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Design, Development

and Implementation
of Information
Ms. Salon Kurne
Building Information Systems
• Building Information Systems are software applications used
to store, manage, and process information related to a
construction project. These systems typically include features
such as project planning and scheduling, document
management, cost estimation, resource allocation, and
collaboration tools.
• BIS help streamline project workflows, improve
communication among stakeholders, and optimize decision
making processes within the construction industry.
Building Information Systems-Architecture,
development and maintenance :
• BIS involves various stages including architecture,
development and maintenance.

 Architecture: In this stage, the overall structure and design of

the system are planned. This includes identifying the
objectives and goals of the system, defining the scope, and
determining the various components and technologies that will
be used. The architecture also considers factors like data
storage, communication channels and user interfaces.
 Development: Once the architecture is finalized, the actual
development of the system takes place. This involves coding
and programming to build the system according to the defined
architecture and requirements. Developers may use various
programming languages, frameworks and tools to create the
different modules and functionalities of the BIS.

 Maintenance: After the BIS is developed and deployed, it

requires regular maintenance and updates to ensure its optimal
functioning. This includes monitoring the system, identifying
and fixing any issues or bugs, and making enhancements or
improvements based on user feedback. Maintenance also
involves managing databases, software updates, security
patches, and system backups to ensure data integrity and
system stability.
Centralized and Decentralized
Information Systems:
 Centralized Information Systems: It refer to a system where
data and information are stored and managed in a central
location, usually controlled by a central authority or
organization. This means that users access the system through a
single point of entry, and all data is stored in one place.
 Decentralized Information Systems: DIS, on the other hand,
distribute data and information across multiple locations or
nodes, with no central control or authority. Users can access the
system through various entry points, and data is stored and
managed across multiple nodes.
• In short centralized systems have a single point of control and
data storage, while decentralized systems distribute control and
data across multiple locations.
Factors of Success in Information
• Alignment with business goals: Successful information systems
are aligned with the strategic goals and objectives of the
organization. They are designed to support the core business
processes and enable efficient operations.
• User involvement and support: User involvement and support
are critical for the success of information systems. Users need to
be actively involved in the design, development, and
implementation process to ensure that their needs and requirements
are met.
• Adequate resources: Adequate resources, such as funding, skilled
personnel and technology infrastructure, are essential for the
success of information systems. Without sufficient resources, it
may be difficult to develop and maintain an effective system.
• Clear communication and collaboration: Effective
communication and collaboration among stakeholders,
including users, management, and IT professionals, are
important for the success of information systems. Clear
communication helps in understanding requirements, resolving
issues, and making informed decisions.

• Regular evaluation and improvement: Successful

information systems are continuously evaluated and improved
to meet changing business needs and technological
advancements. Regular evaluation helps in identifying areas
for improvement and implementing necessary changes.
Factors of Failure in Information
• Inadequate planning and requirements analysis: Failure to
adequately plan and analyze requirements can lead to the
development of systems that do not meet the needs of the
organization and its users.

• Lack of user involvement and support: Without active user

involvement and support, it is difficult to ensure that the
system meets user requirements and expectations. Users may
resist using the system or not utilize it to its full potential,
leading to failure.
• Poor project management: Poor project management can result
in delays, cost overruns, and quality issues. Failure to effectively
manage resources, schedule, and risks can lead to project failure.

• Inadequate training and change management: Lack of proper

training and change management can hinder user adoption and
acceptance of the new system. Users may struggle to adapt to the
new technology and processes, leading to system failure.

• Inadequate technical infrastructure: Inadequate technology

infrastructure, such as outdated hardware or insufficient network
capabilities, can limit the performance and functionality of the
information system, leading to failure.
Value of IS Contemporary
• Improved efficiency and productivity: Contemporary IS approaches,
such as cloud computing and automation, can streamline business
processes and reduce manual tasks, leading to improved efficiency and

• Better decision making: IS contemporary approaches provide

organizations with real time data and analytics, enabling them to make
more informed and timely decisions.

