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The purpose of this SIPChem Policy is to establish a standard procedure

for the use of barricades.


This policy applies to all SIPChem employees.


Authorized Person: An Individual that has been given the clearance to enter
a barricade by the owning area supervision.

Barricades: Colored Tapes or any physical obstruction used to warn and

prevent personnel and! or vehicle entry into a potentially hazardous or
restricted area.

Floor Opening: Any opening greater than one (1) inch but less than 12 inches
in its nominal dimension on any surface accessible to employees working in
the area.

Hazard: Any condition that poses a risk to personnel that are unaware of the
condition and do not have adequate protection.

Safety Monitoring Systems: A safety system which a competent person is

responsible for recognizing and warning employees of fall hazards. The
competent person must:

Identify Hazards

All employees must pay attention and be aware of their surroundings.

Once a hazard has been identified.

Erect Barricades and Notify Area Owners

Employees and Contractors are responsible to:

•Erect a barricade and notify the Shift Supervisor once a hazard has been

•Complete the information on the barricade tag and attach it to the barricade.

•Enclose the entire area in which a hazardous situation may be present.

•Remove the barricade once the hazard no longer exists. The use of barricade
tape is temporary preventive measure for protecting personnel from a hazard.
Once the hazard ceases to exist, remove the barricade tape immediately.

Apply Barricade Tape and Tags

Employees and Contractors shall use the barricade tape that corresponds to
the type and the degree of hazard to be barricaded. The barricade tape will be
placed approximately 3 feet high and attach it only to substantial objects, such
as stands or pylons that can hold the tape. Avoid attaching the tape to hot,
sensitive objects or to equipment that is subject to be moved.
•Red and white “Danger” tape is used to delineate an area with an immediate
hazard to anyone entering it. Only authorized personnel are allowed to enter.
Example: Overhead work, a spill that is hazardous, toxic, or flammable, etc.
•Yellow and white “ Caution” tape is used to delineate an area that can be
entered by personnel who are aware of the specific hazard. These barricaded
areas are not considered to be life threatening or disabling. Example: minor
flange leak are spill that is not hazardous, toxic, or flammable, etc.
•Barricade tags, that detail the need for the barricade, shall be affixed to the
barricade tape by the person that erected the barricade

Multiple tags may be necessary depending on the:

•Size of the barricade

•Number access points to the barricade

•Amount of equipment congesting around the barricade


Barricade tags will detail

•The individual who applied the barricade

•Date the barricade was erected

•Reason the barricade exists (description of hazard)


The Correct type of Barricade Tag will be utilized that

corresponds to the nature of the hazard

Red “Danger”

Yellow “Caution”

Barricading Elevated Walking/Working Surfaces

Employees and Contractors shall

4.5.1 Use standard guard railing, barricading, or guarding by a Safety

Monitoring System for any open side of an elevated walking or working
surface, roof edge, skylight, wall opening, or floor opening that presents the
potential for a fall.
4.5.2 Place barricades at no less than 6 feet from the edge of open side of an
elevated walking/working surface, roof edge, skylight or opening, wall
opening, or floor opening that may present the potential for a fall of 4 feet or
4.5.3 Cover floor holes in the work areas with a material that will withstand
twice the intended load. Covers shall be visibly marked and labeled as “hole
cover,” and secured in place to prevent displacement.

Identify “Controlled Access Zones”

Employees and Contractors shall use barricades to identify” Controlled

Access Zones.” Access to these zones shall be controlled by a Safety
Monitoring System.

Understanding the Hazards Within Barricades

Prior to entering any barricaded area, employees and contractors shall:

4.7.1 Be aware of the hazard and the precautions required for personal
protection within the barricaded area.
4.7.2 Discuss the hazard(s) with the tag owner or other employee(s)
performing work inside the area.
Presentation on
(Safety Policy-10)

Barricades 15

• This policy applies to all Sipchem employees.

Barricades 16

• The purpose of this policy is to establish a

standard procedure for the use of barricades.

