8-Ch15 Rectilinear motion (2)

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Uniform Rectilinear Motion (URM)

Uniform Rectilinear Motion: when the speed
is constant during motion.
The trajectory of the moving body is a
straight line.
The distance covered during equal interval
of time are equal.
The average speed between any two instants
is equal the instantaneous speed and

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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion (URM)

Time equation Motion of URM:

If a body moves in positive sense with a speed V
such that at the instant t0 =0 the body was at X0,
then its position at instant t is:

𝑿 = 𝑽𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎

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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Time equation Motion: graphically

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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Time equation Motion: graphically

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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Example 1: The position of a particle in terms of
time t is given by: 𝒙 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝒕 where x in cm & t in sec.
1. Calculate the initial position 𝒙𝟎 at 𝒕𝟎 = 𝟎.
2. Find the positions: 𝒙𝟏 , 𝒙𝟐 , 𝒙𝟑 , 𝒙𝟒 , 𝒙𝟓 , 𝒙𝟔
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝟏
= 𝟏𝒔, 𝒕𝟐 = 𝟐, 𝒕𝟑 = 𝟑𝒔, 𝒕𝟒 = 𝟒𝒔, 𝒕𝟓 = 𝟓𝒔, 𝒕𝟔 = 𝟔𝒔.
3. Represent graphically x as a function of t.
𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆: 𝒙 − 𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒔: 𝟏𝒄𝒎 → 𝟏𝒔
𝒚 − 𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒔: 𝟏𝒄𝒎 → 𝟏. 𝟓𝒄𝒎
4. Find graphically the speed.
5. What is the
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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion
(URM) Solution of Example 1:
1. Calculate the initial position 𝒙𝟎 at 𝒕𝟎

= 𝟎.
𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐱 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝐭; 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝒕 = 𝟎 →
𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝟏 = 𝟏𝒔; 𝒙𝟏 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝟏𝒔 → 𝒙𝟏 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝒄𝒎
𝟎 𝒙 𝟎 = 𝟏.
𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝟐 = 𝟐𝒔; 𝒙𝟐 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝟎𝟐𝒔 → = 𝒙𝟎𝟐 = 𝟑𝒄𝒎
2. Find
𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝟑 = the
𝟑𝒔; 𝒙positions: 𝒙 , 𝒙𝟐 𝟑, 𝒙=𝟑 ,𝟒. 𝟓𝒄𝒎
𝟑 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝟑𝒔 𝟏→ 𝒙
𝒙 𝟒 , 𝒙𝒕
𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝟓𝟒, =
𝒙𝟔 𝟒𝒔;
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒙𝟏 𝟒 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝟒𝒔 → 𝒙𝟒 = 𝟔𝒄𝒎
= 𝟏𝒔, 𝒕𝟓𝒕= 𝟓𝒔; 𝒙 = 𝟑𝒔,
𝟐 = 𝟐, 𝒕𝟑𝟓 = 𝟏. 𝟓𝒕𝟒𝟓𝒔 → 𝒙𝒕𝟓𝟓 = 𝟕. 𝟓𝒄𝒎
= 𝟒𝒔,
𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒕𝟔 = =
𝟓𝒔, 𝟔𝒔;
𝟔𝒔.𝒙𝟔 = 𝟏. 𝟓 𝟔𝒔 → 𝒙𝟔 = 𝟗𝒄𝒎
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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion
Solution of Example 1:
3. Represent
graphically x as
a function of t.
𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒆: 𝒙 − 𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒔: 𝟏𝒄𝒎
→ 𝟏𝒔
𝒚 − 𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒔: 𝟏𝒄𝒎
→ 𝟏. 𝟓𝒄𝒎

See the graph.

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1. Uniform Rectilinear Motion
(URM) Solution of Example 1:
4. Find graphically the speed.
∆𝒙 (𝟗 − 𝟑) × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐
𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 = 𝑽 = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟓𝒎
∆𝒕 𝟔−𝟐
5. What is the nature of motion.
The curve is St. Line passing through origin
then the motion is URM.