• Enhanced customer experience: With the help of contemporary IS

approaches, organizations can personalize their interactions with
customers, provide more targeted marketing campaigns, and offer
improved customer service, thereby enhancing the overall customer
Risk of IS Contemporary
• Security breaches: As organizations increasingly rely on IS
contemporary approaches, they become vulnerable to cyber
attacks and data breaches. This can lead to financial losses
reputational damage, and loss of customer trust.
• Dependency on technology: Organizations may become
heavily reliant on IS contemporary approaches, leading to
potential disruptions in operations and business continuity if
there are any technical failures or system outages.
• Non-compliance with regulations: As IS contemporary
approaches evolve rapidly, organizations may struggle to keep
up with changing regulations and compliance requirements,
putting them at risk of penalties and legal issues.
• High implementation and maintenance costs: Adopting and
maintaining IS contemporary approaches can be costly,
ranging from purchasing advanced technologies to training
employees and updating systems regularly. Organizations need
to carefully assess the cost-benefit ratio before implementing
these approaches.
Systems as a planned
organizational change:
• Systems as a planned organizational change refers to the intentional
implementation of new processes or methodologies within an
organization to improve efficiency, productivity, and overall
• This change involves introducing new systems, such as IT systems,
communication systems, or workflow systems, to replace or enhance
existing methods of operation.
• The goal is to streamline operations, reduce costs, eliminate
redundancies, and create a more effective and efficient work
• This planned change is typically driven by the need for improvement
and is often accompanied by training, communication, and support to
ensure successful adoption and integration of the new system.
• A planned organizational change in information systems
typically involves several stages. These stages may
 Analysis: This stage involves assessing the current
information systems and identifying areas that need
improvement or upgrading. It may also involve conducting
a cost-benefit analysis to determine the feasibility and
expected benefits of the planned changes.
 Planning: During this stage, a detailed plan is developed
outlining the specific changes to be made, timelines,
resource requirements, and potential risks. The plan may
also include a communication strategy to ensure all
stakeholders are informed and involved in the change
 Implementation: This stage involves the actual installation
and configuration of new hardware and software, migrating
data, and training employees on the new systems and
processes. It may also involve integrating the new systems
with existing ones and conducting test runs to ensure
functionality and compatibility.
 Evaluation: After the new information systems are
implemented, an evaluation is undertaken to assess their
effectiveness and identify any issues or areas for
improvement. This may involve gathering feedback from
employees, monitoring key performance indicators, and
making necessary adjustments.
Transaction Processing
• A Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a computerized
system that captures, processes and records business
transactions in real-time.

• It involves the collection, validation, storage, and retrieval of

data related to various business transactions, such as sales,
purchases, payments, and inventory updates.

• The primary goal of a TPS is to ensure the efficiency, accuracy

and reliability of transactional data processing to support the
day-to-day operations of an organization.
Role of Transaction
Processing System:
• The role of a Transaction Processing System (TPS) is to
collect, process and store transactions within an organization.

• It is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely recording of

transactions, such as sales orders, purchases, inventory
updates, and financial transactions.
Advantages of Transaction
Processing System:
• Efficiency: A TPS automates routine and repetitive tasks,
reducing the need for manual data entry and paperwork. This
leads to increased efficiency and productivity, as transactions
can be processed faster and with fewer errors.
• Accuracy: TPSs are designed to minimize errors in
transaction processing, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.
By automating calculations and validation checks, they help in
maintaining reliable and consistent data records.
• Real-time processing: TPSs enable real-time or near real-
time processing of transactions allowing organizations to have
up-to-date information and respond quickly to changes. This
helps in decision-making and business process optimization.
• Scalability: TPSs are capable of handling large volumes of
transactions, making them suitable for organizations of various
sizes. As transaction volumes increase, the system can be scaled
up by adding more processing power or storage capacity.
• Improved customer service: By processing transactions
quickly and accurately, TPSs contribute to improved customer
service. For example, a TPS in a retail store can ensure smooth
and efficient checkout processes, leading to satisfied customers.
• Data analysis and reporting: TPSs provide valuable
transaction data that can be analyzed to gain insights and make
informed business decisions. They can generate various reports
and summaries, helping management to monitor performance,
indentify trends, and track financials.
Management Information
• Management Information System in
which defined data are collected,
processed and communicated to assist
those, who are responsible for the use of
resources or decision makers.
Role of Management Information
• The role of management information system (MIS) is to
collect, process, store, and provide information for decision-
making and planning purposes within an organization.

