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Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

PEEG 216


Dr. John Williams

Class 1
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

• Attendance and Policy
• Notices
• Why Study Fluid Properties?
• Course Details
• Homework
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

• There will be a small proportion (5%) of course marks
assigned to class attendance:
– If you are absent without a valid excuse …. -1% per class
– If you are absent for 10 or more classes …. F (whether you have valid
excuses or not).
– Valid excuse = Prior notification & Student Affairs paper
or Emergency & Student Affairs paper
• Students will be considered LATE if they arrive more than one
minute after the scheduled start time according to the clock in
the classroom. Attendance marks will be reduced in this case.
• Some credit will be given even if you are “VERY LATE”, so
try to come if you can.
• Do not risk having an accident to avoid being late! – “Better
late than never”!
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Academic Dishonesty
• Petroleum Engineering has adopted a
“Zero Tolerance” Policy

• Petroleum Engineering Department Policy

Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Important Dates for Students

Sunday 31th January Add/Drop period began

Sunday 7th February Add/Drop ends
Sunday 7th February Last day to withdraw from a
degree course with no
Sun. 28th Mar. - Sat. 3rd Apr. Spring Break, Classes Suspended
Thursday 29th April Last day to withdraw from a
course with a W on the
Thursday 27th May Spring Semester Classes End
Sunday 30th May First day of final examinations
Thursday 3rd June Last day of final examinations
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

SPE Membership
• What is the SPE?
• Why join?
• You can now join on-line. Let me know if
you need help and I will give a
demonstration. (
• I will give a bonus mark to all SPE
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Why Study This Course?

• Reservoir Fluid Property knowledge is
fundamental to understanding how fluids
behave in the reservoir and on production.
• Although most of you will not have a major
involvement in laboratory work during your
careers, some will, and you all need to be
aware of the challenges that are involved.
• Also, it’s a compulsory component of the
PEEG & PGEG degree courses.
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

The Course Name

Often referred to by reservoir engineers as:
• Phase Behaviour or
• PVT (Pressure Volume Temperature)
• Reservoir Fluid Properties is a better
description of the material because we will
study another property, composition.
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Course Pre-requisites
• PEEG 216 & PEEG 217 require the following
prerequisite courses:
• Overview of the Petroleum Industry (or
Introduction to the Petroleum Industry)
• Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
• Do you all have both these pre-requisites?
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Course Description
• Petroleum fluid components
• Phase behaviour of pure substances and mixtures.
• Equations of state for ideal gases, mixtures of gases, and
general petroleum fluids.
• Multi-component phase diagrams and identification of
different reservoir fluids.
• Reservoir fluid sampling
• Collection, quality control and use of sampling data
• Reservoir fluid compositional analysis
• Properties of dry gases, wet gases, gas condensates,
volatile oil, and black oil.
• Pressure-Volume-Temperature laboratory experiments
• Modelling gas-liquid equilibria with equations of state.
• Properties of oilfield waters.
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

• The syllabus will be distributed to you by e-
• A copy will be placed in the Reservoir
Fluid Properties folder on the L-drive
– L:\Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216\Spring
2010 Materials
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

PEEG 216 Classes

• Course is taught jointly with PEEG 217 “Reservoir
Fluid Properties Laboratory” as co-requisites.
• The classes count for 2 credit hours
• There are 2 lecture hours per week
– Sunday & Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00 (Section 01)
– Monday & Wednesday 10:00 – 11:00 (Section 50)
• There is one three-hour laboratory per week
– Sunday 14:00 – 17:00 (Section L50)
– Monday 14:00 – 17:00 (Section L01)
– Tuesday 14:00 – 17:00 (Section L02)
• Labs are held in Lab. 3132 or Lab. 8036 unless an
alternative location is announced (2 sessions are in a
computer lab.)
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Laboratory Classes
• These will not be in phase with the “theory” classes.
• Because we have sophisticated (and expensive) equipment
we do not have one set per student, so different experiments
will be run in the same lab.
• Usually you will work in pairs, but all students must
participate in each part of the experiment.
• Where necessary an introduction to the theory of the
experiment will be provided at the start of the lab. class.
• You must bring Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to lab.
classes (coveralls & safety boots).
• Mr. Mimoune Kissami is the Senior Laboratory Engineer
who will oversee all the laboratory work. I will participate in
most of the laboratory sessions.
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

PEEG 216 Course Text

• The main textbook for this course is The
Properties of Petroleum Fluids, William D.
McCain Jr., 2nd Edition, PennWell Publishing
Company, 1990. ISBN: 0-87814-335-1
• Additional material will be distributed to cover
fluid sampling and compositional analysis
which is not covered in the main text.
• Please write your name on the textbook when
you get it, so it can be seen on the outside. It
will be distributed at the next class.
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

Special Classes
• There will be a mid-term exam typically
held in the evening.
– 19:00 to 21:00
– The date will be chosen in good time.
• There will be an industry trip to a Fluid
Properties service company. This will be
one of the labs.
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

• Read the academic integrity policy available
at\academic, if you are not
familiar with it.
• Make sure you have your PPE for your first
laboratory class.
• The homework is:
– Revise all the SI prefixes (handout available)
– There will be a short quiz next class
• Note: Homework is to be handed in at the
start of the next class! (or e-mailed earlier).
Reservoir Fluid Properties PEEG 216

SI Prefixes
1 000 000 000
1012 tera- T Trillion Billion

Milliard (thousand
109 giga- G Billion 1 000 000 000

106 mega- M Million 1 000 000

103 kilo- k Thousand 1 000

102 hecto- h Hundred 100

101 deca- da Ten 10

100 - - One 1

10−1 deci- d Tenth 0.1

10−2 centi- c Hundredth 0.01

10−3 milli- m Thousandth 0.001

10−6 micro- µ Millionth 0.000 001

10−9 nano- n Billionth Milliardth 0.000 000 001

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