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion
UARM: when the speed of the body increases with
time and the acceleration is constant.
The distance traveled during interval of time
is not constant but increase with time.
The average and instantaneous speeds increases
with time.
 The acceleration(a) is constant over time.

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
Motion Time equation Motion of UARM:
A body moves in with acceleration (a),
and at 𝒕𝟎
= 𝟎 the body passes by the point 𝐌𝟎 with
abscissa 𝟏 𝟐
Its position
𝐱𝟎 and is: 𝐕𝟎. Then at time𝐱 t:
a speed = 𝐚𝐭 + 𝐕𝟎 𝐭 + 𝐱𝟎

Its speed is: 𝐯 = 𝐚𝐭 + 𝐯𝟎

Relation of V and x is: 𝐯𝟐 − 𝐯𝟎𝟐 = 𝟐𝐚(𝐱 − 𝐱𝟎 )

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
For V=at+V0

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
𝑽 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 ; 𝐢𝐟 𝐕𝟎 𝑽 = 𝒂𝒕

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
𝟏 𝟐
𝒙 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎 𝟏
𝟐 𝒙 = 𝒂𝒕𝟐 + 𝒙𝟎
𝐢𝐟 𝐕𝟎 = 𝟎; then 𝟐

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
𝟏 𝟐 𝟏
𝒙 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎 𝒙 = 𝒂𝒕 𝟐
𝟐 𝟐
𝐢𝐟 𝐱𝟎 = 𝟎 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝟎 = 𝟎

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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
Motion Example 2:
The time equation of motion is: 𝒙 = 𝟒 𝒕𝟐
+ 𝟏𝟎𝒕 + 𝟐
in SI units.
1. What is the nature of motion? Justify.
2. What is the value of 𝑽𝟎 , 𝒙𝟎 , & 𝒂.
3.Find the position of body at t=1s by two different
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2. Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
Motion of Example 2:
1. What is the nature of motion? Justify.
By comparing 𝒙 = 𝟒 𝒕𝟐 + 𝟏𝟎𝒕 + 𝟐 with 𝒙 𝒂𝒕𝟐
+ 𝑽𝟎𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎. The motion is UARM.
2. What is the value of 𝑽𝟎 , 𝒙𝟎 , &
• 𝑽𝟎 = 𝟏𝟎𝒎Τ𝒔 .
•• 𝟐𝒙𝒂𝟎 == 𝟐𝒎.
𝟒 → 𝒂 = 𝟖𝒎 ∕ 𝒔𝟐

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2.Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear
Motion Solution of Example 2:
3.Find the position of body at t=1s by two different
𝒙 = 𝟒 𝒕𝟐 + 𝟏𝟎𝒕 + 𝟐
For t=1s: 𝒙 = 𝟒 (𝟏)𝟐 + 𝟏𝟎(𝟏) + 𝟐
→ 𝒙 = 𝟏𝟔𝒎

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3. Uniformly Decelerated Rectilinear
UDRM: when the speed of the body decreases with
time. The acceleration is constant. 𝒂 = ∆𝒕 < 𝟎.
Time equation Motion of UARM:
A body moves in positive sense with acceleration
(a), knowing that at t0=0 the body passes by the
point M0 of abscissa (X0) with a speed (V0), Then:

Its position at instant t is:

Its speed at instant t is:

Relation of V & x at t
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3. Uniformly Decelerated Rectilinear
V = at +V0

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3. Uniformly Decelerated Rectilinear

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3. Uniformly Decelerated Rectilinear
Example 3: A particle D moving on a straight line
path changes its position according to the
time equation: 𝒙 = −𝟎. 𝟖𝒕𝟐 + 𝟐𝟎𝒕 + 𝟏. 𝟑 in SI units.
1.Compare the given time equation to the
general form and deduce the type of motion of the
particle D.
2. Give the constant values of 𝑽𝟎, 𝒂, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒙𝟎.
3. Write the speed time equation of particle D.
4.Determine the acceleration, the speed, and
the position of D at t=2.7s.

