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Robust Optimization

Aojie Hong
Remus Hanea
Optimization Problems Sequential Decision Making
• What is a sequential decision making
Gradient-based Methods problem?
• Optimization without uncertainty • Modeling of sequential decision
• Optimization under uncertainty making problems
• Optimization over an ensemble o myopic model
• EnOpt algorithm o naïve model
• Examples o dynamic programming model
o a decline curve example • Closed-loop Optimization
o a CRM example o Workflow
o a reservoir simulation example o a reservoir simulation example


Optimization Problems

Definition of Optimization Problems

max 𝐽 (𝑼 )
𝑼 ∈ 𝜴𝑼

• is the objective function – what we want to achieve (e.g., oil recovery of

• is the vector containing control (or decision) variables – what actions we
can do (e.g., injection rate of a water injection well).
• is the feasible space of the control variables – what alternatives we have
(e.g., the feasible range of the injection rate of a water injection well is
from 0 bbl/day to 1,000 bbl/day).

Solving Optimization Problems
In general, there are two categories of methods for solving optimization problems.
• Gradient-based methods
o Need to calculate (approximately) the gradients of the objective function with respect to the
control variables.
o Can be trapped in a local optimum (sensitive to the starting point).
o Less computationally demanding.
• Non-gradient-based methods
o Do not need to calculate (approximately) the gradients of the objective function with respect to
the control variables.
o Have a higher chance to find the global optimum.
o More computationally demanding.

Idea behind Gradient-based Methods
(Cases without Uncertainty)

Idea behind Gradient-based Methods



0 5 10 15
u 7
Gradient-based Methods



0 5 10 15
u 9
Idea behind Gradient-based Methods
(Cases with Uncertainty)

Optimization under Uncertainty
For a risk-neutral decision maker, the objective is to maximize the mean over the objective
functions of individual realizations in an ensemble.

• is the mean objective function.

• is the realization in an ensemble.

Gradient-based Methods
Realization 1
Realization 2
Ensemble Mean


0 5 10 15
u 12
Gradient-based Methods
• Each green circle presents one
Realization 1 forward modeling (e.g., reservoir
Realization 2 simulation).
Ensemble Mean
0.2 • Forward modeling can be
computationally demanding.

• If we want to make the

optimization process faster, fewer
forward modeling should be run.
0 • A common practice is to use only
0 5 10 15 one forward model with the means
u of model parameters (mean

Optimization Using Mean Model
If we use the mean model, the optimization problem is reduced to

• is the mean model.

• is the realization in an ensemble.

Optimization Using Mean Model
Optimal control maximizing mean model
Realization 1 result: Is it maximizing ensemble mean?
Realization 2 Jensen’s inequality:
Ensemble Mean
0.2 Mean Model
for non-linear objective function


0 5 10 15
u 15
Idea behind Ensemble-based Optimization

Ensemble-based Optimization
• Each green circle presents one
Realization 1 forward modeling (e.g., reservoir
Realization 2 simulation).
Ensemble Mean
0.2 • Forward modeling can be
computationally demanding.

• If we want to make the

optimization process faster, fewer
forward modeling should be run.
0 • The idea behind ensemble-based
0 5 10 15 optimization methods is to using
u forward modeling more

Ensemble-based Optimization
Realization 1
Realization 2
Ensemble Mean


0 5 10 15
u 18
Ensemble-based Optimization
Realization 1
Realization 2
Ensemble Mean

The idea behind ensemble-

based optimization methods
0.1 is to using forward modeling
more effectively:
Evaluating different control
0 values on different
realizations to explore a wider
0 5 10 15
area of the control variables
u space. 19
The Ensemble-Based Optimization Method

EnOpt Algorithm
1. Define a starting point of control values .
2. Evaluate on realization for to get and calculate .
3. Generate random control values () around .
4. Evaluate on realization for to get .
5. Calculate

6. Calculate the cross-covariance matrix (sensitivity) .

7. Use the normalized as an approximation of the gradient .

EnOpt Algorithm
8. Use the approximated gradient to update the control values .
9. Evaluate on realization for to get and calculate .
10. Compare and :
o If , the mean objective value is increased! Use as the starting point in Step 1 to start a new iteration.
o If , the current step size is too large. Reduce , recalculate in Step 8, and repeat Steps 9 – 10.

