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Process of Writing

Prepared by:Lec Alam Gir

Department of English
WhatsApp Contact: 03149166744
The Writing Process
 Definition: “The steps taken by a writer to finish or
produce a piece of writing such as paragraph, essay,
article, assignment or research paper.”
5 steps/stages
1. pre-writing
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Proofreading
5. Publishing
The Writing

5 steps/stages

1. pre-writing

2. Drafting

3. Revising

4. Proofreading
The Writing Process
1. Pre-writing Before you sit down to write
something, you need to plan and think about what you
are going to write. This stage is for generating ideas,
collecting information, through brainstorming and
notes taking.
Ways to generate ideas:
 Free write or use a helping book or internet.
 Brainstorm about things, people, places and problems
related to your topic.
 Make an outline or diagram of your ideas.
 Identify your task, audience and purpose.
The Writing Process
2. Drafting:
 Once you have planned out your ideas, the next step is to start
drafting or writing. Put the information in to words, sentences
and paragraphs, even if they are not perfect. Your goal should be
getting more and more ideas on paper.
 Put your ideas and thoughts on paper with out worrying
about your mistakes. While drafting you should
 Drafts are for writer: Drafting is for the writer. It can
never be perfect. You can change the sequence of your
ideas, or can refer back to step 1 to generate more ideas.
The Writing Process
3. Revising:
 Read what you have written again and again. Read it loud. If
drafting is for the writer, revision is for the reader.
 During revision you consider your writing from your
audience’s point of view.
 Ask yourself:
1. Is the level of detail is appropriate for my audience?
2. Are my ideas presented in logical order?
3. Is my purpose clearly stated for the reader?
The Writing Process

4. Proofreading/Editing
 During editing stage check the following:
a. Grammar
b. Spelling
c. Capitalization
d. Sentence Structure
e. Word choice (change words that are not used correctly)
f. Punctuation.
The Writing Process
5 Publishing:
 When you publish a document, you are releasing it
to public for others to read.
 Not all of your writing will be taken through the

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