1. Emotional Intelligence - PPT

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Session 7

The objective of this session is to enable trainees’

• recognize and manage their emotions
• recognize and manage others’ emotions and
build strong rapport with others
1. What are Emotions
2. What do you understand by Emotional Intelligence
The four intelligence /capabilities
The whole person paradigm (Steven Covey)
Capacity for
Higher dimension of knowledge and the
intelligence ability to analyze,
Our drive to live for meaning reason, think
and propose… having a abstractly, use
sense of meaning to our life. language, visualize,
E.g Gandhi, Marthin Luther, and comprehend.
Mother Teresa…

Our self-knowledge, self-

Our ability to maintain
awareness, social
and develop our physical
sensitivity, empathy and
ability to communicate
The whole person paradigm
To unleash your potential
• Develop and pursue
coordination of your
• Complete beings with mind,
body, heart and spirit
• The key of this era is to unlock
human potential by recognizing
the Whole-Person,
The whole person paradigm… cont’d
What is Emotion?
• Emotions are a complex
Anger Sadness Fear psychological state that
serve a biological
purpose- they tell us
Love Enjoyment when our needs are met
not being met.
Surprise Disgust • whether we like it or not,
emotions are involved in
every single decision and
Shame action we take.

What is Intelligence?
 A very general mental capability that involves
 the ability to reason,
 plan,
 solve problems,
 think abstractly,
 comprehend complex ideas,
 learn quickly, and learn from experience
(Gottfredson, 1997)
 The aggregate capacity of the individual to act
purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal
effectively with the environment (Wechsler)
Emotional Intelligence
 It is our learned ability to identify, understand and
manage our emotions and those of others.
 EI involves a combination of competencies which
allow a person to be aware of, to understand, and to be
in control of their own emotions.
 The ability to use your emotions in a positive and
constructive way in relationships with others.
 EI is the capacity of recognizing our own feelings
and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for
managing emotions well in our relationship with

9 9
Which one do you think is more important to a leader?

IQ vs EQ

 80% of the essential
workers with competencies
Emotional required for success
Intelligence in the workplace are
related to emotional
Personal Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

• Greater career success

• Stronger personal relationships

• Increased optimism and confidence

• Better health
Professional Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
• Effective leadership skills

• Improved communication

• Less workplace conflict

• Better problem solving skills

• Increased likelihood of promotion

The four Dimensions/Competencies of Emotional

Emotional Intelligence

Intra-personal Inter personal

competencies Competencies

-Self- Awareness
-Self-Management -Social Awareness
-Social Skill/Relationship
What I See What I Do
Awareness Management

Self Self- Self

Awareness Management
With Me


Social Relationship
Awareness Management
Open Johari Window Blind
area/self, area/self/
free spot
area/self Known to self Not known to self

Known to Open Blind


Not known
to others Hidden Unknown
1. Self-awareness
• Deep understanding of one’s emotions, strengths
and weaknesses.
• Self awareness can be developed:
• Listen to your listening.
• Notice the origin of your story.
• Observe your automatic ways of being.

1 18
1. Self-awareness … cont’d

• Having a deep understanding of our emotions

• The ability to recognize
– how you're feeling,
– why you're feeling that way and
– the impact your behavior has on others.
• Recognize own feelings and how they impact thoughts
and behaviors.
– strengths,
– weakness,
– needs, and
– drives
• Recognizing blind spots
• Being honest with ourselves and the Others
Leading Organization
Managing large group or various groups
• Leading Strategic Direction/Strategic
• Strategic Analysis (Environmental scan)
• Managing Change in organizations
• Culture Awareness
• Systems Thinking
• Organizational Communication
Self confidence/ self esteem
• Self-esteem refers to the way we see and think
about ourselves.
• Self-esteem
refers to our positive and negative evaluations of
the self

Benefits of Self Awareness
 Have great communication with self
 Help to capitalize our strength
 Work on improvement area
 Helps to make life (personal, social and
professional) easy and pleasant
 Helps to focus on necessary and positive thoughts,
words and actions
 Develop our Self Esteem

How to Master Self-awareness

1. Have open mind

2. Be mindful of your weaknesses
3. Keep yourself focused
4. Create boundaries
5. Know your emotional triggers
6. Practice daily self-discipline

2 25
Johari window Model
For self-awareness

The Johari Window is a very

popular and easily understood
model of self awareness.
Was developed by American
psychologists Joseph and Harry in
the 1950's.
The model employs a four-part
figure to reflect the interaction of
two sources of information: self
and others.

Johari Window
The Johari Window

The Johari Window Model
• The Johari Window is a tool for illustrating and
improving self-awareness,
 It is useful in getting feedback and seeking a
new knowledge that has never occurred to
the self.
 Bring positive change and personal
 improving communications
 interpersonal relationships
 team development; 29
General rule on feedback


 3Ks

 Kiss, Kick, Kiss

2. Self-Management
 Controlling and managing our feelings, moods and
emotional impulses
 The ability to control disruptive emotions and
 Having adaptability and flexibility with challenges
 Diligence
 Trustworthiness

‘‘If you can’t control what happens, you

can at least control how you respond’’
Social Awareness

The greatest ability in

business is to get along with
others and influence their
actions! John Hancock

Social Awareness
 Social awareness is an expansion of your emotional
 Socially aware leaders and managers are good at
acknowledging people’s strengths, accomplishments,
and development.

