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Coaching and Mentoring

2.1 Definition of Coaching… cont’d
 It is a process whereby awareness of the
potential for change, development and
improvement is awakened in an individual
 It is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize
their own performance
 It is a way of working with people that leaves
them more competent and more fulfilled so that
they are more able to contribute to their
organizations and find meaning in what they are
2.1 Definition of Coaching… cont’d
 It is a partnership designed to tap into the

knowledge, information synergy and talents

people bring to the organization.
 Putting all together, coaching is the process of

helping people discover creative solutions to

complex situations and provides a safe
environment for identifying opportunities and
making them a reality.
Objectives of Coaching
1. Improve the performance of individuals, teams,
2. Improve the performance of the organization,
3. Creates the major factors that lead to commitment,
4. Clarifies goals and commitment,
5. Helps people to understand what is/is not important,
6. Helps people to resolve performance problems,
7. Improves that knowledge and skills that people need
to do their best,
8. Conveys to others just how important and
appreciated they are.

Benefits of Coaching
1. Developing employees KSA’s
2. Overcoming performance problems
3. Increasing productivity
4. Creating promotable subordinates
5. Fostering positive work culture
6. Improving retention

Fundamentals of Coaching:

Leader as a Coach Continuum

Coaching is. . . Coaching is not . . .

① Exploring ① Informing
② Facilitating ② Directing
③ Partnership ③ Authority
④ Long-term development ④ Immediate needs
⑤ Open to many possible outcomes ⑤ One specific outcome

6 Helping employees manage the transition between old and new

2.3 Values of a Successful Coach
 A coach is an individual that helps employees grow and
improve their job performance by providing suggestions
and encouragement.

1. Clarity 2. Supportiveness
3. Confidence

10. Respect

4. Mutuality
Value of a
9. Confidentiality successful coach

5. Perspective

8. Involvement

7. Patience 6. Risk
The 10 values a successful staff coach
1. Clarity- giving and receiving accurate communication.
2. Supportiveness- a commitment to stand with and behind
team members.
3. Confidence building- a persona commitment to build and
sustain the self-image of each team member.
4. Mutuality- a partnership orientation where everyone wins
or no one wins.
5. Perspective- a total focus on the entire business enterprise.

6. Risk- the encouragement of innovation and effort that reduces
punishment for mistakes and fosters learning by doing.
7. Patience- going beyond the short-term business.
8. Involvement- a genuine interest in learning about individuals in
order to know what incentives, concerns, and actions will
inspire them.
9. Confidentiality- an ability to protect the information of all team
interactions and cause a sense of trust and comfort with the
10. Respect- giving and receiving of high regard to and from the
staff as individuals and members of the team.

No. Values I demonstrate these values( tick one of them)
1 2 3 4
1. Clarity

2. Supportiveness
3. Confidence B.
4. Mutuality
5. Perspective
6. Risk
7. Patience
8. Involvement
9 Confidentiality
10. Respect
1. Asses your position against the list of values being
2. Which value or values do you need to add?
3. What values do you have that you need to
eliminate/change to become a better coach?

4. Reflect on your findings.
The Phases of Coaching
1. Contract
2. Listen
3. Explore
4. Action
5. Review

The Right Time for Coaching

When employees are:

Failing to perform their work to an acceptable standard.
Taking responsibility on a useful project that is outside
their normal role.
Having potential for promotion, but need to develop
more skills first.
Having a lot of potential, but are getting restless and
bored, and you fear that they may leave the

The Right Time for Coaching… cont’d
When employees:
do not meet their performance objectives by the next
performance appraisal meeting based on your
informal review.
need to acquire new skills for their job which is

The Right Time for Coaching… cont’d
Also if employees are:
constantly late,
keeps talking and interrupting others,
insecure about their job,
overly emotional at work,
have a bad attitude that is affecting other team
reluctant to delegate.

