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God placed the earth in the most perfect place in the entire universe.
We are not too far away or too close to the sun.
•Too far away from the sun – the water would all freeze, we would
have frigid, icy weather, spring would never bring new plants,
animals and people would die of starvation.
•Too close to the sun – oceans would dry up and disappear, the
atmosphere will be destroyed, the harsh rays from the sun would
burn us until we died.
The earth has plenty of water. Water is the main ingredient for life to
Our planet is so special, so perfectly suited for people, place and
animals to live.
Matter – the stuff that makes up everything around you. Everything
that you can touch or smell, including yourself is made of matter.
The more matter there is in something, the heavier it is.

Mass – is the measure of how much matter is in something.

Large mass = lots of matter
Small mass = little matter

Gravity – the force that planets use to pull on things.

The earth’s gravity pulls on us, keeping us on the ground so that we

don ‘t go flying off into space.
-It would have less gravity
-We would be much lighter
-Running, climbing, jumping up
would be very easy
-Things won’t stay on the ground
-The wind could blow the cars,
animals, things and even people off
the ground and into space.
-The earth would not be able to pull
rain out of the clouds and onto the
ground so it would never rain! There
would be droughts!
-Gravitational pull would be too
-It would be a lot of work just to
walk around; we would tire easily!
-Many dangerous chemicals that are
harmful to breathe, like methane
and ammonia, would just sit here on
earth instead of rising up into the
atmosphere and floating into space.
-Terrible smell would never go away.
The earth has perfect mass.
Things stay where they should be – not floating on air nor stuck on
the ground
There is rain.
Walking and moving about will not make us so tired.
The wind can blow off harmful chemicals into air and off into the
-Perfectly timed
-When we get tired, it gets
-When we have slept enough,
the sun comes up
-We have a 24-hour day, with
about 12 hours of daylight
and 12 hours of darkness
-Keeps the temperature in
balance to protect the
people, animals, plants and
other creatures that He
created for His glory
We will have longer
The winds would be
days and longer
so strong, causing
Longer days = hot, hot
everywhere. Survival
Longer nights = cold,
would be difficult
cold days
-The earth’s atmosphere has
oxygen, which makes us breathe
-Our atmosphere keeps us warm
but protects us from getting too
-It goes very high up in the sky:
about 800 miles or 4 million feet
-It burns up the space rocks that
fall from the space before they
reach the ground

The Earth spins around this pole, making one
complete turn each day. That is why we have
day and night, and why every part of Earth's
surface gets some of each.

The Earth has seasons because its axis doesn't

stand up straight.

PERFECT TILT The equator is the imaginary line that divides

the earth in half. The top half is the Northern
Earth's axis is an Hemisphere and the bottom half is the Southern
imaginary pole going Hemisphere.
right through the The countries in the Northern and Southern
center of Earth from Hemisphere experience the 4 seasons.
"top" to "bottom."
The countries that are near the equator get the
most direct sun rays. These places are nice to go
to for a vacation because they are usually warm.
In winter, the days are shorter than nights,
because we are tilted away from the sun.
-Spring: seeds take root and vegetation
begins to grow. The weather is warmer, and
often wetter. Animals wake or return from
warmer climates, often with newborns.
-Summer: Summer is the season with the
longest and warmest days of the year. It is
the time of year that allows people to spend
a great deal of time outdoors. Summer is
when many crops are grown
-Autumn is the season in which the Earth
THE EARTH’S TILT IS IMPORTANT cools off from the hot summer and starts a
-There are 4 seasons because of slow but sure trek to the colder months of
winter. Autumn is the start of the harvest
earth’s tilt
-Winter: allows the ground to rest, season for many plants, and both humans
and animals gather crops and pack them for
the land to replenish its nutrients like
the coming winter
vitamins for the crops; kills the bugs that
bite us and ruin the crops.
During winter, Antarctica is tilted so far
away from the sun that it’s dark all day
and all night for months at a time.
Then when it’s summer, it’s tilted so
that it is never facing away from the
sun. Because of this, there’s light all
day and all night for months. But the
light that it gets is dim light.

The sun never shines directly on the

countries near the top and bottom of
the world. This is because the North
Pole and South Pole are too far from
the equator to get direct sunlight. Even
during summer, it is still very cold.
Our planet has many layers.
The top layer is called the
earth’s crust. It contains the
oceans, dirt, rocks and
mountains. When you dig a
hole in your backyard, you are
digging the earth’s crust.
20 miles deeper is the layer Below the mantle is the outer core, a hot
called mantle. It is made of section of melted metals like nickel and
hot, semisolid rock, thousands iron. The earth’s magnetic field is formed
of miles thick. The mantle is here.
the thickest portion of the
The very center of the earth is also made
earth. The farther down you
of nickel and iron. This solid center is the
go, the hotter it gets. There is
inner core.
a lot of magma (melted rock)
in the mantle.
The solar wind is made
up of these harmful
particles. The
protects us from the
dangerous particles
coming from the sun.
Some particles that get
trapped in our magnetic
field hit gasses in the
earth’s atmosphere.
collisions between
Magnetosphere is like a big ball of
these particles and the
magnetic power on earth. The earth’s
atmosphere’s gases
magnetic field is produced in the outer
produces beautiful
core and pulls certain harmful particles
colors in the sky. We
away from the earth.
call them auroras.
The earth is in a perfect place. Not too close and not too far from the sun.
The earth has perfect mass. The earth’s gravity puts everything in place.
The earth’s rotation is perfect. We get enough light during the day and enough
darkness as we sleep at night.
The earth has a perfect atmosphere. It has enough oxygen so we can breathe. It
protects us from extreme temperatures. It also burns up the space rocks before
they make it to the surface of the earth.
The earth has a perfect tilt which is the reason why there are 4 seasons. The
changes in the seasons help restore the earth and all the living creatures on it.
The earth is made up of the perfect layers. The crust which contains the oceans,
dirt, rocks and mountains; the mantle which is made up of magma; the outer core
made up of melted nickel and iron and the inner core, made up of solid nickel and
The earth has perfect magnetosphere, which protects us from harmful, dangerous
particles from the sun by pulling them away from the earth’s surface.
What a perfect planet God has made for his man and all living creatures!

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