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Prestressed Concrete

Engr. Muhammad Ali

Dept. of Civil Engineering
(The University of Faisalabad.)
General Details
• Department of Civil Engineering.
• Course: Prestressed Concrete.
• Instructor: Engr. Muhammad Ali.
• Lecture No. 05.
• Week No. 5.

The University of Faisalabad.

Partial Loss of Prestress –
Prestressing Losses
Engr. Muhammad Ali
Dept. of Civil Engineering
(The University of Faisalabad.)

Course: Prestressed Concrete

Text Books
1. Prestressed Concrete Structures by Michael P. Collins.

2. Prestressed Concrete by Edward G. Nawy.

3. Modern Prestressed Concrete - 3rd Ed. by James G. Libby.

4. Design of Prestressed Concrete – 2nd Ed. by A. H. Nilson.

5. Structural Concrete – Theory & Design – by N. Hassoun.

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Summary of Previous Lecture
1. Prestressed Concrete, Concepts & Principles.
2. Methods & Stages of Prestressing.
3. Tendon Profiles and Components of Prestressing.
4. Advantages and Applications of Prestressing.
5. Materials used for Prestressed Concrete.
6. Prestressing Steel.
7. Standards and Codes for Prestressing Steel.

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Partial Loss of Prestressing – Prestressing

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Pre-stressed Concrete
• What is Pre-stressed
 Internal stresses are induced to
counteract external stresses.

 In 1904, Freyssinet attempted to

introduce permanent acting forces
in concrete to resist the elastic
forces under loads and was named
“Pre stressing”.
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Prestressing Losses
 It is well-established fact that the initial prestressing force applied
to the concrete element undergoes a progressive process of
reduction over a period of approximately five.
 So, it is important to determine the level of the prestressing force
at each loading stage, from the stage of transfer of the
prestressing force to the concrete, to the various stages of
prestressing available at service load, up to the ultimate.
 Loss in prestress is the difference between initial prestress and
the effective prestress..

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Prestressing Losses
 Loss in prestress is the difference between initial prestress and
the effective prestress. Loss of prestress affects:
 The strength of member and,
 Member’s serviceability [Stresses in Concrete, Cracking, Camber
and Deflection].
 Essentially, the reduction in the prestressing force can be grouped
into two categories.
1. Immediate Losses.
2. Time-dependent Losses.

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Prestress Losses - Types
 Loss of prestress is classified into two types:
1. Immediate Losses
 Occur during the fabrication or construction process, prestressing
of tendons, & transfer of prestress to concrete member; i.e. elastic
shortening of concrete, anchorage losses, and frictional losses.
2. Time Dependent Losses
 Time dependent losses such as creep, shrinkage, and those due to
temperature effects and steel relaxation, all of which are
determinable at the service-load limit state of stress in PS
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Types According to Time

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Types According to Material

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Losses in Various Prestressing Systems

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AASHTO-LRFD Specifications
For Lump-Sum estimates following conditions should met:
1. Members that are post-tensioned must be non-segmental
members with spans less than 160 feet and concrete stressed an
age of 10-30 days.
2. Members that are pre-tensioned must be stressed at an age where
the concrete strength is not less than 3,500-psi.
3. Members must be made from normal weight concrete.
4. Members cannot be steam-cured, nor moist-cured.
5. The prestressing steel must be normal or low-relaxation.
6. There must be average exposure conditions at the site.

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Thumb rule of Losses
• For average steel and concrete properties, the tabulated
percentages may be taken as representative of the average losses.

Losses Pre-Tensioning (%) Post-Tensioning (%)

Elastic shortening &

4 1
bending of concrete

Creep of concrete 6 5

Shrinkage of concrete 7 6

Steel relaxation 8 8
Total Loss 25 20

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AASHTO-LRFD Specifications


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1. Immediate Losses
1. Elastic Shortening
• It is the shorten of concrete member, when the prestress is
transferred to concrete, the member shortens and the prestressing
steel also shortens in it. Hence there is a loss of prestress.

Original length of
member at transfer
of prestress

Length after elastic


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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening in Pre-tensioned Elements
• For pre-tensioned (Precast) elements, the compressive force
imposed on the beam by the tendon results in the longitudinal
shortening of the beam, as shown in Figure below. The unit
shortening in concrete is , So.

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening in Pre-tensioned Elements
• The unit shortening in concrete is

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening in Pre-tensioned Elements
• If the tendon in previous figure has an eccentricity e at the beam
midspan and the self-weight moment is taken into account, the
stress the concrete undergoes at the midspan section at the level of
prestressing steel becomes:

• Where, has a lower value after transfer of prestress. The small

reduction in the value of to occurs -----

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening in Pre-tensioned Elements
• Where, has a lower value after transfer of prestress. The small
reduction in the value of to occurs because the force in the
prestressing steel immediately after transfer is less than the initial
jacking prestress force . However, since it is difficult to accurately
determine the reduced value of , and since observations indicate
that the reduction is only a few percentage points, it is possible to
use the initial value of before transfer, or reduce it by about 10%
for refinement if desired.

