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Goal Setting &

Time management
Goal Setting and Time management go hand in
TM a misnomer - we cannot manage time
Goal setting is the starting point TM
Time flies even if nothing is done
We must set goals for direction towards
About Goals
Only 3 % who set goals are highly successful
97 % do not set goals.
 Reason:
 Fear of failure.
 Risk of not achieving.
 Believe you cannot succeeding
 Goals - set knowingly or unknowingly and
achieving them in our own style [not scientific]
 we scribble things to do when starting for the
day [mini goal setting- a small portion of the total
 Conscious goal setting with relevance to time
achieve our goals systematically
Experts’ Opinion

 99% fail because they make excuses-

George Washington
 Michael Jordon [Sports] “I have missed >
60% of shots-failure teaches to learn
 Marslow’s theory of needs –
 Goal is basic to our life!
 Part of society forces certain goals.
 Is it a waste of time?
What do you understand by goal?
Why should you set them?
Goal is the essence of life and living.
Achieving goal denotes success or failure
Steps in Goal-Setting-
 Power of visualization

 Elements of effective goals

 overcoming obstructions

 action planning

 Achieve Success

You must set goals for the ultimate success

Benefit of Goal Setting

 Gives purpose and direction

 Allows you to plan
 Energises your effort
 Efficient utilisation of time
 Keeps you on track
 Achieve your goals quickly
Type of Goals
We need to set
 Daily goals – Things to do

 Immediate goals

 short term

 medium and

 long-term goals.

In fact we should call it ‘Goals setting’ i.e. in

plural since at any point of time we will
have multiples of goals to achieve.
 Case Study: Summer holidays
Dream to Goal
Dream is a projection imagined in the mind

 Dreams are base on

 our observations in life
 attraction to certain values and styles
 Styles & values exhibited by celebrities
 People who impress us
 We project this dream as a goal loosely
 Conversion of dreams into a reality only by
setting and achieving strong goals
What is a dream?

 Dream and Goal are different – Dreams

are fancy imagination of how you wish to
live in style leading your life in future
 At impressionable age we dream of
becoming a Doctor or an Advocate, a Pilot,
an Architect etc
 For a dream to become a goal - you
need strong & passionate desire to
achieve the goal at any cost.
Dream from childhood

 SSC – Unaware of goals/Fancy dream goal

 Inter – Conscious of goal - select line of
Education to build career
 Degree - pursue a set line of education
Many youngsters do not even know what the
goals are and follow their mentors blindly
It is important to pursue the chosen field with
the same passion of a child
Intense Desire:
 Intensity equal to energy required to push a
Rocket beating the earth’s gravitation pull
‘Escape Velocity’.
 Student of Socrates asked - how he could achieve
his goal, took him to a nearby pond and pushed
him into the water. Kept his head under water
 Indication of intense desire
 is a driving force - keeps people working all hours
 up early even before the rest of the world and
 retiring late to bed
 Written: Goal must be written down, re-written
for changes and fine tuning for clarity of the mind.
Brain & Nerve coordination
 Thought process produces impulses
carried by nerves to the brain and
repeated impulse creates path along the
nerves like tracing a path on a lawn.
 Brain does not recognize words and yet
words trigger images. The word lemon
triggers the image of the lemon in the
Your written and fine tuned goals would
trigger images of achieving them.
Multiple Goals:

 What are one’s immediate goal?

Innumerable goals along with one or few
main goals needs synchronization - forms
a set of goals. One prioritizes and allots
time to achieve each one of them.
 Other supplementary goals like
learning French, playing instrument,
singing, dancing…and the list goes on!
 Success lies in allotting time for each,
ranking them and prioritise them
Shifting & ever changing Goals:
 With the main goal achieve
Achieve other goals simultaneously or sequentially.
 Juggling of goals on constant review of status of
 When immediate goal is thru; the next main goal
presents itself - rework priorities and allot time
 So goals seem to shift with passing of time
and when you actually achieve some goals
 While on a good job one still needs to set goals of
growth either within or in others. Here lies the
greatest difficulty in that, of deciding what and
when it is enough?
How easy is it to set goals?

 Unlike one presumes, goal setting is not

an easy task.
 In reality it’s an exercise in problem
solving. Self evaluate to answer a series
of questions identifying choices to decide
where you want to go and what you want
to achieve.
 Once goals are set, it needs constant
review and reviewing
Question yourself?
Consider the following questions and finding answers to
them will lead you towards goal setting.

 What are my goals in Life?

 What must I do to achieve them?
 What do I want to be in relevance to time – immediately,
short term, medium term and long term?
 What abilities and experience do I possess and what do I
need to achieve or acquire to reach my goals.
 What are the obstacles in my path? Can I overcome the
obstacles or should I revise my goals?
 Do I have a mentor; if not, can I acquire one?
Answers to these questions are not easy yet we cannot
ignore them. Start by putting them in writing even if it is
in a vague form
SMARTGOALS: The five way test.

 S Specific -> Who? What? When? Where? Which? Why

 M Measurable -> How much? How many? How will I

know? Quantify by no. if possible

 A Attainable -> Attitude, Abilities & skills, financial
capability, hidden opportunity
 R Realistic <-> Have you accomplished something
similar, are you willing & able,
are you motivated
 T Timely <-> Set a date/dateline, mention duration

Eg Jump from 5th floor-achievable but not realistic. Flat on

moon, realistic but not attainable.
Synonyms to help
 S Specific <-> Systematic, Synergistic,
Significant, Stretching
 M Measurable <-> Motivating, memorable,
meaningful, magical
 A Attainable <-> Achievable, Accountability,
Action plan, Agreed upon
 R Realistic <-> Relevant, reasonable, result-
resonating, result- oriented,
reliable, rooted in facts and
 T Timely <-> Time bound, tangible, thoughtful
Feedback form
 Name
 Super Goal/Dream when
 in high School
 In Intermediate
 In Degree – On Course or Deviated?
 Are you happy with the present status?
 What do you prefer to do?
 What are your other goals or
 How good is your English & do you want to
 Your role model & Hero/Heroine

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