Coaching Skills
1. Active listening and feedback,
2. Empathy,
3. Empowering,
4. Thirst for knowledge,
5. Complimenting,
6. Asking open questions,
7. Emotional Intelligence,
8. Goal setting,
9. Positivism,
10. Feedback giving and receiving,
11. Creative,
12. Ethics.
Key Coaching Responsibilities

 Constant communications;
 Selecting and carefully matching employees to jobs;
 Setting and ensuring employees’ understanding of
performance standards and goals;
 Providing fair and accurate performance feedback;
 Assisting employees in planning and accomplishing
their work;
 Creating a development plan for each employee;
 Fostering a culture of managed risk taking and
internal communications.
Qualities/Characteristics of Good Coach

Promotes open and constructive discussion;

Is comfortable with differences;
Is not demeaning or disrespectful of others;
Creates a safe environment for interaction, disclosure,
and information flow;
Shares views, facts, and information in a non-
threatening manner.
Qualities of Good Coach... Cont’d

Is open to new ideas, and to the possibility that

he/she has an incomplete understanding of the
Focuses on learning and change;
Strengthens and empowers others;
Maintains high expectations and performance
standards; and
Unleashes/set free/motivation and creativity.

Five Insights of High-Performance coaches
1. People behave based on their thoughts,
2. Individuality should be valued and explored,
3. Lack of motivation often reflects discouragement,
4. Consequences determine performance,
5. People treated responsibly take responsibility.

2.4 Coaching Models
 There are different types of coaching models:

1. STEER Model

2. OSKAR Model

3. GROW Model

4. GRIT Model


2.4.2 OSKAR Model

2.4.3 GROW Model

2.4.4 GRIT Model

2.5 Coaching Process
2. Agree on
1. Identify
what is
the need for
missing or

4. Let the
3. Setting

6. Give
5. Monitor
3.1 Definition of Mentoring
It relates primarily to the identification and nurturing
of potential for the whole person.
Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and an
occasional push in the right direction.
It is a collaborative partnership in which the mentor
and the mentee take shared responsibility for the
success of the relationship.
It is helping individuals do things they never knew
they could do; it is about teaching individuals how to
understand and use their potential to fullest.
It helps to develop tacit, or sticky, knowledge.
3.1 Definition of Mentoring
Mentoring is the processes where a person (the
mentor) provides support, training and guidance to a
less experience, usually younger person (the mentee,
mentoree, or protege).
• Mentoring is about general development and
psychological well being of a person.
It is about sharing concern, getting moral support and
guidance for development.
A mentor helps associate see meaning and vision in
what they are doing and serves as a role model.

Mentoring… cont’d

Benefits of Mentoring
1. Improves communication and personal skills,
2. Reinforces your study and skill set,
3. Engaged in volunteering activities,
4. Develops leadership and managerial qualities,
5. Increase in confidence and motivation,
6. Enhances your CV.

3.2 Opportunities for Mentoring
When an associate receives a promotion or new
After a success
When the individual wants more than successes or
When things occur which challenge individuals
dreams or course of action

1. Know 2. Know your
Your work Org. 3. Get to know
Your mentee
10. Mutual trust
and commitment

4. Learn to teach
3.3 How to Become an
9. Celebrate Effective Mentor

5. Learn to learn

8. Take risks

7. Be tactful 6. Be Patient
12. A desire to be
a mentor 13. A role model

11. Emotional
Value of a
14. Self confidence
successful coach

16. Self-knowledge

15. Visionary

3.5 Differences and Commonalities of
Mentoring and Coaching
Coaching Mentoring
Task-oriented, skills- focused, direct and Open-ended personal development
time bound
Skill focus Strategic focus
Primarily line manager role Works best offline
Agenda set by or with coach Agenda set by learner
Typically addresses a short-term need Typically a longer-relationship often ‘for
Feedback and discussion primarily about Feedback and discussion primarily about
explicit implicit, intuitive issues and behaviors
Identify potential and deals with problems Lets employees soak up character,
judgment and approach
Inspires and motivates Instruct and guide
Change Oriented Growth Oriented
Barriers to Coaching and Mentoring
1. Provide Incorrect matching of mentors/coaches and learners
2. Lack of top-down support
3. Resentment felt by those not involved
4. Credibility of internal coaches and mentors
5. Creation of false promotional expectations
6. Overdependence of the mentor/mentee
7. Blurring of role boundaries
8. Lack of commitment from learner


Best wishes!


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