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3. Uniformly Decelerated Rectilinear
Solution of Example 3:
1. Compare the given time equation to the
general form and deduce the type of motion of the
particle D. By compare 𝒙 = −𝟎. 𝟖𝒕𝟐 + 𝟐𝟎𝒕 + 𝟏. 𝟑 with
𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒂𝒕𝟐 + 𝑽 𝒕 + 𝒙 then:
formgeneral 𝟎 𝟎
The motion is Uniform accelerated rectilinear motion.

2. Give the constant values of 𝑽𝟎, 𝒂, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒙𝟎.

• 𝑽𝟎 = 𝟐𝟎𝒎 ∕ 𝒔
• 𝟐𝟏 𝒂 = −𝟎. 𝟖 → 𝒂 = −𝟏. 𝟔𝒎Τ𝒔𝟐
• 𝒙𝟎 = 𝟏. 𝟑𝒎
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3. Uniformly Decelerated Rectilinear
Solution of Example 3:
3. Write the speed time equation of particle D.
𝑽 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 then 𝑽 = −𝟏. 𝟔𝒕 + 𝟐𝟎

4. Determine the acceleration, the speed, and

the position of D at t=2.7s.
• The acceleration is constant over time then:
𝒂 = −𝟏. 𝟔𝒎Τ𝒔𝟐
• 𝑽 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 → 𝑽 = −𝟏. 𝟔 𝟐. 𝟕 + 𝟐𝟎
→ 𝑽 = 𝟏𝟓. 𝟔𝟖𝒎 ∕ 𝒔
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Grade 10 solving problems
Exercise 1:
The graph below shows the variation of abscissa as
a function of time for a moving body.

1.Find the speeds of

the car VA, VB and VC
at point A, B and C.
the acceleration of
the car along OA, AB
and BC. . Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 27
Grade 10 solving problems Physics

3.What is the nature of the motion of the car

in each phase.
4.Calculate the distance covered by the car in each
phase (OA, AB and BC).

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Grade 10 solving problems Physics
Solution of Exercise 1:
1. Find the speeds of the car VA, VB and VC at point
A, B and C.
using the given figure:
• 𝐕𝐀 = 𝟒𝟎𝐦Τ𝒔

• 𝐕𝑩 = 𝟒𝟎𝐦Τ𝒔
• 𝐕𝑪 = 𝟎𝐦 ∕ 𝒔

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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 1:
2. Calculate the acceleration of the car along
OA, AB and BC.

• 𝐚𝐎𝐀 𝑽𝑨 −𝑽𝑶
= 𝒕𝑨−𝒕=𝑶 𝟒𝟎−𝟎
= 𝟔. 𝟔𝟕𝐦Τ𝒔𝟐
• 𝐚𝐀𝐁 = 𝑽𝑩−𝑽𝑨 = 𝟒𝟎−𝟒𝟎 = 𝟎𝐦Τ𝒔𝟐 .
𝒕𝑩−𝒕𝑨 𝟏𝟒−𝟔
• 𝐚𝑩𝑪 = 𝑽𝑪−𝑽𝑩 = 𝟎−𝟒𝟎
= −𝟒𝐦Τ𝒔𝟐
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Grade 10 solving problems Physics
Solution of Exercise 1:
3. What is the nature of the motion of the car
in each phase.

• For OA: 𝒂 = 𝟔. 𝟔𝟕𝒎Τ𝒔>𝟐 𝟎 then the motion is

• For AB: a=0m then the motion is URM.

•For BC: 𝒂 = −𝟒 𝒎Τ𝒔𝟐 < 𝟎 then the motion

is UARM.
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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 1:
4. Calculate the distance covered by the car in each
phase (OA, AB and BC).


𝑽𝟐 − 𝑽𝟐 = 𝟐𝒂 𝒙𝑨 − 𝒙𝑶
𝑨 𝑶 → 𝟒𝟎 𝟐 − 𝟎 𝟐

𝟒𝟎 𝟐
= 𝟐 𝟔. 𝑶𝑨 → 𝑶𝑨 = = 𝟏𝟏𝟗.
𝟐 𝟔.
𝟔𝟕 𝟗𝒎
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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 1:
4. Calculate the distance covered by the car in each
phase (OA, AB and BC).


