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Electromagnetic Fields

and Waves
Lecture 1 - 2

AIUB EMWF Lec 1_2 /1

Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Course Description

Review of Vector analysis, coordinate systems and solutions to static field

Electrostatics: Coulomb's law, force, electric field intensity, electrical flux
density. Gauss's theorem, Electrostatic potential, boundary conditions, method
of images, Laplace's and Poisson's equations, energy of an electrostatic
system, conductor and dielectrics.
Magnetostatics: Concepts of magnetic field, Ampere's law, Bio-Savart law,
vector magnetic potential, energy of magnetostatic system, Mechanical forces
and torques in Electric and Magnetic fields.
Graphical field mapping with applications, solution to Laplace equations,
rectangular, cylindrical and spherical harmonics with applications.

AIUB EMWF Lec 1 _2 /2

Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Course Description (contd.)

Relation between circuit theory and field theory.
Time Varying Fields: Maxwell's equations.
Polarization: Propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves in
unbounded media: plane wave propagation, polarization, power flow and
Poynting's theorem.
Transmission line analogy, reflection from conducting and dielectric boundary
display lines ion in dielectrics, plane wave propagation through the ionosphere.
Introduction to radiation.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis


William H. Hayt, Jr., John A. Buck, “Engineering Electromagnetics”, 8th

Edition Onward

AIUB EMWF Lec 1 _2 /4

Chapter 1 Vector Analysis


Apply vector calculus to solve simple Electrostatic and Magnetostatics

Use Gauss’s law, Coulomb’s law and Poisson’s equation to calculate electric
fields and potential.
Describe the interaction between time varying electric and magnetic fields and
how this interaction leads to Maxwell’s Equation.
Apply Maxwell’s Equations to solve simple electromagnetic problems.
Analyze plane wave propagation and the effects of material parameters on the
wave propagation.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis


At least 80% class attendance is necessary to sit for the exam. If there is any
assignment given to the students, they have to submit it before the deadline
decided by the course teacher.
Marking system (Midterm and Final term):
Quiz: 20%
Assignments 20%
Attendance & class performance: 20%
Midterm/Final term exam: 40%
Total: 100%
Final Grade/ Grand Total:
Midterm: 40%
Final Term: 60%

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

What is Electro-magnetics?

Electric field
Produced by the presence of
electrically charged particles,
and gives rise to the electric

Magnetic field
Produced by the motion of
electric charges, or electric
current, and gives rise to the
magnetic force associated
with magnets.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Importance of Electromagnetic Engineering

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Electromagnetic principles find application in various disciplines such as
microwaves, x-rays, antennas, electric machines, plasmas, etc.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

 Electromagnetic fields are used in induction heaters for melting, forging, annealing,
surface hardening, and soldering operation.
 Electromagnetic devices include transformers, radio, television, mobile phones, radars,
lasers, etc.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Applications: Transrapid Train

• A magnetic traveling field moves the vehicle without contact.

• The speed can be continuously regulated by varying the frequency of the
alternating current.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Scalars and Vectors

 Scalar refers to a quantity whose value may be represented by a single

(positive or negative) real number.
 Some examples include distance, temperature, mass, density, pressure,
volume, and time.

 A vector quantity has both a magnitude and a direction in space. We

especially concerned with two- and three-dimensional spaces only.
 Displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force are examples of vectors.

• Scalar notation: A or A (italic or plain)

• Vector notation: A or A (bold or plain with


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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Dot Product

 Given two vectors A and B, the dot product, or scalar product, is defines as the
product of the magnitude of A, the magnitude of B, and the cosine of the smaller
angle between them:

A  B  A B cos  AB

 The dot product is a scalar, and it obeys the commutative law:

AB  BA

 For any vector A  Ax a x  Ay a y + Az a z and B  Bxa x  By a y + ,Bz a z

A  B  Ax Bx  Ay By + Az Bz

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Vector Algebra

AB BA

A  ( B + C)  ( A  B ) + C
A  B  A  ( B )
A 1
 A
n n
AB  0  A  B
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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Rectangular Coordinate System

• Differential surface units:

dx  dy
dy  dz
dx  dz

• Differential volume unit :

dx  dy  dz

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Vector Components and Unit Vectors

r  xyz
r  xa x  ya y  za z
a x , a y , a z : unit vectors
R PQ  rQ  rP
 (2a x  2a y  a z )  (1a x  2a y  3a z )
 a x  4a y  2a z

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Vector Components and Unit Vectors

 For any vector B, B  Bx a x  By a: y + Bz a z

B  Bx2  By2  Bz2  B Magnitude of B

aB   Unit vector in the direction of B
Bx2  By2  Bz2 B

 Example
Given points M(–1,2,1) and N(3,–3,0), find RMN and aMN.

