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Does combining Person-Centred Care and Evidence-Based Practice lead

to improved outcomes in adults living with diabetes as compared to

non-person-centred usual care: A Systematic Literature Review

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Abstract - This proposed research will examine current evidence
within environments in which Patient-Centred Care and Evidence-
Does Applying Person Centred Care (PCC) through an University of
Based Practice are combined in care delivery for diabetes patients. Evidence Based Approach lead to improved outcomes Bolton Logo
The research question was designed with the aid of the PICO in adults living with diabetes as compared to non-
(Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) framework. The
research will examine the efficiency and effectiveness of combining person-centred usual care: A Systematic Literature Methodology-To achieve the research aim and objective, a
Person Centred Care (PCC) and Evidence Based Practice (EBP) in Review systematic quantitative literature review will be implemented.
delivering care to diabetes patients. The procedure for research is This methodology entails a rigorous process for collating and
highlighted in this slide. synthesising the research outcomes of previous studies (Mack et
al., 2022).
Background – About 4.3m people in the UK are diabetic as at 2023 Method - Based on the research question, key words will be
(, 2024), and the worldwide incidence is estimated at 422m people, Aim- To assess the effectiveness of interventions within
generated to guide the search for literature in relevant
with a majority living in middle and low-income countries (WHO, 2024). Evidence patient-centred care using evidence-based practice on databases. The included literature will be presented in a PRISMA
of the application of Person-Centre (PCC) and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in the patients living with diabetes
care of diabetes is scanty but emerging (Asmat et al., 2022). PCC refer s to patient
statement, and a statistical analysis of the articles will be
participation in their care delivery while also building relationship with healthcare Objective: To examine available evidence on the impact attempted where possible. Hence, a comprehensive overview of
professionals (Kitson et l., 2013). Engle at al., (2021) argued that the quest to of PCC through an evidence based approach on the the application of PCC and EBP in delivering comprehensive care
improve healthcare outcomes has led to practitioners combining EBP and PCC as a health outcomes of adults living with diabetes. for diabetic patients can be presented with a view to highlighting
problem-solving approach to care delivery in clinical setting. EBP combines clinical gaps for future research while minimising bias (Mengist et al.,
know-how with current, high quality research evidence, and understanding of 2020).
patient’s individual factors to deliver optimum quality of care (Burman et al.,
2013). Engle at al., (2021) reported the potential for tensions when combining EBP
and PCC, however, some distinctive features enable organisations to combine both
approaches in care practice, these features emphasise an empowerment culture
that highlight specific EBP and PCC expectations within the organisation. Further,
those organisations provided enabling institutional environments that provided
formal and informal structures that are based on EBA and PCC. The NMC (2023)
requires that nurses must make person-centred evidence-based judgement and Concept map- Sample- The search for literature will be extended to peer-reviewed
decision in collaboration with other team members in charge of care delivery. As
articles in the U.S. and Europe, this is due to the emerging nature of
such, it is important that nurses recognise the importance of PCC and EBP in
evidence in this research field. By searching through pre-selected
keeping healthcare practices up-to-date, achieving helpful patient outcomes,
academic databases such as CNAHL, PubMed, sample articles will be
reducing cost, and promoting the expansion and science of nursing (Engle at al.,
identified and screened by following a structured, comprehensive and
transparent procedure based on pre-determined inclusion / exclusion
Rationale -Various approaches have been applied in the management of criteria (Hiebl, 2023; Asmat et al., 2022).
diabetes, but studies combining PCC and EBP are few (Asmat et al., 2022).
The rationale of this review is to gain understanding of the existing
evidence on the effectiveness / efficiency that can be derived from
combining PCC and EBP interventions on care for diabetes as compared
with conventional care.
Ethics statement
This study relies on publicly accessible data as no primary data will be Anticipated outcome- The research is expected to show the depth of interest in combining
collected; hence there is no need to seek any institutional ethics approval Patient-Centred Care (PCC) and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in the delivery of care for
before conducting the review (Suri, 2020). Further, it is being reported that
there are no political, personal or financial interests to be served in diabetic patients. The proposed statistical analysis will show the impact of these two
conducting this research; the research is conducted impartially to highlight approaches on achieving positive outcomes for diabetes care.
gaps within the field of study (Yildiz, 2019).
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