• It aims to provide managers with accurate and timely

information to support their day-to-day operations and long-
term strategic planning.
Advantages of Management
Information System:
• Improved decision-making: An MIS provides managers with
relevant and timely information, allowing them to make informed
decisions and take appropriate actions based on accurate data.

• Increased efficiency and productivity: By automating manual

tasks and providing real-time data, an MIS allows employees to
focus on more value-added activities, reducing time and effort
spent on administrative tasks.

• Effective resource management: An MIS helps in managing

resources, such as finances, inventory and human resources, by
providing up-to-date information and facilitating effective
planning and allocation of resources.
• Enhanced communication and collaboration: An MIS ensures
efficient communication and collaboration among employees and
departments by providing a centralized platform for sharing and
accessing information.

• Improved customer satisfaction: By analyzing customer data and

feedback, an MIS helps in understanding customer preferences and
behavior, enabling organizations to tailor their products and
services to meet customer expectations, leading to increased
customer satisfaction.

• Increased competitive advantage: An MIS provides organizations

with a strategic advantage by providing real-time market
information, competitor analysis, and trend forecasting, allowing
then to stay ahead and adapt to market changes more effectively.
• Enhanced data security: An MIS ensures data integrity and
security by implementing robust data protection measures,
such as encryption and access controls, reducing the risk of
unauthorized access or data loss.
Expert Systems:
• Expert Systems are a type of information system that aim to
replicate the decision making capabilities of human experts in
a specific domain.
• These systems use a combination of knowledge based rules
and inference engines to analyze complex data sets and
provide recommendations or solutions to users.
• Expert systems have the ability to store and retrieve large
amounts of domain-specific knowledge, which can be
continually updated and refined.
• They are particularly useful in areas where human expertise is
scarce or expensive, as they can provide reliable and
consistent decision support.
• The success of expert systems lies in their ability to
incorporate both explicit knowledge (captured in rules and
databases) and tacit knowledge (based on human expertise and
intuition), enabling organizations to make better-informed
decisions and improve overall operational efficiency.
Role of Expert Systems:
• Decision-Making: Expert systems can provide expert level
emulating human expertise and knowledge.

• Problem-Solving: These systems can help in solving complex

problems by storing and organizing large amounts of data and
providing logical solutions.

• Diagnosis and Troubleshooting: Expert systems can analyze

symptoms and diagnose issues, suggesting potential solutions
or troubleshooting steps.
• Training and Education: Expert systems can be used as a
tool for training, educating, and building knowledge in
specific domains.

• Automation and Efficiency: Expert systems can automate

routine tasks, reducing time and effort required by humans.
Advantages of Expert
• Increased speed and accuracy: Expert systems can process
information and make decisions much faster than humans.
They also have the ability to consistently apply their
knowledge and make accurate decisions without being
affected by emotions or biases.

• Improved productivity and efficiency: By automating tasks

and decision-making processes, expert systems can help
businesses save time and resources. They can handle complex
and repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more
strategic and high value activities.
• Enhanced knowledge management: Expert systems capture and
preserve the knowledge of experts in a specific domain. This knowledge
can be easily shared and accessed by others, ensuring that organizational
knowledge is not lost when experts retire or leave the organization.