R MN  (3a x  3a y  0a z )  (1a x  2a y  1a z )  4a x  5a y  a z

R MN 4a x  5a y  1a z
a MN    0.617a x  0.772a y  0.154a z
R MN 4  (5)  (1)
2 2 2

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Dot Product

 One of the most important applications of the dot product is that

of finding the component of a vector in a given direction.

• The scalar component of B in the

direction of the unit vector a is Ba B  a  B a cos  Ba  B cos  Ba
• The vector component of B in the
direction of the unit vector a is (Ba)a

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Dot Product

 Example
The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6,–1,2),
B(–2,3,–4), and C(–3,1,5). Find: (a) RAB; (b) RAC; (c) the angle
θBAC at vertex A; (d) the vector projection of RAB on RAC.

R AB  (2a x  3a y  4a z )  (6a x  a y  2a z )  8a x  4a y  6a z B

R AC  (3a x  1a y  5a z )  (6a x  a y  2a z )  9a x  2a y  3a z

R AB  R AC  R AB R AC cos  BAC C
R AB  R AC (8a x  4a y  6a z )  (9a x  2a y  3a z ) 62
 cos  BAC     0.594
R AB R AC (8)  (4)  (6)
2 2 2
(9)  (2)  (3)
2 2 2
116 94

  BAC  cos 1 (0.594)  53.56

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Dot Product

 Example
 
If A B  0 , What is the θ between them

 
 A B 
 
 AB   0
 
 
 A B 
and   cos 1    90

 AB 
 
Therefore A is perpendicular to B and vice versa.

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cross Product

 Given two vectors A and B, the magnitude of the cross product, or vector
product, written as AB, is defines as the product of the magnitude of A, the
magnitude of B, and the sine of the smaller angle between them.
 The direction of AB is perpendicular to the plane containing A and B and is in
the direction of advance of a right-handed screw as A is turned into B.

A  B  a N A B sin  AB ax  a y  az
a y  az  ax
 The cross product is a vector, and it is not az  ax  a y

(B  A )   ( A  B )

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cross Product

 Example
Given A = 2ax – 3ay + az and B = –4ax – 2ay + 5az, find AB.

ax ay az
 
A  B  Ax Ay Az
Bx By Bz

A  B  ( Ay Bz  Az By )a x  ( Az Bx  Ax Bz )a y  ( Ax By  Ay Bx )a z
  (3)(5)  (1)(2)  a x   (1)(4)  (2)(5)  a y  (2)(2)  (3)(4)  a z
 13a x  14a y  16a z

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cross Product

 Example
 
If A  B  0 , What is the θ between them

( )
⃗ ⃗
𝐴× 𝐵
 
Therefore A is parallel to B

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Rectangular Coordinate System

• Differential surface units:

dx  dy
dy  dz
dx  dz

• Differential volume unit :

dx  dy  dz

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Rectangular Coordinate System

Given, 3 ≤ x ≤ 6 and 2 ≤ y ≤ 4; Find the surface.
6 4
S z   dS z   dx  dy  x 3 y 2  6  34  2   6
6 4

3 2
Therefore the surface is Sz = 6 az

Given, 3 ≤ x ≤ 4, 3 ≤ y ≤ 6 and 4 ≤ z ≤ 7; Find the volume.
4 6 7
V   dx  dy  dz  x 3 y 3 z 4  9
Solution: 4 6 7

3 3 4

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Lecture - 2

Electromagnetic Fields & Waves

Lecture 2

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cylindrical Coordinate System

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cylindrical Coordinate System

• Differential surface units: • Relation between the rectangular

d   dz and the cylindrical coordinate
 d  dz
d    d x    cos    x2  y 2
• Differential volume unit : y    sin    tan 1
d    d  dz zz zz

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cylindrical Coordinate System

Given, 3 ≤ ρ ≤ 4 and 300 ≤ ϕ ≤ 600; Find the surface.
 3 4
  2
  4 2
3 2
    7
S z   dS z   d  d      6        
 3

3  6  2 3  2 2  3 6  12

Given, 3 ≤ ρ ≤ 4, 300 ≤ ϕ ≤ 600 and 3 ≤ z ≤ 7; Find the volume.

