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Disease: Schistosoma causes schistosomiasis.

 Schistosoma mansoni: cause intestinal

 Schistosoma haematobium: causes urinary
 Schistosoma japonicum: cause Asian intestinal
:Important Properties
The adult:
 Shape: are long and slim worms.
 male: measures 1.5 cm, and has the capability to almost completely
surround the female during copulation.
 female: has a cylindrical body, longer and thinner than the male's
measures 2 cm.

Prepared by Dr. fadhl alshaebi

S. Japonicum S.haematobium S. mansoni egg
 Humans are infected when the free-swimming, fork-tailed
cercariae penetrate the skin .

Prepared by Dr. fadhl alshaebi

life cycle:

Prepared by Dr. fadhl alshaebi

 S. mansoni eggs damage the wall of the distal colon (inferior
mesenteric venules), whereas S. japonicum eggs damage the walls of
both the small and large intestines (superior and inferior mesenteric
 The eggs of S. haematobium in the wall of the bladder induce
granulomas and fibrosis, which can lead to carcinoma of the bladder.
Clinical Findings
 Most patients are asymptomatic, but chronic infections
may become symptomatic.
 The acute stage, which begins shortly after cercarial
penetration, consists of itching and dermatitis followed
2–3 weeks later by fever, chills, diarrhea,
lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly.

 Swimmer's itch," which consists of pruritic papules,

History and clinical presentation: Personal history( age, sex,
occupation and residence) Clinical history (Symptoms such as
hematuria, dysentery and Signs as anemia, hepatomegaly,
:Parasitological diagnosis
Stool or Urine analysis: for detection of diagnostic stage
.( characteristic Egg)
.Serological diagnosis: ELIZA

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