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Unit 3

Sequential Logic Design

Flip Flops
• Flip-flops and latches are used as data storage elements to store a
single bit (binary digit) of data (0 or 1)
• Such data storage can be used for storage of state, and such a circuit is
described as sequential logic in electronics.
• One bit memory cell
S R Flip Flop
The SR flip-flop is the 1-bit bistable memory device having two inputs, SET and RESET. The SET input 'S' of the SR
flip-flop sets the device or generates the output as 1, and the RESET input 'R' of the SR flip-flop resets the device or
generates the output as 0.
Working of SR flip flop

Condition 1: S=0 and R=0

• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =0
• Qn (final)=?
Working of SR flip flop contd…..
• S=0 and R=0
• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =1
• Qn (final)=?
Working of SR flip flop contd….
Condition 2 : S=0 and R=1
• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =0
• Qn (final)=?
Working of SR flip flop contd…
• S=0 and R=1
• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =1
• Qn (final)=?
Working of SR flip flop contd…
Condition 3 : S=1 and R=0
• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =0
• Qn (final)=?
Find Qn final
• S=1 and R=0
• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =1
• Qn (final)=?
Working of SR flip flop contd…
Condition 4: S=1 and R=1
• Clock =1
• Qn (initial) =1
• Qn (final)=?
SR Flip Flop final truth table
D Flip flop
• D flip flop is formed by connecting inverter in between input of the SR
flip flop
J K Flip Flop
Clk J K Q Q^
0 X X Previous data
1 0 0 Previous data
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 Toggle
T Flip Flop
JK Flip Flop
Clk J K Q Q^
0 X X Previous data
1 0 0 Previous data
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 Toggle

T Flip Flop
Clk T J K Q Q^
0 X X X Previous data
1 0 0 0 Previous data
1 1 1 1 Toggle
Clk S R Q Q^
0 X X Previous data Clk D S R Q Q^
1 0 0 Previous data 0 X X X Previous data
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 Invalid

Clk J K Q Q^
Clk T J K Q Q^
0 X X Previous data
0 X X X Previous data
1 0 0 Previous data
1 0 0 0 Previous data
1 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 Toggle
1 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 Toggle
Counter :
Counters are used to count the clock pulses. The clock pulses occur at regular intervals. They are used
to measure the time and frequency. We can also say that counters are sequential circuits which change
their pre-defined states with the help of clock pulses. They are constructed with flip flops and logic
They are of two types –
1.Asynchronous counter
2.Synchronous counter
Types of clock
Difference between Synchronous and
asynchronous counters
2 bit synchronous up counter (positive edge)
2 bit synchronous up counter (negative edge)
2 bit synchronous down counter (positive
Clock Q1 Q0
Initially 0 0
1 1 1
2 1 0
3 0 1
4 0 0
2 bit synchronous down counter (negative
Clock Q1 Q0
Initially 0 0
1 1 1
2 1 0
3 0 1
4 0 0
Design of 3 bit synchronous up counter using state diagram and
excitation table
Asynchronous (ripple) UP counter
Asynchronous (ripple) up counter negative edge)
Asynchronous (ripple) down counter

Clock Q1 Q0
Initially 0 0
1 1 1
2 1 0
3 0 1
4 0 0
3 bit asynchronous up counter (-ve edge
Shift Registers
• A register is a device used to store Information.
• Flip Flops are often used to make Registers.
• Each Flip flop can store 1-bit information and for storing n-bit word n flip flops will
be required.
• A shift register is a type of digital circuit using a cascade of flip-flops where the
output of one flip-flop is connected to the input of the next.
• They share a single clock signal, which causes the data stored in the system to
shift from one location to the next.
Types of Shift register based on directions

• Shift Left Register

• Shift Right Register
• Shift Around Register
• Bi-directional Shift Register
Shift Left Register
Registers which shift input data towards left, are called shift left registers.

Sometimes it is necessary to shift the least significant digit first ,as when addition is be carried out
Shift Right Register
Types of Shift Register based on inputs and
• Following are the four types of shift registers based on applying
inputs and accessing of outputs.
• Serial In − Serial Out shift register.
• Serial In − Parallel Out shift register.
• Parallel In − Serial Out shift register.
• Parallel In − Parallel Out shift register.
Serial IN Serial OUT

• In "Serial Input Serial Output", the data is shifted "IN" or "OUT" serially. In
SISO, a single bit is shifted at a time in either right or left direction under
clock control.
• The SISO shift register is mainly used to generate time delays in
digital logic circuits.
Serial-in to Parallel-out (SIPO)
The register is loaded with serial data, one bit at a time, with the stored
data being available at the output in parallel form.
Parallel-in to Serial-out (PISO)
• When Shift/load =1
Gates G1, G3, and G5 are enabled, allowing the data bits to shift right
from one stage to the next.
• When Shift/load =0
• Gates G2, G4 and G6 are enabled, allowing the data to be loaded in
the shift register.
As this type of shift register converts parallel data, such as an 8-bit data word into serial format, it
can be used to multiplex many different input lines into a single serial DATA stream which can be
sent directly to a computer or transmitted over a communications line.
Commonly available IC’s include the 74HC166 8-bit Parallel-in/Serial-out Shift Registers.
4-bit Parallel-in to Parallel-out
The PIPO shift register is the simplest of the four configurations as
it has only three connections, the parallel input (PI) which
determines what enters the flip-flop, the parallel output (PO) and
the sequencing clock signal (Clk).

Similar to the Serial-in to Serial-out shift register, this type of

register also acts as a temporary storage device or as a time
delay device, with the amount of time delay being varied by the
frequency of the clock pulses.
Also, in this type of register there are no interconnections
between the individual flip-flops since no serial shifting of the
data is required.
Question bank
• What do you mean by flip flop. Draw a simple latch diagram using NOT gate and explain its
• Explain S R flip flop with block diagram, circuit diagram and truth table
• Explain D flip flop with block diagram, circuit diagram and truth table
• Explain JK flip flop with block diagram, circuit diagram and truth table
• Explain T flip flop with block diagram, circuit diagram and truth table
• Explain difference between Synchronous and asynchronous counters
• Explain a 3 bit synchronous up/down counter ( positive/negative) edge with block diagram,
state table and waveforms
• Explain a 3 bit asynchronous up/down counter ( positive/negative) edge with block
diagram, state table and waveforms
• Define counter
• Define Shift Register
• List the types and application of shift registers
• Explain Shift left and Shift right truth table
• Explain the following shift registers: SIPO, SISO, PISO and PIPO using T flip flop

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