𝒙 = 𝑽𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎 → 𝒙𝑩 = 𝑽𝑩𝒕 + 𝒙𝑨 → 𝒙𝑩 − 𝒙𝑨 = 𝑽𝑩𝒕

→ 𝑨𝑩 = 𝑽𝑩𝒕 = 𝟒𝟎𝒎Τ𝒔 × 𝟖𝒔 = 𝟑𝟐𝟎𝒎

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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 1:
4. Calculate the distance covered by the car in each
phase (OA, AB and BC).


𝑽𝟐 − 𝑽𝟐 = 𝟐𝒂 𝒙𝑪 − 𝒙𝑩
𝑪 𝑩 → 𝟎 𝟐 − 𝟒𝟎 𝟐

− 𝟒𝟎 𝟐
= 𝟐 −𝟒 𝑩𝑪 → 𝑩𝑪 = = 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒎
𝟐 −𝟒

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Grade 10 solving problems Physics

Exercise 2: A puck thrown on a horizontal air table.

The recording of the motion of the
puck is given below with time interval τ =20ms.

1.Compare the distance traveled by the puck

in equal time interval.
2.Calculate the average speed of the puck between
any two instants.

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Grade 10 solving problems Physics
Exercise 2:
3.Calculate the instantaneous speed for
any instants. Conclude.
4.Calculate the average acceleration of the
puck between any two instants.
5. What is the nature of motion.

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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 2:
1. Compare the distance traveled by the puck
in equal time interval.

According to the figure and by using ruler

to measure the distance, we notice that:
𝑴𝟎 𝑴𝟏 = 𝑴𝟏 𝑴𝟐 = 𝑴𝟐 𝑴𝟑 = 𝑴𝟑 𝑴𝟒 = ⋯ = 𝟏. 𝟕𝒄𝒎

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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 2:
2. Calculate the average speed of the puck
between any two instants.

𝑴𝟏𝑴𝟑 = 𝟑. 𝟒 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎
= 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓𝒎
𝑽𝟏,𝟑 = 𝟐𝝉 ∕ 𝒔
𝑴𝟐𝑴𝟓 𝟐 × 𝟐𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎 −𝟑𝒔
= 𝟓. 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎 𝒎 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓𝒎

𝑽𝟐,𝟓 = 𝟑𝝉 ∕ 𝒔
𝑽𝟏,𝟑 =𝟑𝑽×𝟐,𝟓𝟐𝟎=×𝟎.𝟏𝟎 𝟖𝟓𝒎−𝟑𝒔

∕ Teacher
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Grade 10 solving Physics
Solution of Exercise 2: speed for
3. Calculate the any
instantaneous instants.
𝑴𝟏𝑴𝟑 = 𝟑. 𝟒 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓𝒎
𝑽𝟐 =
𝟐𝝉 ∕ 𝒔
We conclude the 𝟐instantaneous
× 𝟐𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑𝒔 speed
=average speed = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓𝒎 ∕ 𝒔

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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 2:
4. Calculate the average acceleration of the
puck between any two instants.
𝑽𝟑 − 𝑽𝟐 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓 − 𝟎. 𝟖𝟓
𝒂𝟐,𝟑 = = =𝟎
𝟐𝝉 𝟐𝝉
5. What is the nature of motion.
Because the speed is constant over time and the
acceleration is zero, then the motion is Uniform
Rectilinear motion (URM).

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Grade 10 solving problems
Exercise 3:
The abscissa of a cyclist G, at any instant t is
given by: 𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝒕𝟐 where x in m and t in s.
1. Determine the position of G at the origin of time 𝒕𝟎.
2. What is the distance covered by the cyclist after 3s.
3. The motion of the body is UARM. Justify.
4. Calculate the acceleration of G.
5.The cyclist leaves from rest at the origin of time.
a.Give the expression of the instantaneous speed of G.
b.Calculate the speed of the cyclist at t=3s.

