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Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology

Batch-7 Pollachi, Tamilnadu, India

Zeroth Review
Department of Information Technology

Decentralized E-Voting System Using

Blockchain Technology

Guided by Submitted by
Dr. L. Meenachi Vijayaragavan KTS(20BIT003)
Head Of Department Deepak A (20BIT031)
Information Technology Roshan Karthick T (20BIT039)

E-Voting System Using Blockchain Technology

Wednesday Feb 01,2023 1

• Abstract
• Objective
• Introduction
• Literature review
• Existing System
• Proposed System
• Software Requirements
• Module Description
• Proposed Methodology / Algorithm

Decentralized E-Voting System Using Blockchain

Wednesday Feb 01,2023 2

• The aim of the project is to create a decentralized e-voting system, merging

blockchain, secret sharing, and homomorphic encryption. By eliminating the need
for a trusted third party, the system ensures a transparent and tamper-resistant voting
• Blockchain establishes a public ledger, while secret sharing enhances security
through the distribution of vote information.
• This design offers a robust, trust-free framework for elections, effectively
addressing key concerns of transparency, privacy, and verifiability in e-voting.
• The system not only guarantees verifiability during the billing phase but also
prioritizes the preservation of voter privacy and the confidentiality of their

Wednesday Feb 01,2023 Decentralized E-Voting System Using Blockchain Technology 3


• Develop a decentralized e-voting system based on smart contracts and

blockchain technology.
• Address security issues of centralized voting systems by leveraging the
reliability, safety, and flexibility of blockchain.
• Ensure real-time visibility of voting results, eliminating delays present in
traditional systems.
• Utilize Ethereum, smart contracts, MetaMask, Ganache, and Truffle framework
to enhance the security and efficiency of the e-voting process.
• Contribute to the field by providing a high-security e-voting solution,
minimizing the risks associated with data modification and ensuring voter


• The increasing reliance on the Internet has propelled the adoption of e-voting
systems in various societies, offering a more efficient alternative to traditional
voting methods.
• This shift aims to reduce both time and costs associated with conventional
voting processes.
• However, the conventional approach, utilizing centralized databases, raises
concerns regarding security, particularly vulnerabilities to data modification by
third parties within the network and the lack of real-time result visibility.
• In response to these challenges, this research endeavors to establish a highly
secure e-voting system by integrating blockchain technology.
• Blockchain, with its decentralized model, provides a reliable, safe, and flexible
network infrastructure capable of supporting real-time services.


Author(s) Purpose of Future

Study Title Methodology Results
and Year Study Limitations Research
Ali Mansour, Decentralized To design a The The findings These findings The limitations Future
Dr.Ashok T, E-voting decentralized methodology indicate a high suggest that of this research could
Vivek system based e-voting involves satisfaction implementing research explore real-
Mahale , on Smart system that integrating level among a include the world
Zeyad Contract by combines blockchain, users of the decentralized absence of deployment
A.T.Ahmed using blockchain, secret sharing, decentralized e-voting real-world and extensive
(2021) Blockchain secret sharing, and e-voting system, implementatio testing of the
and homomorphic system, with leveraging n and testing proposed
homomorphic encryption to participants blockchain, of the decentralized
encryption, construct the expressing secret sharing, proposed e-voting
eliminating the decentralized ease of use and decentralized system, while
need for a e-voting and positive homomorphic e-voting also
trusted third system. feedback encryption, system. investigating
party. Researchers regarding its could mechanisms
analyze transparency revolutionize for scalability
existing e- and security electoral and
voting features. processes by adaptability to
systems, ensuring diverse
identify key transparency, electoral
requirements, voter scenarios.
and leverage anonymity,
the properties and cost-
Wednesday Feb 01,2023 of these Resume Analyzer effectiveness. 6

• The centralized nature of the database poses a risk of data modification by third
parties within the network, potentially compromising the integrity of the voting
• Traditional systems often lack real-time visibility of voting results. Delays in the
tabulation and publication of results can undermine the transparency of the
electoral process.
• The current systems may not adequately address privacy concerns related to voter
data. Centralized databases may expose sensitive information to potential
• The reliance on a central server makes the system susceptible to single points of
failure, raising concerns about the overall robustness and reliability of the e-
voting infrastructure.


• The core of the proposed system is built on blockchain technology, providing

a decentralized and distributed ledger for recording and storing voting
• The system employs smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to automate
and enforce the rules of the voting process. Smart contracts facilitate trustless
execution, eliminating the need for a central authority and ensuring the
integrity of the voting mechanism.
• The decentralized nature of the blockchain allows for real-time visibility of
voting results. As votes are recorded on the blockchain, stakeholders can
access and verify the results instantly, addressing the delays present in
traditional systems.
• The system integrates tools such as MetaMask, Ganache, and the Truffle
framework to enhance the user experience and streamline the development
and deployment of smart contracts.


• Consensus Algorithm:
• Nodes across the network verify the added blocks to ensure the accuracy of the voting
• Validated votes are grouped into blocks, and miners (in PoW) or validators (in PoS)
compete to add these blocks to the blockchain.
• Nodes (participants in the network) verify the authenticity and correctness of the
submitted votes.
• Once a block is added to the blockchain and a consensus is reached, the voting results
become final and cannot be altered.

Wednesday Feb 01,2023 Decentralized E-Voting System Using Blockchain Technology 9


• Fetching Location and Miscellaneous Data.
• Login with unique User credentials.
• Can vote to the eligible contest available.
• Only able to vote a single Candidate.
• Can create new contest with their credentials.
• Results can be viewed instantly.


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Decentralized E-Voting System Using Blockchain

Wednesday Feb 01,2023 11

Decentralized E-Voting System Using Blockchain

Wednesday Feb 01,2023 12

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