• Scalability and consistency: Expert systems can be easily scaled to

handle large amounts of data and can provide consistent decision-
making across multiple scenarios. This ensures that all users receive the
same level of expertise and eliminates variations in decision-making.

• Continuous availability: Expert systems can be made available 24/7,

providing immediate access to expert knowledge and support. This can
be particularly beneficial in situations where immediate decision making
is required, such as in healthcare or emergency response scenarios.
• Training and learning: Expert systems can be used as
training tools to provide users with guidance and feedback.
They can simulate real-life scenarios and provide users with
step-by-step instructions, helping them enhance their skills
and expertise in a specific domain.

• Risk reduction: By utilizing expert knowledge and following

predetermined rules, expert systems can help reduce the risk of
errors and ensure compliance with regulations and standards.

• Cost-effective: Once developed, expert systems can be

relatively cost-effective to maintain. They also eliminate the
need for ongoing training and development of human experts,
reducing long-term costs.
• Decision transparency: Expert systems provide a transparent
decision-making process, as their rules and logic can be
inspected and validated. This can be important in situations
where accountability and audit ability are required.

• Cross-domain application: The knowledge captured in

expert systems can often be applied to multiple domains or
industries. This enables the sharing and transfer of knowledge
across different areas and allows organizations to benefit from
expertise in various fields.
Artificial Intelligence:
• Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that
focuses on developing intelligent machines capable of
stimulating human intelligence.
• In the context of information systems, AI can be used to
enhance various aspects such as data management, analysis,
decision-making and communication.
• AI in information systems can automate data processing tasks,
allowing for faster and more accurate data entry and retrieval.
• It can also analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns,
trends and insights that may not be apparent to humans.
Role of Artificial Intelligence:
• The role of artificial intelligence (AI) is to stimulate human
intelligence and perform tasks that would typically require
human intelligence. AI can analyze large amounts of data,
recognize patterns, learn from experience, and make decisions.
Some specific roles and applications of AI include:
 Automation: AI can automate repetitive and mundane tasks,
Freeing up human workers for more complex and creative
 Data analysis: AI algorithms can quickly analyze vast
amounts of data and identify patterns or trends that may be
difficult for humans to spot.
 Personal assistants: AI-powered personal assistants like Siri,
Alexa and Google Assistant can understand and respond to
human voice commands, provide information and perform

 Image and speech recognition: AI can analyze images and

videos to identify objects, faces or actions. It can also convert
spoken language into written text or translate languages in

 Predictive analytics: AI algorithms can analyze historical

data to make predictions and recommendations for future
outcomes, such as customer behaviour, stock market trends, or
disease diagnoses.
 Autonomous vehicles: AI plays a crucial role in self-driving
cars, enabling them to perceive their environment, make
decisions, and navigate safely without human intervention.

 Cybersecurity: AI can detect and prevent cyber threats by

continuously analyzing network traffic, identifying anomalous
patterns, and taking appropriate action to protect systems and

 Healthcare: AI is used in various healthcare applications,

including diagnosis and treatment recommendation systems,
drug discovery, medical image analysis, and remote patient
 Natural language processing: AI technologies can
understand and generate human language, allowing for
chatbots, virtual assistants and automatic translation.

 Gaming: AI is extensively used in gaming to create intelligent

and adaptive opponents, simulate realistic behaviors, and
enhance player experiences.
Advantages of Artificial
• Efficiency and Accuracy: AI systems can perform tasks with
high accuracy and efficiency, often outperforming humans in
repetitive or monotonous tasks.

• Speed and Scalability: AI can process large volumes of data

much faster than humans, enabling quick decision making and
scalability in handling large datasets.

• Adaptability and Learning: AI systems can learn from new

data and adapt their behavior, continuously improving their
performance over time.
• Elimination of Errors and Bias: AI systems can eliminate
the human error factor, reducing mistakes in decision-making.
Moreover, by using algorithms, AI systems can minimize bias
and promote fairness.