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Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 3:
1. Determine the position of G at the origin of time 𝒕𝟎.
𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝒕𝟐
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝟎 = 𝟎; 𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔 𝟎 → 𝒙 = 𝟎
2. What is the distance covered by the cyclist after 3s.
𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝒕𝟐
𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕 = 𝟑𝒔; 𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔(𝟑)𝟐 → 𝒙 = 𝟐𝟑. 𝟒𝒎
2. The motion of the body is UARM. Justify.
𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝒕𝟐; This equation satisfy the time equation
𝟏 𝟐
= 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎 which is for UARM.
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Grade 10 solving problems Physics
Solution of Exercise 3:
4. Calculate the acceleration of G.
By comparing 𝒙 = 𝟐. 𝟔𝒕𝟐 𝒙 = 𝟏 𝒂𝒕𝟐 + 𝑽𝟎𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎
with we get:
𝟐. 𝟔 = 𝒂 → 𝒂 = 𝟓. 𝟐𝒎 ∕ 𝒔𝟐
5. The cyclist leaves from rest at the
origin of time.
a.Give the expression of the
instantaneous speed of G.
𝑽 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎
𝑽 = 𝟓. 𝟐𝒕𝑽 →=𝑽𝟓. =
𝟐𝒕𝟓.+𝟐𝟎𝟑→ →
𝑽= 𝑽=𝟓. 𝟏𝟓.
𝟐𝒕 𝟓𝒎
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Grade 10 solving problems
Exercise 4:
Consider the trajectory of a moving puck on the air
table; the points are recorded at instant separated
by equal time interval τ=60ms. The scale is ¼.

1. Calculate the instantaneous velocity

𝒕𝟏, 𝒕𝟐, 𝒕𝟑, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝟒, then tabulate the results.
2.Draw the graph that represents the variation of the
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velocity with respect to t. 44
Grade 10 solving problems
Exercise 4:
3. Determine the velocity 𝑽𝟎 of the moving puck
𝒕𝟎 = 𝟎.
4. Deduce the nature of the motion.
5. Calculate the acceleration.
6.Determine the equation of the velocity as
a function of t. deduce the velocity at 𝒕𝟓.
7.Write down the time equation of the moving
puck, and then calculate the covered distance45
. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved
Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 4: τ=60ms. The scale is ¼.
1. Calculate the instantaneous velocity
𝒕𝟏, 𝒕𝟐, 𝒕𝟑, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝟒, then tabulate the results.
𝑮𝟎𝑮𝟐 = 𝟐. 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 × 𝟒
𝑽𝟏 = = 𝟎.
𝟐𝝉 𝟐 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎 −𝟑

𝟕𝟑𝒎Τ𝒔 .
𝑮𝟏𝑮𝟑 = 𝟐. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎 −𝟐 × 𝟒

𝑽𝟐 = = 𝟎.
𝟐𝝉 𝟐 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎 −𝟑

𝟖𝟑𝒎Τ𝒔 .

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 46

Grade 10 solving problems Physics
Solution of Exercise 4:
𝑮𝟐 𝑮=𝟒 𝟐. 𝟖 ×
𝑽𝟑 = = 𝟎.
𝟐𝝉 𝟐−𝟐
𝟏𝟎 × 𝟔𝟎
× 𝟒× 𝟏𝟎−𝟑
𝟗𝟑𝒎Τ𝒔 .
𝑮𝟑 𝑮𝟓 = 𝟑. 𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎 −𝟐 × 𝟒

𝑽𝟒 = = 𝟏.
𝟐𝝉 �
� 𝟎𝟑𝟑𝒎Τ𝒔 .
t(ms) τ 2τ 3τ 4τ

V(m/s) � 0.73 0.83 0.93 1.03

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 47
Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 4:
2. Draw the graph that represents the variation
of the velocity with respect to t.

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 48

Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 4:
3. Determine the velocity 𝑽𝟐 of the moving puck at 𝒕𝟎 = 𝟎.

Referring to
𝑽𝟎 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝒎

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 49

Grade 10 solving problems Physics
Solution of Exercise 4:
4. Deduce the nature of the motion.
The velocity increases with time and the graph of velocity
is Straight line; so the motion is UARM.

