Final Analysis

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Data Analysis: Sales Prospects from Home

Mortgage Data
Borrower's Age Sum of Borrower ID Number Sum of % Minority in Local Area Sum of Median Family Income in Local Area Sum of Borrower Annual Income
< 25 1128 1683.98 4388200 7863000
> 74 9329 503.43 1659400 2078000
25 to 34 3625 1284.5 4011700 7004000
35 to 44 23213 3654.79 12013300 18004000
45 to 54 27645 2651.38 8195600 10523000
55 to 64 33220 2702.35 7504600 11839000
65 to 74 27090 1678.59 4877300 6502000
Grand Total 125250 14159.02 42650100 63813000

Age of borrower Count

< 25 47
> 74 19
25 to 34 50
35 to 44 139
55 to 64 88 THE DATABASE
65 to 74 60
LTV Ratio Range vs Number of borrowers

LTV ratio Range Number of borrowers

0-15 3
16-30 7
31-45 34
46-60 80
61-75 34
76-90 34
91-106 34
Age of the borrower vs Annual Income
Analysis of Number of minorities in an area and the number of not a
first time buyers
Analysis of the Average Percentage of minorities in an area


APMBULC- Average % of minorities based upon location code
Analysis of the Number of not a first time buyer vs Area Code
Appraised value of home vs Total
Borrower’s Annual Income vs Total
Observations and Key Insights

From Slide 1 : - >It majorly explains about the sum of all borrower ids, sum of the
percentage of minorities in the local area, sum of borrower’s annual income with
respect to the borrower’s age.
-> The slide provided a basic explanation about the mortgage data.

From Slide 2 : -> It explains about the “Age of the borrower VS the total count”
 The final result came out as, the borrowers with an age group falling between “35
to 44”, were the highest.
 This depicts that, people falling under the age group of 35 to 44, were the ones
who opted / will opt for the mortgage loans. The major reason being : 1. stability
in the job, 2. a clear understanding about the Loan amount required with respect
to the Loan repayment tenure.
 People who are below the age of 25, are the ones, who have recently started with
their career. For such people, the best options we can suggest is to go ahead and
start with “Market based investments”, with a minimum investment tenure of 10
 People above the age of 74, can be categorized as the “one with zero
commitments” and they are already in the phase of “complete retirement with
maybe zero debts”
 People within the age group of 45 to 54 are the ones, who have already taken a
loan and are in the “repayment phase”. We can pitch them about “Loan- Top-up”
 People with the age group of 55 to 64, can be pitched with “Loan-top-up”, if
needed. If not the other product would be about “Basic- retirement-plans”
Observations and Key Insights
From Slide 3 : - > it majorly explains about the factor which explains about the risks which a Bank
takes in terms of providing a “Secured-Loan”.
 It states the percentage of the securing asset, such as a house or car, the lender is willing to
 Thus from the slide we can predict that, the highest number of borrowers have an LTV ratio
with a range of 46-60. And this depicts a healthy LTV ratio.
 People with an LTV ratio in the range of 76-90 & 91-106 are the ones, for which the bank
would need to think about many factors, before lending a loan to the people falling under
the mentioned criteria.
 People with an LTV ratio less than 75, can be considered with providing other loans/ other
services, which will eventually result in bringing more revenue to the bank.

From Slide 4 :- > This slide depicts about the “Age of the borrower vs Annual income”
 It again depicts that, the people with an age group of 35-44 are the one who is withdrawing
an Average Annual Income between 10L- 15L.
 Thus enabling us to target for pitching all the “Loan” an “Investment” associated services
and products.
From Slides 5, 6 & 7 :- > For the Location code 6, there is the highest percentage of minorities
 The bank can focus upon providing the facilities related to the development of the minorities
for the location code 6. This can be done by providing loans at a cheaper rates by taking help
from the government.
 Doing more kind of a “joint-ventures” with the government, which will help the minorities to
uplift themselves.
Observations and Key Insights
From Slide 5, 6 & 7 :- > It also can be observed that, the number of not a first time
buyers for a property based upon the area code is highest for the area code 6.
 Thus it depicts that, we need to have a strong plan in working along with the
government to uplift the minorities, thus creating a balance in the society.

From Slide 8 & 9 :- > It can be depicted that, the “Appraised value of a home with a
range between 1L-5L is the highest. Which means that, the majority of the people
who belong to this category are the ones who have applied for loans with the bank
and belongs to the category of “middle class”.
 It also depicts that, people with annual salary of 1L-3L are the ones, who have
opted for loans from the bank.
 Through these people, for whom the bank charges quite a high amount of interest-
rate, helps the bank to achieve higher profits.
 People with an income bracket between 1L-3l, 3L-5L makes the highest number of
borrowers for the bank.

The analysis of mortgage data reveals that borrowers aged 35-44 with stable jobs
and clear loan understanding are the most common demographic. The bank can
target this group with loan and investment products. Additionally, focusing on
minority development in location code 6 and catering to middle-class borrowers with
annual incomes between 1L-3L and home values between 1L-5L can lead to higher
profits for the bank.

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