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– The territory of Japan is made up of four
large islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and
Kyushu, and other smaller islands.
– Japan is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean
with dense cities, imperial palaces,
mountainous national parks, and thousands
of shrines and temples.

– In Japan they treat the elderly, children and the blind better, give
thanks for everything, when entering the house they take off their
shoes and they used a mask since before the pandemic.

• Teru Teru Bozu, the rain charm from Japan.

– Teru Teru Bōzu is a traditional Japanese doll-shaped amulet usually
made of white paper or cloth and filled with cotton. This amulet is
usually hung in the windows of houses with the intention of attracting
good weather or stopping the rain. A tradition that all children in
Japan know and that even has a popular song associated with it.
• In Japan they do many festivals.
– Hozuki Ichi: The Asakusa Flower Festival.
• Hozuki Ichi ( ほ お ず き 市 ) is a Buddhist festival that has been celebrated in Asakusa (Tokyo) every year on
July 9 and 10 for 200 years.

– Tanabata: The festival of the stars.

• Tanabata ( 七夕 ), also called the festival of the stars, is a tradition that is celebrated annually in Japan on July
7, although there are some regions where it is celebrated in August.

– Hakata Gion Yamakasa: The Fukuoka Festival.

• Hakata Gion Yamakasa ( 博 多 祇 園 山 笠 ), is an ancient and important festival from the 13th century that
takes place in the Hakata neighborhood located in the center of Fukuoka during the first half of July. It is one of
the biggest festivals in Fukuoka and the island of Kyushu. Its designation as Important Intangible Cultural
Heritage and one of the 100 soundscapes of Japan, attest to its cultural significance. Annually attracts more
than 1 million viewers.

– Aizen Matsuri
• Aizen Matsuri ( 大阪 愛 染 祭 り ) is a major Buddhist festival held annually from June 30 to July 2 at
the Shoman-in Aizen-do Temple in Osaka. The festival is dedicated to the deity Aizen Myo-o. He is
considered the god of love, charms, marriage, and good luck.
What to see in Japan?
• Kioto
– In Kyoto there are incredible temples.
• 1. Fushimi Inari Shrine.
– one of the most important landmarks in Kyoto with this guided tour. You will fall in love with the Fushimi Inari-Taisha Shrine not only for its architecture, but
also for its beautiful surroundings.
• 2. Kiyomizu-Dera Temple.
– In Japanese it means “temple of pure water”, it was built in 778 in the eastern hills of Kyoto, in the same place where the Otowa waterfall is located. The
building juts out from the hill and offers visitors spectacular views of the city.
• 3. The Kinkaku-ji Temple or Golden Pavilion.
– Originally built in 1397 as the resting village of the shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, called Kitayama, after his death his son transformed the building into a Zen
temple for the Rinzai sect.
• 4. Ginkaku-ji Temple or Silver Pavilion.
– It is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. His official name is Jishō-ji. It is one of the iconic constructions of the Higashiyama Culture of the Muromachi Period.
• 5. To-ji Temple.
– Tō-ji is a Shingon Buddhist temple in the city of Kyoto, Japan. At one time it had an associated temple, the Sai-ji. Formerly the Tō-ji was known as the Kyō-ō-
gokoku-ji, a name that made reference to its previous function as a protective temple of the nation.
• 6. Yasaka Shrine.
– Yasaka Shrine, sometimes also called Gion Shrine, is a Shinto shrine located in the Gion district of Kyoto, Japan.
• 7. Ryoanji Zen Garden.
– El templo del dragón tranquilo y pacífico) es un templo Zen situado en Kioto, Japón. Forma parte del conjunto de Monumentos históricos de la antigua Kioto
(ciudades de Kioto, Uji y Otsu) declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en el año 1994. El templo fue creado por la escuela Myoshinji de los
Rinzai, pertenecientes al Budismo Zen.
• Why did I choose Japan?

• I have chosen Japan because I like anime, video games and ramen.

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