5.Calculate the acceleration.

∆𝑽 𝟏. 𝟎𝟑 − 𝟎. 𝟎. 𝟑
𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞 = 𝐚 = = =
∆𝒕 �
→ 𝒂 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟔𝟕𝒎 ∕ 𝒔𝟐 �
𝟒𝝉 − 𝝉

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 50
Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 4:
6. Determine the equation of the velocity as a function of
t. deduce the velocity at 𝒕𝟓.

𝑽 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 then: 𝑽 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟕𝒕 + 𝟎. 𝟔
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝟓 = 𝟓𝝉; 𝑽𝟓 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟕 𝟓𝝉 + 𝟎. 𝟔

𝑽𝟓 = 𝟏. 𝟔𝟕 𝟓 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 + 𝟎. 𝟔
→ 𝑽𝟓 = 𝟏. 𝟏𝟎𝒎 ∕ 𝒔

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 51

Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 4:
7. Write down the time equation of the moving puck,
and then calculate the covered distance between 𝒕𝟑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝟖.
𝟏 𝟐
𝒙 = 𝒂𝒕 + 𝑽𝟎 𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎
𝒙 = (𝟏. 𝟔𝟕)𝒕𝟐 + (𝟎. 𝟔)𝒕
+𝟎 𝟐
𝒙 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟓𝒕𝟐 + (𝟎. 𝟔)𝒕

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 52

Grade 10 solving problems
Solution of Exercise 4:
7. Write down the time equation of the moving puck,
and then calculate the covered distance between 𝒕𝟑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝟖.
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝟑 = 𝟑𝝉;
𝒙𝟑 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟓(𝟑 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 )𝟐 + 𝟑 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑
𝟎. 𝟔
→ 𝒙𝟑 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟑𝟓𝒎
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝟖 = 𝟖𝝉; 𝟖 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎 −𝟑

𝒙𝟖 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟑𝟓(𝟖 × 𝟔𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟑 )𝟐 +
𝒙 = 𝒙𝟖 − 𝒙𝟑 = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟐𝟓 − 𝟑. 𝟑𝟕 = 𝟖. 𝟗𝒄𝒎
𝟎. 𝟔
→ 𝒙𝟑 = 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗𝟎𝒎.
. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 53
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
Consider the motion of a puck on a horizontal air
table. Traces of its center of P are being recorded on
the conduct sheet with a frequency of f=10Hz. The
positions of P are given as follows:
𝒕𝒊(𝒔) 𝟎 𝝉 𝟐𝝉 𝟑𝝉 𝟒𝝉 𝟓𝝉 𝟔𝝉 𝟕𝝉

𝒙𝒊(𝒄𝒎 -2.4 -1.6 -0.8 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2

Note: 𝝉 is the interval separating

time consecutive traces two
of P. . Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 55
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
1. Draw the points 𝑷𝟎, … 𝑷𝟕 on the axis to a scale
→ 𝟏𝒄𝒎.
2. Define the frame of reference used in this study.
3. Give the position vector at 𝒕𝟏.
4. Calculate the average speed between instants 𝒕𝟎& 𝒕𝟕.
5. Calculate the instantaneous speed at 𝒕𝟏, 𝒕𝟑 & 𝒕𝟓.
6.Give the characteristics of the velocity at 𝒕𝟑
and draw it to a suitable scale.
7.Calculate the magnitude of the average acceleration
between the instants 𝒕𝟏 & 𝒕𝟓.
8.Calculate. Done bythe magnitude
Teacher of reserved
Ibrahim Awali. All rights the 56
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time: 20min
9.Explain why the puck is moving in
uniform rectilinear motion.
10.Give the numerical time equations of this motion.
11.Calculate the position of the puck at t=2s.

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 57

Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
Solution of Quiz
1. Draw the points 𝑷𝟎, … 𝑷𝟕 on the axis to a scale 𝟏𝒄𝒎
→ 𝟏𝒄𝒎.

2.Define the frame of reference used in this study.

