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Midterm Exams in

Philippine Politics, Governance,

and Citizenship
Prof. Erwin Vicman R. Lara
1) Discuss the concept of politics.
2) Discuss the concept of governance.
3) Discuss the concept of corporate social responsibility.
4) Discuss the concept of Business and Human Rights or the Ruggie
5) What are the elements of Good Governance? Discuss and apply in the
Philippine context.
6) Discuss the importance of good governance in the fight against
corruption and sustainable human development. Illustrate.
7) Discuss the concept and elements of the State.
8) Discuss the archipelagic doctrine.

1) Where is the Philippines ideologically aligned? Explain the characteristics

of the Philippine political economy to support your answer.
• Make a table/matrix showing the major stakeholders/business entities
in various sectors of the Phil. economy e.g., construction, energy
including electricity, trade, food and beverages, malls, water, schools,
hospitals, etc..
2) Identify the major political parties in the Philippines and their ideologies
and make a political spectrum showing their political alignments. Then
explain how the political parties affect governance in the Philippines.
3) Discuss the political system as a democratic republican state.
4) Discuss the Presidential form of government in the Philippines.

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