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening loss in Pre-tensioned Beams
Design Example: A pretensioned beam has a span of 50 ft, as shown
in figure. For this beam, the details are:

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening loss in Pre-tensioned Beams
Design Example: A pretensioned beam has a span of 50 ft, as shown
in figure. For this beam, the details are:

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening loss in Pre-tensioned Beams

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1. Immediate Losses
1.1. Elastic Shortening loss in Pre-tensioned Beams
Solution: Concrete fiber stress at centroid of section -
1. Immediate Losses
1.2. Elastic Shortening in Post-tensioned Elements
• In post-tensioned beams, the elastic shortening loss varies from
zero if all tendons are jacked simultaneously to half the value
calculated in the pre-tensioned case if several sequential jacking
steps are used, such as jacking two tendons at a time. If n is the
number of tendons or pairs of tendons sequentially tensioned, then

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1. Immediate Losses
1.2. Elastic Shortening loss in Post-tensioned Beams
Design Example: Consider the same previous example, if the beam is
post-tensioned and the prestressing operation is such that:
a) Two tendons are jacked at a time.
b) One tendon is jacked at a time.
c) All tendons are simultaneously tensioned.

Solution: From previous example, .

a) Clearly, the last tendon suffers no loss of prestress due to elastic
shortening. So, only first four pairs have losses, with the first -----

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1. Immediate Losses
1.2. Elastic Shortening loss in Post-tensioned Beams
Solution: From previous example, .
a) Two tendons are jacked at a time.
• Clearly, the last tendon suffers no loss of prestress due to elastic
• So, only first four pairs have losses, with the first pair suffering the
maximum loss of 8659.2 psi.
• From the suggested equation, the loss due to elastic shortening in
the post-tensioned beam is:

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1. Immediate Losses
1.2. Elastic Shortening loss in Post-tensioned Beams
Solution: From previous example, .
a) Two tendons are jacked at a time.
Note: In both
cases the loss
in prestressing
in the post-
beam is half
b) One tendon is jacked at a time. that of the pre-

c) All tendons are simultaneously tensioned.

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2. Steel Stress Relaxation (R)
• Relaxation is the reduction in stress with time at constant strain.
 Decrease in stress is due to the fact that some of the initial elastic
strain is transformed in to inelastic strain under constant strain.
 Percentage of relaxation varies from 1 to 5%.
• Factors affecting relaxation are:
 Time
 Initial stress
 Temperature and
 Type of steel.

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2. Steel Stress Relaxation (R)
• The magnitude of the decrease in the prestress depends not only
on the duration of the sustained prestressing force, but also on the
ratio of the initial prestress to the yield strength of the
prestressing reinforcement.
• Such a loss in stress is termed as stress relaxation.
• The ACI 318-05 Code limits the tensile stress in the prestressing
tendons to the following:

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2. Steel Stress Relaxation (R)

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2. Steel Stress Relaxation (R)

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2. Steel Stress Relaxation (R)

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2. Relaxation Loss Computation
Example: Find the relaxation loss is prestress at the end of 5 years in
previous discussed example, assuming that relaxation loss from
jacking to transfer, from elastic shortening, and from long-term loss
due to creep and shrinkage over this period is 20% of the initial
prestress. Assume also that the yield strength .
From previous equation 3.1b, for this stage

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2. Relaxation Loss Computation

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3. Creep Loss (CR)
Creep of Concrete
• The Continuous deformation of concrete with time under
sustained load.
 Factors affecting creep of concrete
1. Age
2. Applied Stress level
3. Density of concrete
4. Cement Content in concrete

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3. Creep Loss (CR)
 Factors affecting creep of concrete
5. Water-Cement Ratio
6. Relative Humidity and,
7. Temperature.
• Experimental work over the past half century indicates that flow
in materials occurs with time when load or stress exists. Lateral
flow / deformation due to longitudinal stress is “CREEP”.
• It must be emphasized that creep stresses and stress losses result
only from sustained loads during the loading history of the
structural element.

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3. Creep Loss (CR)

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Time-dependent Losses
Creep of Concrete – Coefficients

Concrete strength

Relative humidity 100 % 50 % 100 % 50%

1-2 2-4 0.7 - 1.5 1.5 - 3

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Time-dependent Losses

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3. Creep Loss (CR)
• Since the stress-strain relationship due to creep is essentially
linear, it is feasible to relate the creep strain to the elastic strain
such that a creep coefficient can be defined as:

• The value of ranges between 2 and 4, with an average of 2.35 for

ultimate creep.

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3. Creep Loss (CR)
• The value of ranges between 2 and 4, with an average of 2.35 for
ultimate creep. The loss in prestressed members due to creep can
be defined for bonded members as:

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3. Creep Loss (CR)

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3. Computation of Creep Loss
Example: Compute the loss in prestress due to creep (in previous
example) given that the total superimposed load, excluding the
beam’s own weight after transfer is 375 p/ft (5.5 kN/m).

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3. Creep Loss (CR)

From previous Example No. 01:

Note: Remaining Types of Losses will be discussed in Next Lecture

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Assignment No. 05
• What is Partial loss in prestressing. Define the types of
losses occurs in the prestressed members (Discussed)?
• Design the examples for prestressing losses in terms of
elastic shortening, steel relaxation and creep, as
discussed in the slides.

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