• Empathy
Social • Service Orientation
Awareness •
Skills Social Responsibility
• Organizational Awareness

• Understanding the other
person’s emotions, needs and
concerns. And taking active
interest in their concern.
• Being sensitive to the diversity
about what the others feel
Leaders with Empathy

• Understanding what workers feel

and what they want by being aware
of their needs, perspectives,
feelings, concerns, and senses of
the developmental needs of them.
• Behaving carefully in terms of
instructing the staff.
• Becoming a good listener to
employees’ initiation without
In-service Heart

the ability to understand and meet the

needs of clients and customers.
Social responsibility
It is the ability to demonstrate that you are
cooperative contributing and constructive
member of your social group
How should you improve your social
Relationship Management
 RM is the ability to be aware of the emotions of the people
you interact with and along with your own emotions and to
build a strong working relationship. You need to:
Influence their beliefs and feelings, Inspire
Develop their capabilities
Manage change
Resolve conflicts
Build strong personal bonds
Support teamwork
Build collaboration 39
4. Relationship Management ... Cont’d

 The ability to induce desirable responses in others.

 Developing others
 Inspirational leadership
 Teamwork and collaboration

4 40
The arrow shows causation.
Session 8: Mindsets and Attitudinal Transformation

Mindset… cont’d
 It is a way of thinking
 Mental inclination or a frame of mind.
 It is a collection of thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that
shape your thought habits.
 It affect how you think, what you feel, how you behave and
what you do.
 A set of ideas and attitudes that shape the way someone
thinks about themselves and the world.
 One can have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset

Types of Mindset
1. Fixed mindset
 People behave their basic qualities, intelligence,
character, and creative potential are unchangeable
 They believe that talent alone creates success-
without effort .

Types of mindset… cont’d
2. Growth mindset:
 People believe that their most basic abilities can be
developed through dedication and hard work
 Brain and talent are just the starting point.
 This view creates a love of learning that is essential
for great accomplishment.
 Virtually all great people have had these qualities.

Attitudinal Transformation

 A persistent tendency to feel and behave in a
favorable or unfavorable way toward a specific
person, object, or idea.
 A hypothetical construct that represents an
individual's degree of like or dislike for an item.
 Learned predisposition to respond in a consistently
favorable or unfavorable manner.
 Your attitude is your window to the world.

Components of Attitude

Cognitive = Evaluation

Affective = Feeling

Behavioral = Action

Components of Attitude … cont’d

የጥናት ግኝቶች
1. በሕይወታችን 10% የሚይዘው በእኛ ላይ የሚደረግብን ድርጊት ሲሆን 90%
የሚያዘው ደግሞ እንዴት እኛ ምላሽ እንደምንሰጥ ነው፡፡ ይኸ የሚያሳየው ሁሉ
ነገር በእጃችን መሆኑን ነው፡፡
2. ሰዎች ሥራና እድገት የሚያገኙት 85% በቀና አመለካከት ሲሆን 15%
በእውቀት መሆኑን ያሳያል፡፡
3. በ500 ኩባንያዎች ኃላፊዎች ላይ በተደረገ ጥናት 94% ኃላፊዎች ስኬታቸው
የተመሰረተው በአመለካከታቸው መሆኑን ያመላክታል፡፡
4. ሠራተኞች ከሥራ የሚባሩት 30% በብቃት ማነስ ሲሆን 70% ደግም
በአመለካከታቸው ነው፡፡

How attitude is formed?
 Attitudes are not inherited
 They are acquired or learned by people from the
environment in which they interact

Factors that Determine Attitudes…
3 E’s of Attitude…
1. Experience
2. Education
3. Environment

Types of Attitude
1. Positive Attitude
 The predisposition that results in desirable outcomes
for individuals and organizations.
 Positive attitude helps you cope more easily with the
daily affairs of life.
 It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier
to avoid worry and negative thinking.

Manifestations of Positive Attitude
1. Positive thinking,
2. Constructive thinking,
3. Creative thinking,
4. Communicative,
5. Expectation of success,
6. Optimism,
7. Perseverance,
8. Confident,
9. Being inspired. 58
2. Negative Attitude

 The tendency of a person that result in an undesirable

outcome for individuals and organizations.

 It is characterized by a great disdain for everything.

 Negative attitude is contagious and therefore

avoiding people with one is the best way of

Attributes of Negative Person
 Unhappy
 Pessimism and cynicism
 Angry
 Negative body language
 Jealousy
 Won’t forgive
 Negative self-talk
 Uncooperative
Strategies to bring Attitudinal Change
1. Providing information

2. Resolving discrepancies

3. Influence of friends and peers

4. Say “thank you” more frequently

5. Look for a role model

6. Believe that you are able to change

Creating a Positive Attitude in the Workplace
 Lead/teach/support by example-be a new positive cure,
 Try to find the positive for everyone,
 Associate yourself with happy people,
 Read inspiring stories,
 Read inspiring quotes,
 Learn to master your thoughts,
 Learn concentration and meditation,
 Recognize and support. 63
Creating a Positive Attitude … cont’d
 Discourage retro-virus submission (live in the now),
 Promote anti-viral acknowledgements (list the 10 best
things about working here),
 Smile and be happy,
 Self image and self reformation,
 Education and hard work,
 Discipline and organization,
 Belief in goodness's and truth.

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