New Jersey 05876
Cover Latter Example Continue
Dear Mr. Roberts:

Your advertisement for software engineers in the January issue of

the IEEE Spectrum caught my attention. I was drawn to the ad by
my strong interest in both software design and Database.

I have worked with a CALMA system in developing VLSI circuits,

and I also have substantial experience in the design of interactive
CAD software. Because of this experience, I can make a direct
and immediate contribution to your department. I have enclosed a
copy of my resume, which details my qualifications and suggests
how I might be of service to Database.

Cover Latter Example Continue
I would like very much to meet with you to
discuss your open positions for software
engineers. If you wish to arrange an interview,
please contact me at the above address or by
telephone at (518) 271-9999.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely yours,

Joseph Smith

Acceptance Letters

This letter is written in order to accept a

received job offer. It should be written
within a week of receiving the offer. The
format is as follow

Acceptance Letters Example
230 Elnaser St.
Gaza, Palestine
Dr. Basil Hamed
General Manager
Mechatronics Company
22 Omer Al-moktar St.
Gaza, Palestine

Dear Dr. hamed:

I am very happy to accept your offer for a position as a computer engineer at a

salary of $1200.00, per a month.
Since graduation in July 25, I plan to move to Gaza from Khan Younes this month. I
should be locating to a suitable living accommodation within a week and be ready to
report for work on Saturday, August 26th. Please let me know if this date OK to you.
I look forward to work for you and join a great team.

Ahmed Ali
Ahmed Ali
Acknowledgment Letters

In this letter you acknowledge receiving

an item (letter, box, or something). It
serves as a good public relation practice.
In this letter you mention what and when
items are received in a short and polite

Acknowledgment Letters Example
Rocky Tech Corp.
112 Jamal Abed Nasser St.
Gaza, Palestine
October 3, 2004

Mr. Ayman Majeed, Salesman

102 Mannara Square
Ramalla, Palestine
Dear Mr. Majeed:

I received your shipment of ten digital multimeters today; the shipment seems
To be complete and in good shape. Thank you for sending it on time.
After the multimeters passing our tests, we will send you a check with the last
payment covering the cost of this purchase.

Ahmed Ali,
General Manager
Complaint Letters
When customers are not satisfied with goods and
services that are offered by businesses, they write
complaint letters asking for fixing these situations.
In order to be more effective, the tone of the letter
should not be angry. In order to obtain a positive
response, you should not vent your anger in the
letter. You should state your claim supported by
factual evidence and ask for adjustment.

Complaint Letters Example
Islamic University of Gaza Majed Imran
PO Box 108, Kan Yunis, Palestine
Gaza, Palestine 28, June, 2006

Attention: ECE Department Head

On June 16, I filed for an incomplete grade in the Power Systems course. All the
supporting items were attached which included a medical doctor report, medical
prescription, and the hospital check out papers.

On June 23 I received a denial for my incomplete application without any explanation.

I immediately contacted the department with a note explaining my situation. Not only
I received no explanation but also I was advised to just forget about it.

Please either send me a explanation for the denial or else advise me with the steps
and procedures that I need to take to fix this problem.
Majed Imran
5th year Electrical Engineering student
Correspondence Letter
The Correspondence Latter Can be:
 Good news Letter

 Bad news Letter

Good News Letter

1. Good news
2. Explanation or facts
3. Goodwill

Good News Letter Example
Good News
Please accept our offer for the position of assistant
professor in the department of electrical
engineering at IUG.
if the terms we discussed in the interview are
acceptable to you, please come in at 9:30 a.m. on
September 5, at that time we will ask you…....
Goodwill example
Everyone here at IUG is looking forward to working
with you. We all were very favorably impressed with
you during the interview
Bad News Letters

 Buffer

 Badnews
 Goodwill

Bad News Letters Example
Thank you for your time and effort in applying for
the position of assistant professor in the
department of electrical engineering at IUG
Bad News
Since we need someone who can assume the duties
here with experience, we have selected an applicant
with over ten years of experience.
I am sure that with your excellent college record
you will find a position in another University.
Inquiry Letter
Two types:

1. Provides benefit to the reader

Example: Asking about a product the company

recently advertised

2. Provides benefits to the writer

Example: Asking the public utility for information on
energy-related project you are developing
Inquiry Letter

to obtain, within a reasonable period of time,
answers to specific questions.

Sample Letter of Recommendation
XYZ Company
123 XYZ Way • New York City • NY • 12345
(123) 555-0000 • Fax (123) 555-0001

February 1, 2000

To Whom it May Concern:

I've been Holly Smith's manager for over six years. While I wish her only the best and fully understand that she
must advance her career, I'm truly sorry to see her go. It has been a pleasure having her on my team.
Holly is a professional technical writer of the highest caliber, who meticulously researches, formats, edits and
proofs her documents. I've received many compliments from customers who rely on Holly's
documentation. Management and personnel in tech support, engineering, technical training, and other
departments praise her work.
Holly is an innovative self-starter, who rarely needs supervision. She is punctual and typically exceeds
expectations. She handles pressure well, and will voluntarily work overtime and take work home to meet a
deadline. For example, we received a rush order from one of our customers for a complex product modification,
including critical user documentation. Holly not only made the extremely tight deadline, but beat it; yet she still
produced a stellar, technically-accurate addendum for the standard user manual. Sales, marketing, training and
engineering were quite pleased with Holly's performance in this crunch. Even our CEO was impressed, and our
customer was ecstatic.
This is just one example among many of Holly's superior skills and admirable work ethics.
Holly is an invaluable asset to any technical communications department, and I highly recommend hiring her. If
you'd like to discuss her attributes in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact me.
John Doe
Manager, Technical Communications
Ext. 245, 28
Resignation Letter Sample
[Your Name]
[Street • City • State • Zip Code]
[Phone # • Fax phone # • Messages phone # • Email]
[Date today]
[Recipient's name]
[Company name]

Dear [Recipient's name]:

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation from [Company name],
effective [date, two weeks from date above]. The associations I've made during
my employment here will truly be memorable for years to come.
I hope a two-week notice is sufficient for you to find a replacement for me. If I can
help to train my replacement or tie up any loose ends, please let me know.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to work here.
[Sign here]
[Your name, title]

Retirement Letter Sample
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email

City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
I would like to inform you that I am retiring from my position with Smith Agency,
effective August 1.
Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you
have provided me over the years. I have enjoyed working for the agency and
appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company.
While I look forward to enjoying my retirement, I will miss working for the company. If
I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.
Your Signature
Your Typed Name

It is time
for the new

I. Write a cover letter for any (from internet,
newspaper,…) announced job. Need to include
the ad.
II. You bought something (computer, book,
electronic instrument) from the internet, when
you received it was not in good shape. Write a
complaint letter to the company.

Due coming Monday


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