• Handling Big Data: With the ability to handle vast amounts

of data, AI can discover patterns and insights that would be
difficult for humans to identify.
Executive Support
• Executive Support Systems are software tools designed to
assist top-level executives in decision making and strategic

• These systems provide executives with access to relevant and

timely information from various internal and external sources.

• ESS typically include features such as data visualization tools,

intuitive interfaces, and advanced analytics capabilities to help
executives analyze complex data and identify trends, patterns,
and relationships.
• These systems also enable executives to monitor key
performance indicators, track the progress of strategic
initiatives, and collaborate with other senior leaders.

• By providing executives with comprehensive and real-time

information, ESS empower them to make informed decisions,
enhance organizational performance, and gain a competitive
advantage in the fast –paced business environment.
Role and advantages of Executive
Support Systems:
• Decision Support: ESS provides executives with timely and
relevant data to support decision making. It consolidates
information from a variety of sources and presents it in a
meaningful and easily understandable format. This helps executives
make well-informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date

• Strategic Planning: ESS helps executives in identifying business

opportunities and formulating long-term strategies. It allows them
to analyze various scenarios and conduct “what-if” analysis to
evaluate the potential outcomes of different strategies. This helps
executives in making more effective and informed strategic
• Performance Monitoring: ESS provides executives with
real-time monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) and
metrics. It helps them track the progress of key initiatives,
identify areas of concern, and take proactive measures to
address them. This enables executives to keep a close eye on
the overall performance of the organization and make
necessary adjustments, if needed.

• Collaboration and Communication: ESS facilitates

collaboration and communication among executives and other
stakeholders. It allows them to share information, discuss
ideas, and coordinate actions. This promotes better alignment
and coordination among executives, resulting in more
effective decision making and implementation of strategies.
• Time and Cost Efficiency: ESS automates the data gathering
and analysis process, saving executives significant time and
effort. It streamlines the decision making process by providing
executives with the necessary information at their fingertips,
eliminating the need for manual data collection and analysis.
This improves efficiency and productivity, allowing executives
to focus on higher-level tasks and priorities.

• Competitive Advantage: ESS provides executives with a

competitive advantage by providing them with access to
valuable insights and analytics. It enables them to spot
emerging market trends, identify potential risks and
opportunities, and make proactive decisions to stay ahead of
the competition. This helps the organization to maintain its
competitive edge in the market.
Strategic Information
• Strategic Information Systems refer to the integrated use of
information technology and systems to support and achieve an
organization’s strategic goals and objectives.
• These systems play a crucial role in helping organizations gain
a competitive advantage by providing them with timely,
accurate and relevant information for decision-making and
• By aligning information technology with the overall business
strategy, strategic information systems enable organizations to
streamline business processes, enhance operational efficiency,
improve customer service, and identify new market
• Moreover, these systems facilitate effective communication
and collaboration within the organization ad with external
stakeholders, enabling better coordination and integration
across different functional areas.

• Overall, SIS are essential tools for organizations in today’s

digital age, as they enable them to adapt and thrive in an ever-
changing and increasingly competitive business environment.
Role of Strategic Information
• Support in Strategic decision-making: SIS helps in analyzing
and evaluating the internal and external environment to identify
opportunities and threats. It provides relevant information to
support strategic decision-making, such as market analysis,
customer insights, and competitive intelligence.

• Enhance operational efficiency: SIS enables organizations to

streamline their business processes and improve operational
efficiency. It automates routine tasks, integrates various systems
and functions, and facilitates real-time access to information,
thereby reducing processing time, errors and costs.
• Facilitate strategic planning: Strategic information systems
assist in strategic planning by providing accurate and timely
information on market trends, competitor analysis, customer
preferences, and industry benchmarks. This helps in
formulating effective strategies and aligning the organization’s
resources and capabilities to achieve its long-term objectives.

