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Sakinah Devi Chandeni HSB

SIN: 12010420956
Supervisor: Dr.H.Kalayo Hasibuan, M.Ed-TESOL


1445 H/2024 M
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
Background of the Problem

● Lehr (2013), reading comprehension is the process simultaneously extracting and constructing
meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

● previous studies have shown several causes and effects of poor reading comprehension. For
instance, Hamra and Syatriana (2010) , Aradi (2021), Hidayati (2018).

● Based on the previous studies, this research has different and similar aspects to be researched. The
different from those researcher, dealing with objective, theme and subject, this research focus on
recount texts.

● Based on a preliminary research the researcher found that :

Some of the students feel bored in learning process, some of the students got difficulties in
finding the main idea and detail information of the text; some of the students get difficulties the
meaning o vocabulary from the text, atc.
Identification of the Problem

1. The difficulties faced by students in finding the main idea and detail
information from the texts.
2. The difficulties faced by students to understand meaning of vocabulary from
the texts.
3. The difficulties faced by students in making inferences from the texts.
4. The difficulties faced by students to identify the structure and language
features from the texts.
5. Students’ interest to read English texts.

Limitation of the problem Formulation of the problem

The researcher will focus on

1. What are students’ reading comprehension
the analyzing students reading
problems of the tenth grade at SMKF Ikasari
comprehension problems in recount texts
and factors causing the students reading
2. What are the factors causing the students
comprehension problem of the tenth grade
reading comprehension problems of the tenth
at SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru.
grade at SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru?
Objective and Significant of the Research

Objective of the Research Significant of the Research

• To identify the aspect of reading

This research is expected to benefit to:
comprehension problems faced by the
students of the tenth grade at SMKF • Students
Ikasari Pekanbaru. • Teachers
• To identify factors causing the
• Future researcher
students’’ reading comprehension
problems of the tenth grade at SMKF
Ikasari Pekanbaru.

Definition of Term

Kirmizi (2010) states that reading comprehension is

the process of constructing meaning by connecting
Reading Comprehension what has been read to what the reader already knows
and thinks about all of this information until it is

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson (2003, 24)

Recount Text states that recount texts is a texts which informs
the reader about events from the past, usually in
the order of occurrences.
CHAPTER 2 Theoretical Framework
Students’ Reading Comprehension Problem

A. Definition of Reading Comprehension C. Components of Reading Comprehension

According to Nuttal (2000)
According to Grebe (2011), reading
1. Determining main idea
comprehension is a combination of identifying and
2. Locating references
interpretation skills and that active process of
3. Understanding vocabulary
comprehending where students need to be taught
4. Making inference
strategies to read more efficiently.
5. Detail information
B. Level of Reading Comprehension D. Strategies of Reading Comprehension
Richards and Schmidt (2002) Brown (2001:306)
1. Identify the purpose in reading.
1. Literal comprehension
2. Use grapheme rules and patterns
2. Inferential comprehension 3. Use efficient silent reading strategy
4. Skim the texts for main ideas.
3. Critical comprehension
5. Scan the texts for specific information.
4. Appreciative comprehension 6. Use semantic mapping or clustering.
F. Reading Comprehension Problem Faced
E. Assessmaent of Reading Comprehension by EFL Learners

Many studies investigated reading

According to Sally and Katie (2008) comprehension problems among students.
1. Gap filling Chawwang, (2008) investigated English reading
2. WH questions problems among Thai EFL learners. The study
3. Multiple choice questions found that most of the students face difficulties
4. True or false questions in reading English texts. Vocabulary knowledge
5. Yes or no questions is essential for comprehending complicated
6. Open-ended questions reading materials such as textbooks, particularly
7. Matching those containing technical terms (Carlisle, 2000).
CHAPTER 2 F. Factors Causing Students' Reading Comprehension
Problems in Understanding English Texts

According to Westwood (2001), the factors that cause students' difficulties understanding texts are :
1. Learner's background.
2. Teaching methods.
3. Student environment.

Some factors of causes of poor comprehension followed by Westwood (2008) are:

1. Limited vocabulary knowledge
2. Lack of fluency
3. Lack the familiarity with the subject matter
4. Difficulty level of the text (reliability)
5. Inadequate use of effective reading strategies
6. Weak verbal reasoning
7. Problems with processing information
8. Problems in recalling information after reading
Recount Text

A. Definition of Recount Text C. Generic Structure of Recount Text

Recount text is a text written to retell for 1. Orientation

information or entertainment (Wikipedia, free 2. Events
encyclopedia, 2010). 3. Re-orientation

B. Types of Recount Text D. Language Features of Recount Text

1. Introducing personal participant; I, my group.
1. Personal recount
2. Using chronological connection; then, first.
2. Factual Recount Text
3. Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc.
3. Imaginary recount
4. Using action verb; look, go, change, etc.
4. Procedural Recount
5. Using simple past tense.
5. Critical Recount

Relevant Research

Aradi Novita, Dian Sapitri Desi Hidayati

(2021) Hervi (2019) et al(2020) (2018)
Conceptual Framework

Here only one variable that is students reading comprehension in recount text.

Determining main idea

Locating reference

Reading Comprehension
Comprehension Understanding vocabulary

Making inference

Detail information
Research Method

Research Design Time and location

The research will use descriptive

quantitative method. According Moh. Nazir This research will conduct at SMKF
(2005: 54), descriptive method is a method in Ikasari Pekanbaru which is located at Bangau Sakti
researching the status of human groups, an Street, Tampan district, Pekanbaru city, Riau. This
object, and a set of conditions, a system of research will conduct on June until July 2024
thought, or a class of events in the present.
CHAPTER 3 Population and Sample
1. Population 2. Sample
The population of this research is all the tenth grade
students of SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru. The population
of the research can be seen as follows: From the population of SMKF Ikasari Pekanbaru

No Class Population which consist of 271 students, the researcher will use

1 X 1 Farmasi 36 purposive sampling technique. The class that will

use is grade X 3 Farmasi.
2 X 2 Farmasi 36
3 X 3 Farmasi 35
4 X 4 Farmasi 33
5 X 5 Farmasi 34
6 X 6 Farmasi 35
7 X 7 Farmasi 35
8 X 1 Kimia Industri 27
Total 271
CHAPTER 3 Technique of Data Collection

1. Test 2. Questionnaire

The researcher will use five aspects of reading

The questionnaire consists of items to find out the
comprehension (Nuttan , 2000) in this test.
participants' opinions or views about factors causing
Blue Print of Reading Comprehension Test
students' difficulties in reading comprehension.
NO Indicator Number of Items

1 Finding main idea 1, 9, 14, 16, 24

2 Locating reference 4, 10, 13, 19, 21

3 Understanding vocabulary 3, 8, 15, 17, 22

4 Making inference 5, 7 11, 18, 25

5 Detail information 2, 6, 12, 20, 23

CHAPTER 3 Technique of Data Analysis
To calculate the percentage of research, use the formula Classification for index of difficulty adopted in Arikunto (2010)

0-30 = Easy

P = Percentage of students who have difficulty in each

31-70 = Fair

F = = Number of the students who answer the item 71-100 = Difficult

The researcher also measure the average percentages of
N = The total number of student
incorrect answer by using measurement of the mean:

A = Average

Σp = The total percentage of incorrectness

N: The total question per item

CHAPTER 3 Trustworthiness

Triangulation is a data validation technique that uses everything outside of

the data to be re-examined or compared to the data that has been obtained
(Moleong, 2010).

The researcher interviewed with the students and the English teacher
in class about their difficulties understanding the reading texts as part of the

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