4. Strategy Practice

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Strategy Practice

(page 73)
To starve to suffer or die
because you do not have
enough food to eat; to make sb
suffer or die in this way: The
animals were left to starve to
Express lane (n) place in a
shop / store where certain
customers can go to avoid
waiting for a long time:
Customers with ten items or
less can use the express lane.
Checkout (n)
the place where you pay for
the things that you are buying
in a supermarket:
a checkout assistant / operator
To hurry up (with sth) to do
sth more quickly because
there is not much time
Check (A.E) (n)
1. cheque
2. bill
Ex: Can I have the check,
Licence (for sth) | Licence (to
do sth) (n) an official
document that shows that
permission has been given to
do, own or use sth:
A driving licence. A driver’s
Identification (n) (abbr. ID)
the process of showing,
proving or recognizing who or
what sb/sth is
Stuck (adj.) [not before noun]
unable to move or to be
The wheels were stuck in the
To cause to make sth happen,
especially sth bad or
[vn] Do they know what
caused the fire?
Pay-cheque = (BrE) paycheck
(A.E) (n) : the cheque that you
are given when your wages
are paid to you
To drop sb/sth (off) to stop so
that sb can get out of a car, etc.;
to deliver sth on the way to
somewhere else:
Can you drop me near the
You left your jacket, but I can
drop it off on my way to work
To fire to force sb to leave
their job
SYN sack:
We had to fire him for
dishonesty. She got fired from
her first job.
Department store (n) a large
shop/ store that is divided into
several parts, each part selling
a different type of goods
Disorganized (adj.)
Badly planned; not able to
plan or organize well:
Ex: She’s so disorganized.
Celebration (n) a special event
that people organize in order
to celebrate sth:
birthday / wedding
Sharp (adv.)
used after an expression for a
time of day to mean ‘exactly’:
Please be here at seven o’clock
Baseball (n) a game played
especially in the US by two teams
of nine players, using a bat and
ball. Each player tries to hit the
ball and then run around four
bases before the other team can
return the ball:
A baseball bat / team / stadium

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