5.1A, 5.1B and 5.1C

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1A The Second World War:

an overview
The method of warfare used by Germany to invade
Poland which involved fast-moving columns of tanks
supported by infantry soldiers and dive-bomber
• In the spring of 1940, Germany
attacked France, Denmark, Norway,
the Netherlands and Belgium.
• Thousands of British, French and
Belgian troops escaped from Dunkirk
to England in a fleet of yachts,
paddle steamers, warships, and even
rowing boats.
The Battle of Britain and the Blitz
Battle of Britain:
A series of air raids between Germany’s air force and Britain’s air force.

The period of intense bombing on major British cities by Germany.
Exercise (5.1A)

1. When did the WWII start?

2. What was the Battle of Britain?

3. How do we call dive-bombers?

4. Name the fighting planes involved in the Battle of Britain.

(i) Germany-
(ii) Britain-
Exercise (5.1A)

1. When did the WWII start? In 1939

2. What was the Battle of Britain? A series of air-raid between Germany

and Britain.

3. How do we call dive-bombers? Stuka

4. Name the fighting planes involved in the Battle of Britain.

(i) Germany- Messerschmitts and Heinkels
(ii) Britain- Spitfires and Hurricanes
5.1B The Second World War:
an overview
 Turned attention to USSR: Operation Barbarossa
 End of 1941, Japanese entered the war: bombing of Pearl
Harbour in Hawaii
 USA declared war on Germany, Italy and Japan.
Key turning points

1) The Battle of Midway (June 1942)

2) The Battle of Stalingrad (July 1942 to February 1943)
3) El Alamein (October to November 1942)
Exercise (5.1B)

1. When and why did the USA enter the war?


2. Name the three major battles that changed the course of the war.
(i) _______________________________
(ii) _______________________________
(iii) _______________________________
Exercise (5.1B)

1. When and why did the USA enter the war?

_____At the end of 1941. Because the Japanese launched the _____
________surprise attack at Pearl Harbour (Hawaii)_______

2. Name the three major battles that changed the course of the war.
(i) ____The Battle of Midway______
(ii) ____The Battle of Stalingrad______
(iii) ____El Alamein_______
5.1C The Second World War:
an overview
Italy surrendered
By the end of 1943, the British and American
invasion of Italy was in full swing. As Italian
forces surrendered, their leader, Benito
Mussolini, was captured and shot.
In Britain, an invasion of France that aimed to
push German forces back towards Germany
was planned. The invasion date was set for
June 1944.
Victory in Europe meant that more Allied troops could be sent to
fight the Japanese. However, before the troops arrived, the US
President made the decision to drop two nuclear bombs on the
Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Japanese, rather
than face the complete destruction of their islands if more were
dropped, surrendered on 14th August. The Second World War was
Exercise (5.1C)

1. What is D-day?

2. What was the name of the Italian leader at that time?


3. Name the two Japanese cities bombed by USA.

Exercise (5.1C) Answers

1. What is D-day?
__A plan by British and USA to push Germany away from France__

2. What was the name of the Italian leader at that time?

______Benito Mussolini________

3. Name the two Japanese cities bombed by USA.

_________Hiroshima and Nagasaki_________
Classwork(5.1A, 5.1B and 5.1C)

1. Name the agreement signed between Germany, Italy and Japan.

2. What happened at Dunkirk in 1940?
3. What was the name of the invasion force prepared by Hitler to invade
4. Where did the battle of El Alamein take place?
5. When was the D-day?
6. How do we call the area of conflict in the Battle of Midway?
7. What happened to Hitler in 1945?
Classwork(5.1A, 5.1B and 5.1C) Answers

1. Name the agreement signed between Germany, Italy and Japan.

(Tripartite Pact)
2. What happened at Dunkirk in 1940?
(Thousands of British, French and Belgian troops escaped from Dunkirk
to England in a fleet of yachts, paddle steamers. Warships and also
rowing boats).
Classwork(5.1A, 5.1B and 5.1C) Answers

3. What was the name of the invasion force prepared by Hitler to invade
Britain? (Operation Sealion)
4. Where did the battle of El Alamein take place? (Egypt)
5. When was the D-day? (6 June 1944)
6. How do we call the area of conflict in the Battle of Midway? (Pacific War)
7. What happened to Hitler in 1945? (He committed suicide)

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