Democracy& ICT

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The Ill Effects of Undemocratic Practices:

1. Poverty-the state of being insufficient in needs and

shows inferiority in many
2. Gender Biases –an unfair or unequal treatment of
one gender to other. It’s
shows prejudice or preference towards a person
3. Political Marginalization- a social exclusion or
disadvantage to the growth
and development of the society.
4. Racial Inequality- it is a practice and belief that
groups of people are
identified as one is superior and possess high
standard of physical trait and
5. Cultural Domination- it means that culture
dominating other culture by
overtaking its economy, policy, and behavioral
6. Crisis of representation- the co-occurrence of the
financial crisis and the
exposure of a political class riddled with corruption
reveals starkly the state
we're in: a crisis of representation

7. Politics of recognition - define our identity

always in dialogue with,
sometimes in struggle against, the things our
significant others want to see in
Direction: Complete the sentence below. Do
it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Gender biases can be lessened through

2. Racial inequality can be solved through


3. Regardless of skin color, we should treat

people as_______________.

4. When I feel dissatisfied with school

policies, I should _________________.
5. Rich or poor, education is _____________
1. Describe the image that you can
2. What do you think is the problem all
3. How technology affects the life of
4. How can you be able to utilize the
advancement of technology rather than
enslaved by it?
Technology - a manner of accomplishing a
task especially using technical
processes, methods, or knowledge.
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)– the tools and the
to access, retrieve, store, organized,
manipulate, produced, present and
information by electronic and other
automated means (Marquez, 2018).
Communication - a process by which
information is exchanged between
individuals through a common system
of symbols, signs, or behavior
Information - knowledge obtained from
investigation, study, or instruction
Digital Divide – the natural
consequence of advancements in ICT. It
refers to the
discrepancy in people’s access and skill
related to ICT.
Data Capture – Data capturing, storage and transmission is
important function of ICT. With the aid of computer devices
such as hardware and software, usually data is captured by key
board, bar codes, video camera, mouse etc.

Data storage – is an issue of covering space, which depends on

following factors such as disk space availability and flexibility of
ICT in terms of making the data
available for use.
Data transmission – data can be
transmitted from one place to another
place or from one computer to another
computer. For this purpose various devices
like modem, cables are used. For
transmitting data, various types of
networks like Local Area Network (LAN),
Wide Area Network (WAN), Metropolitan
Area Network (MAN), internet, intranet,
extranet etc. are used.
Data Processing – is the method of conversion of data
into meaningful information. The processing is done in
sequence of operations which translates inputs such as
geographical maps, images, satellite imageries, aerial
photographs or in the form tabular data collected from
in-site survey, government records or personal
observations into output in the form of dimensional
model or in other visual forms.

Data Manipulation – is the process of summarizing, re-

arranging, improving or scientific designs achieved
either physically or by processor software. ICT helps in
operating the information and makes new information
from present information.
Data Retrieval – is the process of discovering
required information. ICT supports
the recovery of information’s either in the
form of features or characteristic or both
in a computer-generated form. Data can be
retrieved from one source to another
source with the help of computer software.

Data Display – Data display includes

presenting of information in the form of text,
graphics, audio, and video. Display can be
made through computer screen,
speakers and printers. (Prasad & Prasad,
1.Computation technology - it provides
a capability for processing data to be
converted into information.
2.Communication technology - it
enables the required information to be
coded and transmitted through
communication channel for intended
ICT in Agriculture
E-Agriculture is an emerging field focusing on the enhancement of
agricultural and rural development through improved information
and communication processes.

ICT in Education
Teaching learning process can be made more interactive and
hence resulting in more efficient. With the help of presentations,
designing and simulation several tough topics can be taught and
learned in easier way.

ICT in Society
With the help of ICT people are spending considerable time on
social networks on the virtual world through e-mail, mobile,
blogs, downloading etc. This has changed the social behavior
which is the emergence of a society of digital age – the
Information Society.
ICT in Balanced Regional Growth
ICT sector can give employment and generate revenue for
smaller cities by spreading its business operations to those cities.
It can assist in improving the supply of talent pool and
development of physical and social infrastructure.

ICT in Corporate Governance

Global exposure has created good corporate governance
practices with the IT companies. This encourages other industries
to follow better governance and embrace higher standards of

ICT in Healthcare
Health area can have several critical and important ICT solutions
like tele-medicine consultation in rural areas, consultation from
expert doctors through teleconferencing or video conferencing,
reports can be send to the doctor through email etc.
ICT in Banking and Insurance
Banks and insurance agents have diversified into
Mutual funds, retail banking, and merchant banking
and so on. This has in turn led to computerization of
information related to all the banking transaction such
as e-banking in order to save time and to have effective
utilization of available information.

ICT in Business Communication

Invention of computers, the miniaturization of
electronics and the development of wireless
communication have all altered the business world.
Business communication, in particular, has seen some
of the greatest advancements due to
technological developments.
A. Facilitating public and private sector activities
areas such as in:
1. Public Administration - ICT brings transparency
and efficiency in the administrative work. Online
working system will leave no scope for laziness and
dishonesty in work.

2. Urban and Rural Development - telecentres in

rural areas can facilitate economic liberation. Mobile
telephony can also help rural entrepreneurs in
keeping in touch with their market outside their

3. Transport - used to improve road, air and rail

transportation. These operations include payment for
parking meters, identification of authorized parking
space occupants.
B. Improving the quality of life for citizens in:
1. Health - it supports efficient exchange of
information between health professionals, enable
transfer of patient records between sites, telemedicine
and thus improve clinical effectiveness, continuity,
and quality of care by health professionals.

2. Special Needs (for the Physically Challenged) -

can be extremely useful in providing access to
communication, education and open up
opportunities for them.
Examples are Braille keyboards can help visually
impaired or blind people, Short Message Service
(SMS) can be used to send and receive messaged by
the hearing impaired, the voice activated dialing
service can be used by visually impaired.
3. Education - it helps in facilitating learning and
exchange of educational materials. The online
learning system is another web-based application
that is revolutionizing the learning platform of

4. Environment – it helps collecting data about

environmental issues. They allow access to
information and provide support system to manage
and monitor environmental issues.

5. Agriculture - can be used to impart information

directly to farmers and the farming community. It
can handle agricultural issues such as water
utilization and management, pest control, harvest
management and so forth.
C. Facilitating Activities in the Business Sector such as:
1. Manufacturing - linking the process chains in
manufacturing as opposed to improving or facilitating single
steps in the production lines. The mass production
of goods and services is gradually giving way to a network-based
production and manufacturing system.

2. Electronic Commerce - Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

is the use of internet or telecommunications to carry out
business of any type. Common examples of e-commerce are
online shopping, online banking, online stock trading

3. Travel and Tourism - It is used to provide multimedia

information about destination to prospective travelers. With the
aid of ICT applications, prospective travelers can view a
destination, book accommodation, book the flight and other
forms of transport and pay for all these without leaving their
Direction. Using the hypothetical questions,
write down your reflection and your
real-life application about the scenario being
given below.
1. What if internet has not invented?

2. What if there is no mobile phone ?

3. What if there is no online learning system in

this time of pandemic?

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