 3 4
4 7
2   4 2 32     7
S z   dS z   d  d  dz      6 z 3      7  3  
 3 7

3  6 3  2 3  2 2  3 6  3

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cylindrical Coordinate System

Given, ρ = 3 cm and 0 ≤ z ≤ 5; Find the volume for the full cylinder.
3 2 5
S z   dS z   d  d  dz
0 0 0
 2
    0 z 0
2 5

 2 0
 32 
  2 5
 45

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cylindrical Coordinate System

A  Ax a x  Ay a y + Az a z  A  A a   A a + Az a z
az az A  A  a 
a  ( Ax a x  Ay a y + Az a z )  a 
ay  Ax a x  a   Ay a y  a  + Az a z  a 
a  Ax cos   Ay sin 
A  A  a
• Dot products of unit vectors in  ( Ax a x  Ay a y + Az a z )  a
cylindrical and rectangular coordinate  Ax a x  a  Ay a y  a + Az a z  a
  Ax sin   Ay cos 

Az  A  a z
 ( Ax a x  Ay a y + Az a z )  a z
 Ax a x  a z  Ay a y  a z + Az a z  a z
 Az

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Spherical Coordinate System

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Spherical Coordinate System

• Differential surface units: • Differential volume unit :

dr  rd dr  rd  r sin  d
dr  r sin  d
rd  r sin  d

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Spherical Coordinate System

Given, r =3, 300 ≤ ϕ ≤ 600 and 600 ≤ θ ≤ 900 Find the surface of the share.

 3  2
 1 3   
S z   dS r  r  sin d  d  3  cos    
 3  2
2 2
 6  3  9      0.55

6 3  2 2  6 
Given, 3 ≤ ρ ≤ 4, 300 ≤ ϕ ≤ 600 and 7 ≤ z ≤ 7; Find the volume.

 3 4
2 
 4 2 32     7
S z   dS z   d  d  dz      6 z 3      7  3  
 3 7

3  6 3  2 3  2 2  3 6  3

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Spherical Coordinate System

• Relation between the rectangular and

the spherical coordinate systems

x  r sin  cos  r  x2  y 2  z 2 , r  0
y  r sin  sin    cos 1 , 0    180
x y z
2 2 2

z  r cos    tan 1

• Dot products of unit vectors in spherical and

rectangular coordinate systems

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Spherical Coordinate System

 Example
Given the two points, C(–3,2,1) and D(r = 5, θ = 20°, Φ = –70°), find: (a) the
spherical coordinates of C; (b) the rectangular coordinates of D.

r  x 2  y 2  z 2  (3) 2  (2) 2  (1) 2  3.742

z 1
  cos 1
 cos 1
 74.50
x y z
2 2 2 3.742

y 2
  tan 1  tan 1  33.69  180  146.31
x 3
 C (r  3.742,   74.50,   146.31)

 D( x  0.585, y  1.607, z  4.698)

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Field Due to a Continuous Volume Charge Distribution

 We denote the volume charge density by ρv, having the units of coulombs per cubic
meter (C/m3).
 The small amount of charge ΔQ in a small volume Δv is

Q   v v
 We may define ρv mathematically by using a limit on the above equation:

v  lim
v  0 v

 The total charge within some finite volume is obtained by integrating throughout that

Q   dv

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Field Due to a Continuous Volume Charge Distribution

 Example
Find the total charge inside the volume indicated by ρv = 4xyz2, 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 2, 0 ≤ Φ ≤
π/2, 0 ≤ z ≤ 3. All values are in SI units.

x   cos 
v  4   sin    cos   z 2
y   sin 
3  2 2
Q 
v dv    
z 0 0 0
(4   sin    cos   z 2 )(d    d  dz )

3 22
 sin 2  2sin  cos 
  z sin  cos  d  d dz
 3 2
0 0 0
3 2
  16 z 2
sin  cos  d dz
0 0
  8z 2 dz  72 C

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Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Practice Problems
 D1.4. The three vertices of a triangle located at A(6,-1,2), B(-2,3,-4) and C(-3,1,5).
Find: (a) RAB ˣ RAC; (b) the area of the triangle; (c) unit vector perpendicular to the
plane in which the triangle is located.
 D1.5: (a) Give the Cartesian coordinates of the point C(ρ = 4.4, Φ = -11.5º, z = 2).
(b) Give the cylindrical co-ordinates of the point D(x = - 3.1, y = 2.6, z = -3). (c)
Specify the distance from C to D.
 D1.6. Transform to cylindrical coordinates: (a) F = 10ax - 8ay + 6az at point P(10,-
8,6); (b) G = (2x + y)ax - (y - 4x)ay at point Q(ρ,ϕ,z); (c) Give the rectangular
components of the vector H = 20aρ - 10aϕ + 3az at point P(x=5,y=2,z=-1).
 D1.8. Transform the following vectors to spherical co-ordinates at the point given:
(a) 10ax at P(x=-3,y=2,z=4); (b) 10ay at Q(ρ=5,ϕ=30o,z=4); (c) 10az at
 Ex 1.23. The surfaces ρ = 3, ρ = 5, φ = 100◦, φ = 130◦, z = 3, and z = 4.5 define a
closed surface. Find (a) the enclosed volume; (b) the total area of the
enclosing surface.

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