• Origin of abscissa: at 𝑷𝟑 (x=0)
• Origin of time at 𝒕𝟎 =𝟎
• 𝑿′ 𝑶𝑿 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑷𝟎𝑷𝟕.
. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 58
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time: 20min
Solution of Quiz
3. Give the position vector at 𝒕𝟏 .
𝒓𝟏 = 𝑶𝑷𝟏 = −𝟏.

−𝟐 instants 𝒕𝟎& 𝒕𝟕.

4. Calculate the average speed between
∆𝒙 𝒙𝟕−𝒙𝟎 𝟑.𝟐−(−𝟐.𝟒) ×𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎 𝟓.𝟔×𝟏𝟎
𝑽𝟎,𝟕 = = = =
𝒎 ∆𝒕 𝒕𝟕−𝒕𝟎 𝟕𝝉
= 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒎
𝟕(𝟎.𝟏) 𝟏 𝟏
∕𝒔 Note: 𝝉 = = → 𝝉 = 𝟎.
. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. 𝟏𝒔rights reserved
𝟏𝟎All 59
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
Solution of Quiz
5. Calculate the instantaneous speed at 𝒕𝟏, 𝒕𝟑 & 𝒕𝟓.

𝐏𝟎𝐏𝟐 −𝟏. 𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎

𝐕𝟏 = 𝟐𝛕 = 𝟐 × 𝟎. 𝟏
= 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒎
𝐏𝟐𝐏𝟒 𝟏. 𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎 ∕ 𝒔
𝐕𝟑 = 𝟐𝛕 = 𝟐 × 𝟎. 𝟏
= 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒎
𝐏𝟒𝐏𝟔 𝟏. 𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎 ∕ 𝒔
𝐕𝟓 = = = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒎
𝟐𝛕 𝟐×
. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 60
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
Solution of Quiz
6. Give the characteristics of the velocity at 𝒕𝟑
and draw it to a suitable scale.

• Point of application: 𝑷𝟑
•Line of action: line tangent
horizontal trajectory.

• Direction: along 𝑷𝟑𝑷𝟕 (to

• Magnitude:
. Done by𝑽Teacher
𝟑 = 𝟎. Awali.
Ibrahim 𝟎𝟖𝒎/𝒔 All rights reserved 61
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
Solution of Quiz
7. Calculate the magnitude of the average
acceleration between the instants 𝒕𝟏 & 𝒕𝟓.
∆𝑽 𝑽𝟓 − 𝑽𝟏 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖
𝒂𝟏,𝟓 = = = → 𝒂𝟏,𝟓 = 𝟎
∆𝒕 𝟐𝝉 𝟐𝝉

8. Calculate the magnitude of the instantaneous

acceleration at 𝒕𝟐 , &𝒕𝟒 .
𝑽𝟑 − 𝑽𝟏 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖
𝒂𝟐 = = → 𝒂𝟐 = 𝟎
𝟐𝝉 𝟐𝝉
𝑽𝟓 − 𝑽𝟑 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖
𝒂𝟒 = = → 𝒂𝟒 = 𝟎
𝟐𝝉 𝟐𝝉
. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 62
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time: 20min
Solution of Quiz
9. Explain why the puck is in uniform
rectilinear motion.moving
The line joining 𝑷𝟎 𝒕𝒐 𝑷𝟕 is a straight line.
The velocity is constant 𝑽 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒎/𝒔 and the
𝒂 = 𝟎. Then the motion is URM.

10. Give the numerical time equations of this motion.

𝒙 = 𝑽𝒕 + 𝒙𝟎
𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝟎 = 𝟎, 𝒙𝟎 = 𝟐. 𝟒𝒄𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑽 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝐦/𝐬
𝒙 =Ibrahim
. Done by Teacher 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒕Awali.+
All𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟒
rights reserved 63
Grade 10 Quiz in Physics Time:
Solution of Quiz
11. Calculate the position of the puck at t=2s.
𝒙 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝒕 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟒
For t=2s;
𝒙 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖 𝟐 − 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝟒 → 𝒙 = −𝟎. 𝟏𝟑𝟔𝒎 = −𝟏𝟑.

. Done by Teacher Ibrahim Awali. All rights reserved 64

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