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Business Communication Today

Fifteenth Edition, Global Edition

Chapter 6
Completing Business Messages

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Learning Objectives (1 of 2)
6.1 Discuss the value of careful revision, and describe the
tasks involved in evaluating your first drafts and the work
of other writers.
6.2 List four techniques you can use to improve the readability
of your messages.
6.3 Describe eight steps you can take to improve the clarity of
your writing, and give four tips on making your writing
more concise.

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Learning Objectives (2 of 2)
6.4 List four principles of effective design, and explain the role
of major design elements in document readability.
6.5 Explain the importance of proofreading, and give seven
tips for successful proofreading.
6.6 Discuss the most important issues to consider when
distributing your messages.a

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Revising Your Message: Evaluating the First Draft
• L O 6.1 Discuss the value of careful revision, and describe
the tasks involved in evaluating your first drafts and the
work of other writers.

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Evaluating Your Content, Organization
Style, and Tone (1 of 2)
• Is the information accurate?
• Is the information relevant to the audience?
• Is there enough information to satisfy the readers’ needs?
• Is there a good balance between general information and
specific information?

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Evaluating Your Content, Organization
Style, and Tone (2 of 2)
• Are all the points covered in the most logical order?
• Do the most important ideas receive the most space, and
are they placed in the most prominent positions?
• Would the message be more convincing if it were arranged
in a different sequence?
• Are any points repeated unnecessarily?
• Are details grouped together logically, or are some still
scattered throughout the document?

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Evaluating, Editing, and Revising the Work
of Others (1 of 2)
• What is the purpose of this document or message?
• Who is the target audience?
• What information does the audience need?
• Does the document provide this information in a well-
organized way?
• Does the writing demonstrate the “you” attitude toward the

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Evaluating, Editing, and Revising the Work
of Others (2 of 2)
• Is the tone of the writing appropriate for the audience?
• Can the readability be improved?
• Is the writing clear? If not, how can it be improved?
• Is the writing as concise as it could be?
• Does the design support the intended message?

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Revising to Improve Readability
• L O 6.2 List four techniques you can use to improve the
readability of your messages.

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Creating Readable Documents
Readability Indexes Skimmable Documents
Words Key Ideas
Sentences Conclusions
Paragraphs Recommendations

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Varying the Length of Your Sentences
• Short
– Up to 15 Words
• Medium
– 15-25 Words
• Long
– Over 25 Words

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Keeping Your Paragraphs Short
100 Words or Fewer Maintain Clear Flow
Ease of Reading Don’t Go Overboard
Inviting to Reader Connect Ideas
Emphasize Key Ideas Divide Large Subject

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Using Lists to Clarify and Emphasize
• Set Off Important Ideas
– Series of words, names, or other items
• Simplify
– Break down complex subjects
• Highlight
– Sequences of ideas

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Achieving Parallelism
Method Example
Parallel words The plan was approved by Clausen,
Whittaker, Merlin, and Carlucci.
Parallel phrases We are gaining market share in
supermarkets, in department stores,
and in specialty stores.
Parallel clauses I’d like to discuss the issue after Vicki
gives her presentation but before
Marvin shows his slides.
Parallel sentences In 2018 we exported 30 percent of our
production. In 2019 we exported 50

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Adding Headings and Subheadings
Organization Attention Connection
Group Related Informative or Descriptive Relates Main and
Paragraphs Headings Subordinate Ideas
Organize Lengthy
Grab Reader’s Attention Increased Understanding
Emphasize Key Ideas Readability Visually Indicate Shifts

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Editing for Clarity and Conciseness
• L O 6.3 Describe eight steps you can take to improve the
clarity of your writing, and give four tips on making your
writing more concise.

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Editing for Clarity (1 of 2)
• Break Up Overly Long Sentences
• Rewrite Hedging Sentences
• Impose Parallelism
• Correct Dangling Modifiers

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Editing for Clarity (2 of 2)
• Reword Long Noun Sequences
• Replace Camouflaged Verbs
• Clarify Sentence Structure
• Clarify Awkward References

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Editing for Conciseness
• Delete Unnecessary Words and Phrases
• Replace Long Words and Phrases
• Eliminate Redundancies
• Recast “It is/There are” Starters

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Producing Your Message
• L O 6.4 List four principles of effective design, and explain
the role of major design elements in document readability.

Copyright © 2021 Pearson Education Ltd.

Designing for Readability
• Consistency
• Balance
• Restraint
• Detail

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Document Design Elements
• White Space
• Margins
• Justification
• Typefaces
• Type Styles

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Formatting Formal Letters and Memos

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Effective Design Choices for Business Documents

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Designing Messages for Mobile Devices
• Think In Small Chunks
• Use White Space Generously
• Format Simply
• Experiment With Layouts

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Proofreading Your Message
• L O 6.5 Explain the importance of proofreading, and give
seven tips for successful proofreading.

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Identifying Problems
• Language Errors
• Missing Material
• Design Errors
• Typographical Errors

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Careful Proofreading (1 of 2)
• Make Multiple Passes
• Use Perceptual Tricks
• Focus on High-Priority Items
• Give Yourself Some Distance

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Careful Proofreading (2 of 2)
• Be Vigilant
• Stay Focused
• Review Complex Digital Documents on Paper
• Take Your Time

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Distributing Your Message
• L O 6.6 Discuss the most important issues to consider when
distributing your messages.

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Factors In Choosing a Distribution Method
• Cost
• Convenience
• Time
• Security and Privacy

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