EnOpt Implementation
(Simple Production Model Example)

A Simple Production Model Example
A production model is used to model the oil and water production from a field with one producer and
one water injector. (The production model is given in the Jupyter Notebook.) Our uncertainty about the
reservoir is modeled using an ensemble of different settings of the production model parameters.

Injector Producer

• The field will be produced for 60 months.

• The control variable is the water injection rate for the 60 months (constant over the 60 months after
it has been decided at time 0). That is, there is only one control variable.
• The objective is to maximize the net present value (NPV) of the production.
• What water injection rate should be used for the 60 months? Python: EnOpt_CRM_1Control.ipynb
A Simple Production Model Example
• For the same context, suppose we now have a “smart” injection well, whose injection rate can vary
monthly for the 60 month. That is, there are now 60 control variables (one for each month).
• What water injection rate should be used for the 60 months?

Python: EnOpt_CRM_nControl.ipynb
Sequential Decision Making

The essential of sequential decision making is learning over time.
Current Decision

Prior Decision Additional Decision Additional Decision

Information to make Information to make Information to make …
() () () () () ()

Time 0 1 2 …
Past Current Future
The myopic model ignores future decisions and information.
Current Decision

Prior Decision Additional Decision Additional Decision

Information to make Information to make Information to make …
() () () () () ()

Time 0 1 2 …
Past Current Future

Initial Uncertainty
𝐷0 𝑈∨ 𝐼 0
The naïve model ignores future information/learning.
Current Decision

Prior Decision Additional Decision Additional Decision

Information to make Information to make Information to make …
() () () () () ()

Time 0 1 2 …
Past Current Future

Initial Uncertainty
𝐷0 𝐷1 𝐷2 𝐷 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑈∨ 𝐼 0

The farsighted model preserves the full decision-info structure.
Current Decision

Prior Decision Additional Decision Additional Decision

Information to make Information to make Information to make …
() () () () () ()

Time 0 1 2 …
Past Current Future
Dynamic programming is based on the farsighted model.
Evolution of Uncertainty (Learning over Time)
𝐷0 𝐼 1∨𝐼 0 𝐷1 𝐼 2∨𝐼 0 : 1 𝐷 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑈∨ 𝐼 0 : 𝑒𝑛𝑑

The myopic and naïve models can lead to sub-optimal decision policies and lower
the value of sequential decisions, but the farsighted model is computationally
Low 𝐷0 𝑈∨ 𝐼 0

Computational Burden

Decision Value

𝐷0 𝐷1 𝐷2 𝐷 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑈∨ 𝐼 0
Naïve …
𝐷0 𝐼 1∨𝐼 0 𝐷1 𝐼 2∨𝐼 0 : 1 𝐷 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑈∨ 𝐼 0 : 𝑒𝑛𝑑
Farsighted …
A Sequential Drilling Example


• Reservoirs A and B are disconnected.

• The chance of getting oil from Reservoir A is 10%
and that of Reservoir B is also 10%.
• Because of their similarity, the NPVs of the two
reservoirs are the same ($600 million) if oil is found.
• The cost of a well is $100 million. 32
A Sequential Drilling Example
Alternative 1: to drill only Reservoir A.
NPV (M$)
Res. A
EV = -30
90% -100
EV = 0

A Sequential Drilling Example
Alternative 2: to drill only Reservoir B.
NPV (M$)
Res. B
EV = -30
90% -100
EV = 0

A Sequential Drilling Example
Alternative 3: to drill Reservoirs A and B simultaneously.

