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Tell me about yourself

Talk about your education, work experience, certifications,

projects, strengths and your skill set.
What are your career goals?
Align your goals to the companies requirement.
What are your strengths?
Talk about your strength and back it up with an example
What are your weakness?
Talk about a mild-weakness but also describe how you overcame
What did you like about your
last job?
Align your points of liking your previous company to the current
company objectives.
Why do you want this job?
Talk about the company and back up every point with a skill that
you possess.
How long do you want to
work here?
Use the term “long-term”. Also say that you are interested in the work-life balance, salary, work
ethics and career development are your main objectives and that you find them in the current
Where do you see yourself
in five years?
This question is to check if you are a good long-term fit. So, tell them you want to grow in
your career, get a XYZ certification, etc. Again, align to the company’s requirement.
Do you have any questions
for me?
Ask for their journey in the company, work culture,
programming language used internally, etc
Why should we hire you?
Talk about your skill sets and your strengths. Also
tell that you are passionate and ambitious which will
make you a good asset for the company.
Tell us about your favourite
Talk about the subjects with best grades and back it up by saying
how you actually applied that knowledge
Do you have any previous
experience in this field?
Support your answer with intern experience or with project
Where do you see yourself
in the company?
As a person with good work experience and continuing to be a good
asset for their reputed company.
Describe the color yellow to
somebody who is color blind.
Talk about its psychological effect (used for caution,
represents joy). Back it up with some examples
based on what the person likes. If the person likes
flowers, give the example of sunflowers, tulips, etc.
What was the last project
that you handled?
Prepare 3 case studies for the projects that you have worked with
and let 1 case be for a recent project.
What are your future plans for
the company if permanently
Devotion towards the work. The consistent upgrade of
knowledge on the trending tech and job market will help
me and my team reach better decision during any phase.
Are you comfortable with
travelling and staying in different
Yes. And tell them how and what you will do in that
situation. Find a staying room, learn the basic
language to survive and familiarize with some
locations like restaurants, libraries, etc.
What would the person who likes
you the least in the world say
about you?
Indirect way of asking your weakness. Talk about your weakness
and how you worked/work to overcome it.
Are you capable enough to
handle multiple profiles, in case
of an emergency or required?
Say yes. And back it up with some event. Like a project that you
wanted to do as a team but ended up and a solo project.
We appraise candidates after their
performance reviews, are you ok
with reviews every one year?
Yes. And say that you more than happy to abide by the rules and regulations of the company. Also,
tell that you trust that the company decisions are not partial because of the reviews you found at
LinkedIn and Glassdoor
How will you be coordinating your team
as a manager and what changes you
can do into the outcome?
By daily updates on reports and clear assignments on what each
person should do. Back it up with an example and talk about Pair-
programming or assigning work based on employee strengths, etc for
change in outcome.
What will your do when a client is
asking you to provide something
which doesn’t make any sense?
Brainstorm with your team and research about the current tech and
trends related to it. Talk to other employees who can help.
How has the use of electronic
gadgets have affected your
personal/professional life?
Talk positive. Like your laptop has helped in college work as
well as your project work. As for personal, talk about boosting
your confidence and knowledge through some YouTube
channels and well as some enjoyment like cricket match.
Who is your favourite role
Choose a person for their soft skills and not based on technical skills.
Like your parent, a teacher, a college senior, a relative, a friend.
Talk about a memorable day
in your life
Talk about your first win (or) first intern offer (or) 10th/12th/semester
results announced day (or) first payday.
What are your hobbies?
Talk about constructive hobbies and talk about your recent work
that you did in it.
Does night shift work for
Say yes and maybe back it up by saying that you are adaptive and
you are a night owl on typical learning days.
What knowledge do you
have on this company?
Pure research. Prepare points on the company goals, employees,
profit in the last financial year, reviews, competitors, branches, etc
What do you want to do
when you join us?
Talk about applying your skills and domain knowledge at a full
scale for the work assigned.
What salary do you expect?
Talk about work ethics, work-life balance, learning outcomes takes
greater priority than salary for a fresher. Also, make sure you research
for a range of the salary for the position that you are applying. Talk
about your research and ask the interviewer for the range and tell them
you expect in the higher side of the range.
What experience did you gather
from your previous position?
Pure preparation. Align with the company goals.
What is your dream job?
Your dream job is the current role that you have applied. And talk
about your career path towards it.
What future trends do you
see in the company?
Pure research. Try to keep your domain first and also talk about
the trends in other domains.
If you have had the chance to
learn about us, what would you
change in our company?
Pure research. Talk about one or two points about the company
weakness that you feel.
Do you think you can fit in
our company?
Talk about the company goals and align your strengths in favour to
Among all projects you have
been involved in, what is the
best one?
Gives a glimpse of your liking. Align to the company goals.
Have you ever been on a project
you would never want to work
again on? Why so?
Talk about a project that you did not like because of lack of knowledge
and then you started liking it when you digged the topic a bit deeper.
What is important to you while
choosing the team to work with?
Good communication, team player and required skill set.
Imagine you are getting a job offer from
two other companies and us. How
would you decide which one accept?
You would decide based on the job role, company exposure and
job stability.
Why are you looking for a
job right now?
Because you want to implement your knowledge in the real world.
What was the biggest lesson you
learned over the last two year?
Talk about your mistakes and how you handled it. Be positive and
talk only on technical and career related stuff.
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