• Enable effective communication and collaboration: SIS

supports effective communication and collaboration among
various stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers,
and partners. It enables sharing of information, knowledge,
and resources, fostering innovation, enhancing teamwork, and
increasing organizational agility and responsiveness.
• Promote differentiation and innovation: SIS enables
organizations to differentiate their products or services and
foster innovation. By leveraging technology, organizations can
develop unique offerings, improve customer experience, and
create new business models, thereby gaining a competitive
edge in the market.

• Support in performance management: SIS provides the

necessary tools for measuring, monitoring and controlling
performance against strategic goals and objectives. It
facilitates the collection, analysis and reporting of key
performance indicators (KPIs) and enables organizations to
identify performance gaps, make informed decisions and take
corrective actions to improve performance.
• Enhance customer relationship management: SIS supports
effective customer relationship management (CRM) by
providing a comprehensive view of customer data,
preferences, and behaviour. It helps organizations personalize
their offerings, tailor marketing campaigns, and improve
customer service, thus building stronger and more profitable
customer relationships.
Advantages of Strategic
Information System:
• Improved decision making: By providing accurate and up-to-
date information, strategic information systems can help
decision-makers in making informed decisions. This enhances
the chances of making the right choices and achieving
strategic objectives.

• Competitive advantage: A well-designed strategic

information system can give an organization a competitive
edge by providing valuable insights into market trends,
customer preferences, and competitor activities. This
knowledge can be used to develop effective strategies and stay
ahead in the market.
• Increased operational efficiency: Strategic information
systems streamline and automate processes, resulting in
improved efficiency and productivity. By eliminating manual
and repetitive tasks, these systems allow employees to focus
on more strategic and value-added activities.

• Enhanced communication and collaboration: Strategic

information systems facilitate the sharing of information and
knowledge across different departments and levels of an
organization. This improves communication and collaboration,
leading to better coordination and alignment of efforts towards
achieving common strategic goals.
• Effective resource allocation: Strategic information systems
help in effectively allocating resources such as human capital,
financial resources, and physical assets. By providing insights
into resource utilization and performance metrics, these
systems enable organizations to optimize resource allocation
and achieve better overall results.

• Better risk management: Strategic information systems can

help organizations identify and assess potential risks and
uncertainties. By providing real-time data and analysis, these
systems enable organizations to proactively manage risks,
mitigate potential threats, and seize opportunities.
Overview of SDLC:
• The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a
methodology used in software development to guide the
process from the initial planning stages through to the final
deployment and maintenance of a software system. It consists
of six main phases:
 Planning: In this phase, the project scope is defined, goals
and objectives are established, and the feasibility of the project
is assessed. Key stakeholders are identified, and the project
team is assembled. The planning phase involves conducting a
through analysis of user requirements and identifying potential
risks and constraints.
• Requirements Gathering: During this phase, the project team
interacts with key stakeholders to gather and document the
functional and non-functional requirements of the software
system. This involves conducting interviews, workshops and
surveys to understand the needs of the end users and the

• Design: In this phase, the system design is developed based on

the requirements gathered in the previous phase. The design
includes architectural, database, user interface, and component
specifications. The design phase also involves creating
prototypes and engaging in iterative feedback and refinement.
• Development: In this phase, the actual coding and
development of the software system takes place. Programmers
write the code based on the design specifications. Testing and
debugging are also done during this phase to ensure that the
software meets the specified requirements.

• Testing: In this phase, various types of testing are performed

to identify and fix any defects or issues in the software. This
includes functional testing to verify that the software functions
as expected, performance testing to assess its responsiveness
and efficiency, and security testing to identify vulnerabilities.
• Deployment and Maintenance: Once the software has been
thoroughly tested and deemed ready for use, it is developed to
the production environment. This involves installing the
software, training end users, and transferring data from the old
system. After deployment, ongoing maintenance and support
activities are performed, including bug fixes, updates and
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