Res. A is …
oil dry
oil 7% 3%
Res. B is…
dry 3% 87%

A Sequential Drilling Example
Alternative 3: to drill Reservoirs A and B simultaneously.
A(oil)&B(oil) NPV (M$)
600 + 600
600 – 100
Res. A&B 3%
EV = -60 A(dry)&B(oil)
3% -100 + 600
EV = 0 87% -100 – 100

A Sequential Drilling Example
Summary for the case without information.
Alternative EV (M$)
0. walk away 0 EVWOI
1. to drill Reservoir A only -30
2. to drill Reservoir B only -30
3. to drill both simultaneously -60

A Sequential Drilling Example
Alternative 4: to drill one first and then decide whether the other
one should be drilled based on the outcome of the first one.
Given Res. A is …
oil dry
oil 70% 3.3%
Res. B is…
dry 30% 96.7%

A Sequential Drilling Example
Alternative 4: to drill one first and NPV (M$)
then decide whether the other one
should be drilled based on the 600 + 600
outcome of the first one. drill B 70%
EV = 990 dry
oil 600 – 100
10% EV = 990 walk
600 + 0
To drill oil
EV = 9 -100 + 600
A first drill B 3.3%
EV = -176.7
dry -100 – 100
90% EV = -100 walk
-100 + 0
A Sequential Drilling Example
Summary for all cases.
Alternative EV (M$)
0. walk away 0 EVWOI
1. to drill Reservoir A only -30
2. to drill Reservoir B only -30
3. to drill both simultaneously -60
4. to drill sequentially 9 EVWI (free)

VOI = 9 – 0 = $9 million
After the first well has been drilled, the cost of knowing
the outcome of the first well is zero. Thus, we should go
for the alternative of sequential drilling. 40
Closed-Loop Optimization

Closed Loop

Jansen, J. D., Brouwer, R., & Douma, S. G. (2009). Closed loop reservoir management. SPE reservoir simulation symposium.
Closed loop optimization is based on the (?) model.
What What What What
injection injection injection injection
rate should rate should rate should rate should
be used? be used? be used? be used?
Will collect Will collect Will collect end
production data. production data. production data.
Year 0 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year 40
EnOpt on the prior: the optimal , , , and .
Implement the optimal to the field.

Closed loop optimization is based on the (?) model.
What What What
injection injection injection
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑟 rate should rate should rate should
𝐼 0 :10 be used? be used? be used?

Production data () have

Will collect Will collect end
been collected production data. production data.
Year 0 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year 40
EnKF: Posterior 1
EnOpt on the posterior 1:
the optimal , , and .
Implement the optimal to the field.
Closed loop optimization is based on the (?) model.
What What
injection injection
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑟 rate should rate should
𝐼 0 :10 𝐼 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
10: 20
be used? be used?

Production data () have Production data () have

Will collect end
been collected been collected production data.
Year 0 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year 40
EnKF: Posterior 2
EnOpt on the posterior 2:
the optimal , and .
Implement the optimal
to the field. 45
Closed loop optimization is based on the (?) model.
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑟 rate should
𝐼 0 :10 𝐼 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
10: 20
𝐼 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
20 :30
be used?

Production data () have Production data () have Production data () have

been collected been collected been collected

Year 0 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year 40

EnKF: Posterior 3
EnOpt on the posterior 3:
the optimal .
Implement the optimal
to the field.
Closed loop optimization is based on the (?) model.

𝐼 0 :10 𝐼 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
10: 20
𝐼 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡
20 :30
𝐼 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 3
30 : 40

Production data () have Production data () have Production data () have

been collected been collected been collected

Year 0 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30 Year 40

Value of Information in
Closed-Loop Optimization

VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 1: Frame the decision problem.
What production
strategy should
be used?
Data () will be collected.
Year 0 Year 20 Year 40
Prior Posterior

What is the value of the future data ()?

VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 2: Build the initial (or prior) ensemble of realizations.

iR1 iR2 iR3

VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 3: Perform robust optimization on the initial ensemble and
calculate Expected Value WithOut Information (EVWOI).

iR1 iR2 iR3

Robust Optimization

Max Average NPV = EVWOI 51

VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 4: Assess and model the measurement errors.

Measurement error

VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 5: Simulate information from all initial realizations.
If iR1 is the truth Simulate data


If iR2 is the truth Simulate data


If iR1 is the truth Simulate data

VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 6: Update the initial ensemble using the simulated information.
If iR1 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble

iR1 Updated
Ensemble 1

If iR2 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble

iR2 Updated
Ensemble 2

If iR1 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble

iR3 Updated
Ensemble 3 54
VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 7: Perform robust optimization on each updated ensemble.
If iR1 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble Robust opt
Updated Optimal
iR1 Controls
Ensemble 1

If iR2 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble Robust opt
Updated Optimal
iR2 Controls
Ensemble 2