Barricades 17
• Authorized Person:
An individual that has been authorized to enter a barricade by the Owning
Area supervision.
• Barricades:
Colored tapes or any physical obstruction used to warn & prevent
personnel and/or vehicle entry into a potentially hazardous or restricted
• Controlled Access Zone:
It is an area designated & clearly marked in which certain types of work
(such as bricklaying) may take place without the use of conventional fall
protection systems-guardrail, personal arrest or safety net to protect the

Barricades 18
• Floor Opening:
Any opening greater than one (1) inch but less than 12 inches in its
nominal dimension in accessible area.
• Hazard:
Any condition that poses a risk to personnel that are unaware of the
condition & do not have adequate protection.
• Safety Monitoring System:
A safety system which a competent person is responsible for recognizing
& warning employees of fall hazards.

Barricades 19
The competent person must be:
• Competent in the recognition of fall hazards;
• Capable in detecting unsafe work practices & warning workers;
• Operating at the same walking / working surfaces & can see workers;
• Close enough to communicate orally with workers
• Assigned for that task only, no distraction in the monitoring function.

Barricades 20
Identify Hazards
• Once a hazard has been identified, all employees must pay attention &
be aware of their surroundings.

Barricades 21
Erect Barricades & Notify Area
Employees & contractors are responsible to:

• Erect the barricade & notify the Shift Supervisor for identified hazards.

• Complete the information on barricade tag & attach it to the barricade.

• Enclose the entire hazardous area.

• Remove the barricade once the hazard no longer exist.

Barricades 22
Apply Barricade Tape & Tags
• Employees & Contractors shall use the barricade tape that corresponds to
the type & the degree of hazard to be barricaded.
• The barricade tape will be placed approximately 3 feet high & attach it
only to substantial objects, such as stands or pylons that can hold the tape.
• Avoid attaching the barricades tape to hot, sensitive objects or to
equipment that is subject to be removed.
• Red & white “Danger” tape is used to delineate an area with an immediate
hazard to anyone entering it.
Example: overhead work, a spill that is that is hazardous, toxic, or
flammable, etc.

Barricades 23
Apply Barricade Tape & Tags
• Yellow & white “Caution” tape is used to delineate an area that can be
entered by personnel who are aware of the specific hazard.
• These barricaded area not considered to be life threatening or disabling.
• Example: minor flange leak, a spill that is not hazardous, toxic or
flammable etc.
Multiple tags may be necessary depending on the:
• Size of the barricade.
• Number of access point to the barricade.
• Amount of equipment congesting around the barricade.

Barricades 24
Apply Barricade Tape & Tags
Barricade tags will detail:
• The individual who applied the barricade.
• Date the barricade was erected.
• Reasons the barricade exists (description of hazard)
• The correct type of Barricade Tag will be utilized.
• Red “Danger”
• Yellow “Caution”

Barricades 25
Limits On Barricading
• Prevent complete obstruction when installing barricades.
Consideration should be given to the effect of blocked:
1. Vehicular / pedestrian traffic flow,
2. safety equipment,
3. emergency eyewash / safety showers,
4. Fire hose, fire hydrants, & fire extinguishers
• Under no circumstances should access be permitted if the hazard could
result in injury or harm to employees or contractors.
Notify Safety Specialist / Fire Captain if:
• Fire protection equipment is within a barricaded area.
• A road needs to be barricaded.

Barricades 26
Barricading Elevated Walking /
Working Surfaces
Employees & Contractors shall:
• Use standard engineering fall protection system for any open side of an
elevated walking or working surface, roof edge, skylight, wall opening.
• Place barricades at no less than 6 feet from the edge of open side of an
elevated walking/working surface that may present the potential for a fall
of 4 feet or greater.
• Cover floor holes, visibly marked & labeled as “hole cover”, with a
material that will withstand twice the intended load.

Barricades 27
Identify “Controlled Access Zones”
• Employees & Contractors shall use barricades to identify “Controlled
Access Zones.”

• Access to this zones shall be controlled by a Safety Monitoring System.

Barricades 28
Hazards Within Barricades
Prior to entering any barricaded area, employees & contractors shall:

• Be aware of the hazard & the precautions required for personal protection.

• Discuss the hazard(s) with the tag owner or other employee(s) performing
work inside the area.

Barricades 29
The End

Barricades 30

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