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Fish anatomy

Sensory organs
Sensory organs
• Fish senses, such as sight, hearing, taste buds (gustation), or smell (olfaction) are
utilized to assist in acquiring food, to defend against predators and in some cases for
schooling with others of their own species.
.Sight (Eyes are the photoreceptor organ in fishes and resembles in structure with other
vertebrates, Fishes have monocular vision. The field of view of each eye is considerably
enlarged and extended forward continues laterally to almost behind the fish)
Gustatory system (feeding)
Olfaction (Detecting danger, non sexual, social interaction, orientation, reproductive
Sensory organs
Sensory organs
• Fishes also have unique sensory structure or complex organs called lateral lines
which generally run down the lateral surfaces of the body starting at the head and
ending at or near the start of the tail.
• The lateral line has nerves that are able to pick up sensory information about water
• With this, fishes can detect when the water around them moves, alerting them of a
passing nearby fish.
• Lateral lines in some species contain electroreceptors, which can detect electric
signals in water generated by other organisms.
Sensory organs
• A vertebrate organ found especially in fish that contains sensory cells
capable of detecting electric fields.
• Fish use passive electroreception to supplement or replace their other
senses when detecting prey and predators. In sharks, sensing an electric
dipole alone is sufficient to cause them to try to eat it.
• See the link given below
Sensory organs
Human share some common body parts with
Lungs Gills
Stomach Stomach
Liver Liver
Kidneys Kidneys
Ears Lateral line system, otoliths
Skin Scales and slime layer
Nose Nares

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