If iR1 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble Robust opt
iR3 Updated
Ensemble 3 Controls
VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 8: Apply each optimal set of controls on corresponding initial realization
to calculate Value With (free) Information (VWI) of the realization.
If iR1 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble Robust opt
Apply on iR1
Updated Optimal and calculate
iR1 Controls
Ensemble 1 NPV (VWI(iR1))

If iR2 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble Robust opt
Apply on iR2
Updated Optimal and calculate
iR2 Controls
Ensemble 2 NPV (VWI(iR2))

If iR1 is the truth Simulate data Update initial ensemble Robust opt
Apply on iR3
iR3 Updated and calculate
Ensemble 3 Controls NPV (VWI(iR3))
VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
Step 9: Calculate Expected Value With (free) Information (EVWI).
EVWI (free) =

Step 10: Calculate VOI for a risk-neutral decision maker.


VOI Calculation Using Ensemble-Based Methods
(only one decision point)
• When there is only one decision point, the VOI calculated using the ensemble-based methods
is consistent with the definition of VOI.
• However, for sequential decision making, the closed-loop optimization (EnKF + EnOpt) is
based on the naïve model and may lead to sub-optimal sequential decisions.
o VOI generally refers to the value of information that leads to the optimal sequential
decisions (i.e., decisions solved using the farsighted (dynamic programming) model).
o We use “special VOI” to refer to the value of information that leads to sub-optimal
sequential decisions (i.e., decisions solved using the naïve or myopic model).
o Special VOI ≤ VOI

Special VOI Calculation for Closed Loop Optimization
(multiple decision points)
Step 1: Frame the decision problem.
What What What
production production production
strategy strategy strategy
should be should be should be
used? used? used?

Data () will be Data () will be Data () will be end

collected. collected. collected.

Year 0 Year 10 Year 20 Year 30

What is the value of the future data (, , and )?

Special VOI Calculation for Closed Loop Optimization
(multiple decision points)
Step 2: Build the initial (or prior) ensemble of realizations.

iR1 iR2 iR3

Special VOI Calculation for Closed Loop Optimization
(multiple decision points)
Step 3: Perform robust optimization on the initial ensemble and
calculate Expected Value WithOut Information (EVWOI).

iR1 iR2 iR3

Robust Optimization

Max Average NPV = EVWOI 61

Special VOI Calculation for Closed Loop Optimization
(multiple decision points)
Step 4: Assess and model the measurement errors.

Measurement error

Special VOI Calculation for Closed Loop Optimization
(multiple decision points)
Step 5 – 8: Repeat CLO for all initial realizations.
Simulate data for
If iR1 is the truth next 10 years Update initial ensemble Robust opt Apply controls
Optimal at immediate
iR1 1st Updated
Controls decision point
on iR1.

Update 1st updated Simulate data for

Repeat same Apply controls Robust opt ensemble next 10 years
procedure for at immediate Optimal 2nd Updated
remaining decision point Controls Ensemble
decision points. on iR1.

Apply optimal controls

Optimal Controls at
on iR1 and calculate
Repeat for other initial realizations (iR2,
All Decision Points iR3, …) and calculate VWI(iR2), VWI(iR3),
63 …
NPV (VWI(iR1)).
Special VOI Calculation for Closed Loop Optimization
(multiple decision points)
Step 9: Calculate Expected Value With (free) Information (EVWI).
EVWI (free) =

Step 10: Calculate VOI for a risk-neutral decision maker.



• Value can only be created (or destroyed) through our decisions.
• Uncertainty is inseparable from decision making.
• Probability is the language of uncertainty and probabilistic thinking and understanding is required
for high-quality decision making.
o We are all biased and our biases must be avoided/mitigated.
o Bayes’ rule should be used to update our uncertainty when additional information becomes available.

• The Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) is practical and robust for updating reservoir simulation
models, but care must be taken.
• The ensemble-based optimization algorithm, EnOpt, is efficient in tuning many control variables
simultaneously for expected value maximization, but it may be trapped in a local maximum.
• Closed-loop optimization – a combination of ensemble-based history matching and optimization – is
based on the naïve model for sequential decision making and can result in sub-optimal sequential


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